Police are currently probing an armed robbery at Charlie’s Service Station where the thieves took off with an undisclosed sum of money on Saturday night.
According to Police Inspector Frankie Thomas, the incident reportedly took place at around 9:15 pm and the robbers arrived at the station in a black car.
“It was reported that around 9:15 pm or thereabout a black car with two or more occupants drove into the Charlie’s station and allegedly robbed one of the female pump attendants of a non-disclosed sum of money.” said Thomas.
Armed robbers also reportedly robbed Dees Service Station on Saturday night around 9:30 pm and stole an undisclosed sum of money.
According to reports, the robbers pulled up in a black vehicle and demanded money.
A gas pump attendant reportedly threw her money bag at the men, who took it and sped off.
According to Thomas, the perpetrators were described to be around 6’0″ in height and were said to be wearing dark camouflaged clothing with their faces covered.
In addition, a woman was robbed at gunpoint the same night at around 11 pm at General Bar in Cooks Hill.
Two masked men reportedly demanded money, phones and jewelry from patrons and the woman, the attendant, was struck in the forehead by one of the men.
The men fled the scene with an undisclosed sum of money and whatever they could get from patron.
Thomas is, therefore, urging the public to be more viligant.
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It may have been better to advise the citizenry what is being done to bring respite to them. Moreover, they should be looking into these;
(i) …Why the Rapid Response Unit was not deployed to ‘Charlie’s Service Station? and
(ii) …Why the frightened attendant was put on to Parham Police station only to be reportedly told that no vehicle was readily available to respond to the crime scene with immediacy?’
Incidentally, unlike other ‘…Sunday operations,’ by 6 pm. Charlie’s Service Station was under lock down.
Might just be time for some personnel of varying ranks to ‘…Shape up or Ship out.’
Thank you! Finally some truth behind all of this! The Police are not doing their job. All they say continuously is to be more vigilant! I think this is a case of the public having to resort to VIGILANTe! It appears that’s the only way to go.
Damn Mr Pumpey u did not just throw shade at the head hounchoes in the force🤣🤣🤣🤣😭 u throw a whole damn tree🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭
That which can be said in all honesty, is that Commissioner Atlee Rodney and other deeply committed personnel (senior/junior)are ‘…Trying Their Best.’
However, seemingly surrounded by personnel who do not ‘…Fit the Vision’ of the Police Service,’ is not only poses a challenge, but also become a ‘…liability.’
So naturally, when crime appear to spike, if these personnel cannot ‘…Step up,’ then they may as well ‘…Step out.’
See now this is why I like Mr Pompey!
Service station can save money if they invest a little more money.
1 Transition to full self service.
2 modern pumps that accepts credit and debit cards.
3 install speed traps than can be triggered by pressing a button, the speed traps will puncture tires on exit once engaged.
4 Or consider a cash system similar to what obtains at ECAB the vacuum system at each pump.
Invest a little more safety would increase, and your margins will also increase.
I trust all service stations are on high alert. And random stop and check must be the norm. Not the corner thing with a million police officers.
Just regular random checks anywhere anytime.
@Melchisedec, I am in total agreement with your comment. It is time for all Service Stations on the island invest in modernizing their business operations. After the robbery and killing at Dee’s Service Station few years ago, I thought that they would have done that by now. Owners of Service Stations cannot depends on police patrolling the area alone, they need to come up with better security and transaction to protect their staffs and business.
It is a different generation of young people we are dealing with not like what we have 20 to 30 years ago, or maybe 15 years ago.
I totally agree with your comments @ Melchisedec
Get the whole darn force with soldiers out before this season goes on lock down, these thieves bareface these days , hey old Police this is modern Antigua not ping pong days , get these rubbish out and start taking steps to get rid for good, patrol in business areas all across Island, so much vehicles they got and always is an excuse either the gas done or they have to use the government vehicle to make their spins to take the other woman to work. Come on my fellow Antiguans stand up for your own safety.
Could not have been said better Mr Pompey.
Time for an alert system to be put in place for all gas stations. When an incident like this one happens, all other stations should immediately be notified. This system can also be applied to other-liked entities.
This has been going on for decades – yes while Pompey was a head honcho on the force. The police force has more vehicles now but no accountability. The vehicles can be seen all over the island, everywhere and at all the watering holes at night but never available to do what they are paid to do.
The standard lazy answer that there is no vehicle at the station is not acceptable in 2019 when all the vehicles are or should be equipped with radios. That is how it works on TV. The officer who answered the phone should be suspended without any or even fired but we know that would never happen because discipline is meted out in Antigua according to your colours and it is not a Minister’s home or business that was robbed.
Yes Mr. Pompey you are in no position to point fingers because the malaise set in under your watch, the officer who answer the phone first priority is to get you off the line as quickly as possibke so he she can get back to their dominoes or video game on the phone.
Let anyone just report about marijuana or cocaine, you see how quick they find a vehicle to come before the person could disposed of the weed/drugs.
Whether ‘…Gasoline or Dieseline; …Vaseline or Dessalines,’ you can be assured that he ‘…speaks to what he factually knows and does so from ‘…professional knowledge and experience; …fearlessly and uncompromisingly.’
Rawlston Pompey does not ‘…point a fingers.’
Not even a gun, and not even to ‘…hide his identity by cover of pseudonyms.’
From a professional perspective, in a position to speak to glaring ‘…inefficiency and incompetency or unmatched stupidity.’
You gave clear impressions that you have ‘…Just come out of Hibernation.’
Obviously, you have either been dreaming or imagining.
Rawlston Pompey takes no responsibility for ‘…any wild imaginings and erratic self-gratifying utterances.’
might just be the outstanding officers doing these robberies that are so well executed and organized….hmmmm?
Could be our guys in uniform doing these crimes,we need to look into that…..Young criminals hiding in government uniform, check ABDF & ABRPF……
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