Wednesday, June 26, 2024


AGS and ASSS win Mr and Miss Teenage

Amar Singh and Charity Henry have been crowned Mr and Ms Teenage 2017 moments ago at the Antigua Recreation Grounds. Singh of the Antigua Grammar...

U.S freezes assets of Venezuelan president

UPDATE: US freezes assets of Venezuelan president, Nicolas Maduro National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster says Maduro is now "a dictator" following yesterday's "sham" of an...

Minister says zero tolerance for unsafe carnival truckers

There is a zero-tolerance approach for truckers who do not follow the necessary safety measures as imposed by the festivals commission. The warning came from...

Ministry urges respect for new emergency bicycles (VIDEO)

Chief Medical Officer Dr. Rhonda Sealey-Thomas today urged members of the public to respect the new bike unit of the Emergency Medical Services. Speaking during...

FLEX cries sabotage, threatens legal action after outrage from patrons

The T-shirt Mas Band known for its effective marketing has said the difficulties it experienced on Saturday appears to be an act of sabotage. The...

Date set for University of Antigua Barbuda opening

September 12th, 2018 is the date set for the opening of the University of the West Indies Antigua and Barbuda campus. The date was released by...

Antigua captures 2017 Miss Jaycees title (Full list of prizes)

The contestant from Antigua & Barbuda has won the 2017 Miss Jaycees International Pageant. Ayanna Dorsette out-performed 14 beauties from across the region to with...

Anthony Bailey responds to revocation of knighthood

Statement by the Delegate for the Caribbean of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George, Mr Anthony Bailey, OBE, GCSS. Having been involved with...

Officials urge more reporting of suspected human trafficking cases

On World Day against Trafficking in Persons today, officials here are calling on the public to report suspicious cases to the authorities. “We call upon...

Law coming to jail tax code violators

By Dwight Sampson Business executives could soon face jail time if they are found tampering with their books Prime Minister Gaston Browne has announced. Browne made...

GG annuls controversial knighthoods

Governor General Sir Rodney Williams by proclamation has annulled eight knighthoods conferred in November 2014.   Sir Rodney after acting on the recommendation of Prime Minister...

Antigua’s newest medical school had accreditation issues in St. Lucia-reports

According to media reports from St. Lucia, the Atlantic Medical School which is to begin classes here in September had issues over accreditation. Details in...

Body of man recovered in Big Creek pond

Police reported that  the body of Samuel Gunthropes, formerly of Clare Hall but now of unfixed address was recovered in a body of water...