Three stalwarts, with One Hundred and Twenty-two combined unbroken years of service, walked gracefully through the Halls of the Royal Police Force of Antigua...
The animal welfare group PAAWS, has responded to criticism over the management of its finances.
In a statement to Antigua News Room, PAAWS Management Committee...
Former Police Constable turned criminal Dave “Apple Boy” Roacher’s appeal has been adjourned to November.
The adjournment is due to the ex-policeman’s attorney’s late submission...
A rift between rival factions of PAAWS animal welfare group has gone public amid concerns about the running of the charity.
The PAAWS management committee...
There has been “no response” to a police report made by Senator Damani Tabor against a colleague who allegedly threatened to drown him.
The opposition...
The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology will administer the Grade 6 National Assessment to scores of primary school students on Wednesday and Thursday.