Saturday, March 15, 2025


Private management for state quarries

The Cabinet confirmed a decision to corporatize the Burma and the Bendals quarries, the cement and the hot-mix plants, in order to gain greater...

Lawmen warn against impersonating police officers

(STRATCOM RELEASE) It has been brought to the attention of the Royal Police Force of Antigua and Barbuda that, there appear to be persons within...

Russia 5-0 Saudi Arabia – hosts start World Cup in style

The 2018 World Cup opened in spectacular fashion as Russia defied their recent poor form to smash five past Saudi Arabia and record the...

UPDATED: Football officials freed of drug charges in Jamaica

The two Antiguan football officials who were arrested on ganja-related charges were today freed in the Kingston and St Andrew Parish Court. The two members...

Date set for CCJ referendum

A referendum on the Caribbean Court of Justice is likely to take place on November 6, 2018, the government has announced. It also announced that the...

Greene tells CARICOM not to ignore criticisms

Trade Minister Paul Chet Greene as told fellow trade ministers in Caricom that they should not overlook criticisms of the regional body. Greene was at...

Lewis assumes leadership of APUA water

Succession planning at the Antigua Public Utilities Authority has allowed for the seamless transition of Ian Lewis to the position of water manager. He replaces...

Police officer shot in a bar, patrons robbed

Police are investigating a robbery that took place at a bar in Martins Village where an off-duty police officer was shot in the leg. Allegations...

Two machines to tackle seaweed invasion

The Government of Antigua & Barbuda has agreed to spend as much as US$ 149,000 to purchase machines to deal will the influx of sargassum...

Petro Caribe says Observer story is fake news

The Board of Petro Caribe has given the assurance that fuel supply to Antigua and Barbuda will not end. The opposition friendly media house the...

Dealers say put the brakes on used car imports

A representative of the new car dealers has asked the government to change its policy to reduce the number of used cars coming into...

American visitor jailed for bullets in her bag

An American visitor, Shannon Martinez, who spent two weeks here vacationing with her family was arrested as she tried to leave the country yesterday. Authorities...

Over three thousand tonnes of waste collected in national clean up

The National Clean-Up which started on May 26th is about to end but not before a final round of clean-up this weekend. The programme has...