
Jamaican Charged With Slapping His Coworker’s Buttocks Will Face Judge In The September Assizes

A Jamaican man charged with slapping his coworker on her buttocks will face a High Court judge in the September assizes. The defendant, a Gray...

Shooting Accused Set To Face Judge And Jury In September Assizes At The High...

Shaquille Joseph, 27-year-old of  Johnsons Village, will have to face a judge and jury in the September assizes at the High Court for allegedly...

71 Year Old Man Gets Six Months In Prison For Aggravated Robbery

Hilroy Boatswain, 71 years old, pleaded guilty and now sentenced to six months in prison for aggravated robbery. The sentenced was issued by Justice AnnMarie...

Old Road Man Remanded For Allegedly Shooting At Fellow Villager

Marlon Phoenix of Old Road was remanded to prison on a charge of shooting with intent to murder. Police alleged the man shot at another...

Man Fined $10,000 For Chopping Sex Offender

Terrence Givans has pleaded guilty to unlawful wounding of another man, who was a convicted sex offender, and to sentenced to pay $10,000. The March...

Police Reports Significant Reduction In Crime Since The Lockdown

Police Commissioner Atlee Rodney has revealed, through an official police statistics report, an overall 22 per cent decrease in crime between January and May...

Alleged DiveCarib Thieves Remanded To Prison

The three men charged in connection with a burglary at DiveCarib, in which more than $30,000 worth of equipment was stolen, have been remanded into...

Surge In Praedial Larceny Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic, Police Reports

Police Public Relations Officer, Inspector Frankie Thomas, has revealed that there has been in surge in agricultural theft amidst the coronavirus pandemic. Several farmers have...

Senior Citizens Association Robbed Twice In A Month

The Antigua and Barbuda Association for Senior Citizens (ABASC) headquarters at the Emms Drive location was robbed on Sunday leaving the nothing this time...

Masked Man Robs Supermarket In Parham

A masked gunman reportedly robbed a supermarket in Parham this afternoon.   According to reports, the man, who has a t-shirt tied around his head, brandished...

Hurricane Relief Thief Fined Ten Thousand Dollars

Everton Waldron, of Bolans, has been fined $10,000 after stealing thousands of dollars’ worth of items from the National Office of Disaster Services (NODS),...

Killer Still On The Loose As Murder Victim Is Laid To Rest

Police have yet to make an arrest in relation to the shooting death of 45-year-old Dave Anthony. Family members had to observe strict social distancing...

Burglars Break Into Cashless ATM

Burglars reportedly left empty-handed after prying open an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) belonging to the Community First Cooperative Credit Union this week.   The ATM was...