New Beachfront Hotel Planned Near AUA


Local investors have revealed plans for a new 120-room beachfront hotel near Coolidge, not far from the Antigua and Barbuda University (AUA) conference center.

The hotel, part of a multi-million-dollar project, aims to complement the AUA conference center, which can host over 1,500 people and will soon welcome the SIDS4 conference.

Prime Minister Gaston Browne sees the SIDS4 conference as pivotal for diversifying tourism.

He believes the hotel, with a capacity for 600 guests, will enhance Antigua and Barbuda’s appeal for large events like conferences and weddings.

Browne emphasized the hotel’s importance in capturing more of the lucrative meetings and events tourism market.

Construction is expected within 18-24 months, although specifics about costs, investors, or the hotel brand remain undisclosed.

The SIDS4 conference, focusing on sustainable development for small island nations, is set to boost Antigua and Barbuda’s tourism sector from May 27th to 30th, 2024.

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  1. Another failed project announced. Election around the corner. This top dawg is a failed experiment on the people of Antigua and Barbuda.

  2. While I understand the justification behind this, I am concerned as to why the conference Centre which the government has pumped significant resources into belongs to AUA and not the government of A&B.

  3. What happened to the Adams Conference Centre where the lands were cleared by our tax dollars by a company owned by Gaston Browne and is now gone back to the bushes? That was supposed to be The conference centre in Antigua. That would have worked well for the upcoming conference but no. Gaston got our tax money and now he hustling to get things in place. That’s just one of many references. There’s Barnacle Point, Blue Ocean, prime lands at Long Bay and in English Habour some of which were part of National Parks, also the land by the former US navy base where Wimbourne had her school. All Gaston does is pilfer our lands and our tax dollars.

    The people that keep on voting Gaston and his party in only causing our country to go to hell. Soon from now this country will be like Haiti unless China steps in and demands major crown lands as payment for all the loans Gaston made on this country’s behalf. That’s the same Gaston you voted for and when that is all said and done, Gaston, his family and the few ass kissers will live a sweet life while the rest that voted that POS in will continue to live destitute lives.

    People here too short sighted and the results of voting this scoundrel in indiscriminately is the demise of our country and that includes your entire current family and your descendants. Voting has serious consequences. Vote for your country and the well being of your family. Any politician not doing they job to help the constituents and our country should never be voted in.

    If we don’t change the way we vote, Antigua, our home, our country is doomed. Never forget politicians and police work for us NOT the other way around.

  4. Antigua Newsroom, maybe you can do Antigua people a favour and GET A LOOK AT and ANALYZE THE ‘LEASE’ that was signed for the land that this ‘dream’ is suppose to sit on.

    Let Antigua know if the lease was one to OWN THE LAND and if so AFTER HOW MANY YEARS?

    Let Antigua know what the lawyers from the Attorney General Office wrote in their ‘MINUTE TO THEIR BOSS’ as to why the lease SHOULD NOT BE SIGNED in the form that it was presented to them – government (yes, I said presented to them- government).

    Let Antigua people know, JUST TO BE ON THE SAFE SIDE, if the Board of Directors was the one who crafted the lease and presented it to government AND WHILE YOU ARE AT IT, find out if the Board of Directors ever crafted a lease and if it did, was it signed, and if not, why not?

    Let Antigua know the names of the persons who signed the lease and the Board of Directors who presided over the signing (ANTIGUAN CHILDREN SHOULD KNOW WHO THEY ARE AND POINT THEM OUT).

    Let Antigua know THE PRICE of the lease as compared to ‘years’ ago.

    Do not run the race half-way Antigua Newsroom but then again, who can be trusted in this country?

    I certainly will be watching.

  5. To say that certain specifics remain undisclosed is an understatement.

    In summary … Local investors have revealed plans for a new 120-room beachfront hotel near Coolidge, not far from the Antigua and Barbuda University (AUA) conference center…. The hotel, part of a multi-million-dollar project …. Construction is expected within 18-24 months, although specifics about costs, investors, or the hotel brand remain undisclosed.

    Who are the local investors? Who did they reveal their plans to? The PM? Cabinet? Near Coolidge? Where? What more is involved in the multi-million dollar project? Construction is expected to being or end in 18 – 24 months?

    Other than telling us that a planned hotel will be located near Coolidge, there is very little information.


  7. We just don’t seem to have learned anything from the Covid-19 plandemic. We don’t need anymore damn hotels. The economy needs diversification. Stop destroying our arable lands and find alternative ways to ensure our country is able to produce a percentage of what we eat.
    These hoodlums in our cabinet are out of ideas except the self-enrichment schemes

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