
Three Men Assisting In Murder Investigation

Police say three men are assisting with investigations following the murder of Troy "Monkey" Samuel in Bendals last night. The men were reportedly walking with...

Clare Hall Man & Woman Arrested For Firearm, Ammunition And Drugs

A 25yr-old man and his 26yr-old female partner both of Clare Hall, are currently in police custody assisting the police with their investigations after...

Couple Robbed By Knife-Wielding Bandits

A couple was reportedly robbed in Botanical Gardens Saturday night.   According to reports, the two sat down and were about to have a bite to...

Three Priests Robbed At Gunpoint

Three priests were reportedly robbed at gunpoint at Stapleton Lane Saturday night. According to reports, masked intruders entered the men’s homes around 8pm. The robbers reportedly...

Antiguan Man Faces Vehicular Homicide Charges In Death Of Sanitation Worker

(CBS 46) An Antiguan man is behind bars after police say he crashed his vehicle into a sanitation worker and left the scene in Union...

25,000 Dollars Reward For Information Leading To The Arrest Of Armed Robbers

A reward of 25 thousand dollars is being offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the armed men who robbed the...

Man Shaken Up After Being Robbed While On Date

A man on a date at Ffryes Beach was the victim of a robbery where thieves took his car and money as well as...

Former Cop Accuses Two Corporals of Harassment

  A former police officer, Joshua Quinland, has accused two corporals within the Royal Police Force of Antigua and Barbuda of personally and physically violating...

Teenager Found With Namba’s Phone Remanded

The teenager found with former minister Eleston ‘Namba’ Adams' phone was remanded in custody. The 15 year old male from Grays Farm has been charged...

Man Who Ran From Police Slapped With Ten Charges, Bailed

The man caught on camera resisting arrest, Okean Lightfoot, appeared before the court on Thursday and was granted bail. The matter was heard at the...

Robberies Spike As Christmas Gets Closer

Police are currently probing an armed robbery at Charlie's Service Station where the thieves took off with an undisclosed sum of money on Saturday...

Accounts Clerk Admits To Stealing Close To 200k From Anchorage Inn

Althea Dinard, a former accounts clerk at Anchorage Inn, has pleaded guilty in High Court yesterday to the accusation of embezzling $181,578.31 from her...

Armed Robbers Terrorise Man And His Family In McKinnons

A McKinnons man has reported that his family was terrorised by armed robbers last week. The man says two men broke into his home and...