Troy Allen recounts his experience at the hospital:
My mother took ill and I had to rush her to the hospital to seek urgent medical care two hours ago! Oh gosh , she almost died because of the bad ,neglectful and inhuman treatment of the nurses and doctors in the emergency care!
I sent my niece for a wheelchair, because my mother could not walk! My niece came back and said that there is no one available to push her in , so I did what I could in panic to try and save her life!
I entered the emergency room and told the doctors and nurses good evening in the most polite way, but no one answered or looked at me!
A few seconds later, I said good evening , my mother is bleeding heavily and she needs urgent help! They looked at me and looked off and continue to play with their phones!
I called the Hon. Molwyn Joseph several times but his phone rang out! I then called the prime minister in the presence of the doctors and nurses and it was only then they began to help my mother!
My mother was treated like an animal and I refuse to accept this! I use to hear complaints about bad and inhumane treatment by doctors and nurses, but this evening, my mother experienced this!
Special thanks to two Cuban nurses, namely Yinet and Milan ,nurse Brother Arthur, nurse Esther Asabea and Doctor Ali from Guyana ,for the professional assistance given to my mother , after the other doctors and nurses refused to help my mother !
Special thanks to the Hon Gaston Browne for answering my call! All the other doctors and nurses who were working up to 11 pm this evening, should be placed at Cooks Dump!
I am calling on Sir Molwyn Joseph to terminate those doctors and nurses this evening ,for gross disrespect and negligence to my mother!
I wil not rest until those persons are removed from dealing with people! I have only one mother and I will not allow this to be swept under the carpet!
If for any reason I become ill and can’t help myself, please never take me to the Sir Lester Bird Medical Center!
Please leave me to die! I draw the line when it comes to my mother! My mother is so traumatized! Her pressure is sky high because of the poor treatment upon arrival, at the hospital!
If you take a pig and put it in a castle, it is still a hog! The video of the hog nurses and doctors will be coming soon!
Who feels it knows it!
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Look I am here for the comments!
Congratulations sir.
You are Allright,this nurses ( a few of them ) treat you as garbage. I wanna see their day’s when their deserve the same treatment as their are doing.
Where the nurse association boss?. Or we calling the pig farm association?.
I am so sorry to hear about your experience at SLBMC Mr Allen maybe since you are in the upper court of the gov, you can inform your colleagues of what poor people go through just to get assistance. May God continue to bless us all.
You are gracious L D. Corruption is rife and people ought to protest. No violence, but with words and calm action. God Bless Antiguans
I guess if it was my mother and poor people like me who don’t have a personal line to call the PM, my mother would die????
One by one all you too will feel it
Well you hab NEARGA you can call and get favors. Other people wudda ded.
Antigua already has a terrible shortage of doctors and nurses, and Troy Allen is suggesting sacking some of the few that we have is a solution?
Is Troy using some sort of reverse psychology?
Sacking isn’t the answer, because the medical practitioners have been saying there’s been a lack of equipment and resources for as long as I can remember.
Sadly, this looks like another case of the ABLP being REACTIVE instead being PROACTIVE.
And in addition, just watch how quick, quick double quick that Gaston Browne will take some sort of action, because it is one of his own members.
Bwoi, we are living in a parallel universe. Mercy!
@ KERRY get your head out of your ass please? Did he say he was looking for special treatment? No he was expecting doctora and nurses to do there JOB!!! BECAUSE it’s there job…. you sound like a grumpy person maybe you need to go and get some help because you seem to have a mental problem have a nice day sir/mam
We all have to look ourselves in the mirror in relation to that gentleman’s experience. As a “bang water to come hyah” Antiguan and Barbudan there was an innate hostility towards anyone perceived as foreign. Qualities like empathy, vocation, kindness and the likes are inculcated at infancy in humans. The human species take care of their young for approximately twenty years. If we as adults are not training and teaching our young ones to be kind, considerate, empathetic. etc. then we all will experience that type of treatment in our vulnerable and helpless moments. You see charity really does begin at home. Stop lamenting my peoples and let us sort this one out for making this place a better home for all of us.
Karma is a b**** ain’t it Mr Allen. I’m sorry that it is your mom who is the one suffering and paying the price for all awful things you Mr Allen put people through. The out right mentally abuse metted out to the students of YEEP by you and your tutors are coming back to bite you. The way ypuntreat people any where you work is now hunting you. Karma is real ah bayyyyyy🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪
Get well soon mommy you are indeed a very sweet and nice lady but that son of yours need a huge slice of humble pie and big jug of humble juice.
This situation is unfortunate, however Mr. Allen is out of place to be calling for people to be fired based on his word alone. Did you capture video of the doctors and nurses on their phones? I think what you should be doing more than anything else is to ask for reform instead of praising the nationalities of the ones who helped you as if to say no Antiguans in the medical profession want to help. The individuals deserve the opportunity as in any civilized society to have their side heard and if there are any opportunities for improvement (which I know there are), they should be given the opportunity to improve. I totally understand that you are emotional about what occurred with your mom, but truly stop and consider if the ABLP is all about firing people after Mr. Hurst alluded to how forgiving ABLP is accepting Mr. Young, one of their most staunch opposers into the party.
Think is now people complaining about that place? The same honorable Gaston Browne you talk of has heard many of the horror stories and have not demanded that better be done. People have died in the waiting room waiting for assistance. So if it takes you, for better to be done, I’m grateful but join the line of the many voices who have experienced worse than you and whose voices have not been heard. Many have cried. Many have died.
First off, it’s great to know, that your mother is doing much better physically, even though she’s scarred mentally, emotionally, spiritually.
The next thing, I’m sure, that it would be ‘illegal’ to post videos/audios of the incident at the hospital, according to regulations.
Now, I don’t think, that your story is unique. There have being numerous editorials, op-ed, letters of concern in the media which speaks to your plight. Your mother is special, but your circumstances are not unique.
However, what is unique, is the fact that you have both the Minister responsible for Healthcare and the Prime Minister on speed dial, to render you some immediate assistance. How many other individuals being accorded this luxury?
You story speaks, to the PPM -Piss Poor Management syndrome which is enshrined in the Public Sector and has being normalized,
It appears, as if, the “foreigners”(Cubans, Guyanese) are not just there for a pay check.
Let’s hope, that because of your status with Cabinet Members, you can help to take the #blinders off their eyes, in order for them to see and recognize what the less fortunate have to endure.
It’s time to kill The Check Your Minister Culture!
Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
De’ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Garrat_Bastard
Vere C. Edwards
😄😄poor u
That’s one side of the story. Waiting on the other side for I know that when people are in situations as he was they only have eyes and concerns only for their situation. I don’t blame him for that’s how the world turns.
at least you could call the prime ministers’ number to get assistance.. what about those that have to sit there with no one to call…
That picture shows exactly how Troy Allen got his job.
I was going to ask did they have an emergency at the time? However, you stated that they were all sitting. So I’ll ask: did u follow the procedure that u are supposed to, since all workplaces have procedures to follow when using their services? Bleeding is an emergency yes but how can they attend to u one time by just u pushing a wheelchair in yourself? There is a registration process before being seen from what I remember. There is no hospital that you go to that will see you before registration and some countries would not even see you without you paying. But again we enjoying bringing down our country. I’m not saying that there are some workers that lack customer service but some family members have no manners and are so disrespectful because they know people in power or they have money . I do understand in circumstances like dat we tend to not think straight because it’s our loved ones but y’all need to be civilized sometimes and humble yourself because everyone are human beings. I was not there so I can’t say what transpired, but that’s my 2 cents.
Let me ask you a question @ Jus passing thru. If is apparent that you are having a heart attack, would any hospital in North American allow you to sit there and die while they perform registration and determine whether you can pay? No. In a near death emergency like bleeding and chest pain they sort out your emergency while an attendant ask the person who brought you in for your information. If you are at a private hospital and they determine you can’t pay, after you are stabilized, they send you to a public hospital. Whether you can pay or not doesn’t determine whether you get emergency care.
No reputable hospital would have a person in distress sitting in an emergency department while the doctors and nurses talk on their telephones. There would be an investigation and them nurses and doctors would be disciplined. Few people in Antigua care about anything and anybody.
Molwyn where are youuu?
Not everyone has pm number to call!
Ooooh boss man on the phone.
Let me jump!!!!
Mom feel better!
Sorry you had to experience that,
But, this is what people go through every day!!
Molywyn, where are you???🤔🤕😭
I guess they never know that you have to go in parliament at some point…
If they can treat Their like that, how they will treat Non Nationals…
Wishing your mom a speedy recovery.
However if that’s what it took for your eyes to open then you’re heartless like SOME of the doctors and nurses.
Gaston clown is not God
Mr allen is right, I had the same situation with my father 6years ago, I took him to the emergency room, he was unable to urinate his stomach was hard as ever, and he was in so much pain, I keep knocking on the emergency door, when I finally gain entry, nurses and doctors was just sitting there telling me he have to wait his turn, I said to them what turn for him to die because you all are not doing any thing they were just sitting there on their phone, so mr allen is correct again, you no what happen he suffered a massive seizure in the waiting room, all of them came flying , he never spoke again, he died weeks later, so I tip my hat off to Mr Allen. All the doctor’s and nurse sould be FIRED
I met your mom at the bottom of Redcliffe Quay last year and she was a very pleasant though teasing woman , however I thank God for giving her an opportunity to recover from this situation as my father too suffered a serious neglect 13 years ago.
While you would have had to feel the wrath of the situation, I hope you will begin to think of your country first and not a political party. Don’t be a hypocrite.
For all those who are on your page praising the PM , take a read or listen to him less than 2 years ago and nobody who supported him , chastised him for his statements.
Thank you Mr Antigua for Antigua News Room link. I’ve read thoroughly and also the comments pages as well.
This article was written around 18 months ago, and l’m amazed at the Prime Minister’s being perfidious; his falsehoods; and not forgetting his dissembling character.
And the fact that this man and his wife, travel to the US for annual check-ups, is a slap in the face to tax paying citizens.
The least you can do is ensure that our main hospital is functional for the rest of us.
We will continue to be in dire straights with Gaston Browne at the helm.
Again, many thanks Mr Antigua, a real eye opener to the Prime Minister saying one thing, and the opposite is ACTUALLY happening.
Good. Tek dat. A too dyam glad it happened to your kiss ass Troy. Only because you have your boyfriend number you get special treatment. The rest a we just have to tek what we get.
Keep on kissing Gaston and Labour batty, more to come for you.
My nephew died there . 8 yrs old. 10 yrs ago For this said reason. Many times I left the hospital due to lack of attention and service hours on end waiting to get checked and I’m in pains. Many ppl I watch leave. And i said it going take somebody in higher ends to die there or lack of treatment there. Unknowingly investigate them and recognize the crucial lack of real time hospitality service to patience of all kinds. I’m sorry this happened. I hope your mother gets better. We need an upgrade on serious nurses. And doctors who take pride in there work. And try to clockwise work in a timely fashion…. better training need to be done.
I do not think that it should have had anything to do with him calling anyone,yes if any of us had that window of opportunity we would have taken it as well so done with the phone call thing.
Next he is correct and on the nail check out the many stories as it comes from Sir Lester Bird Medical Center it speaks of misconduct gross dealings of speaking to patients and stressing patients who come to seek medical assistance! Then the problem with the emergency room, as a matter of fact if not every department has the problem.
Mainly the front desk/reception area
Them a some rude ladies.
When you provide healthcare it is supposed to be helping,loving,caring,nurturing families.
sad mistake is in that hospital it is an embarrassment!
Due to political hiring of inexperienced persons and people who think that they do not care our healthcare is through the drain.
Sir Molwyn has abandoned the institution and it’s deep problems.
Complaints after complaints,I have been there and gone to the front desk and the young lady in glasses looked up pointed and then put back her head in her phone.
It was after I went into the clinic another young lady ,I met at the door working in blue,cant remember her name saw me and gave me some much needed assistance she was pleasant and with a smile.She greeted me well and actually helped me and explained to me well what to do.After telling her how I felt about that hospital she apologized for all of her fellow nurses and i got impression that she was tired of all the nonsense too.
Good nurses and doctors as Mr Allen mentioned are still there but fire dem that nar work simple as he say and he is right.
Mr. Allen, I am happy to know that your Mom is okay. But the people have been crying out for sometime now, have you ever felt any compassion for them? Did you think to consider that there were other persons with the Mother or father that needed urgent care as well and who may not be able to afford a private clinic? I guess you are not listed in the top class where your face would have been recognized and a better treatment would have been offered. At least you had important numbers in your phone.
However, the fact that you had to call the Minister and especially the Prime Minister to get emergency service at the Hospital does not give a good picture of our country. We are a country that depends on tourism, how should tourist feel travelling to Antigua and knowing that they would have to call the Prime Minister to get service in our Hospital – I am not sure if you should have even used this forum to launch such a situation.
In your frustration you are calling on the Minister to terminate the doctors and nurses, but would that solve the issue if the problem is systemic? Based one the experience of many, this is not isolated. Hence, we really need a proper investigation into the operations at the hospital, what challenges are the staff facing, what changes can be done to make the hospital provide first class service, etc. But simply firing some doctors and nurses would only create greater shortage and the system would remain just the same.
Just another day at MSJMC. For a very long time, people have been complaining about the piss poor conditions and services at our only hospital, to no avail. Molwyn Joseph should have been fired long, long time ago.
I will never gloat about what is a most unfortunate incident, but not an uncommon occurrence at MSJMC. People have collapsed and died up there and nothing has ever been done nor anyone held accountable. Only in Antigua.
This guy sings the praise daily of arguably the worst administration in the history of Antigua and Barbuda, kissing Gaston Browne’s a$$ regularly. Will this experience perhaps awaken him out of the red cool aid stupor? Hey, the politicians whose behind you kiss have insurance paid for by taxpayers and they don’t go to MSJMC.
Ask yourself if they really care?
It is certainly a shame that the government of Antigua have allowed the hospital which is a vital epicenter of the island to be run into the ground. And year somebody reading this Is going to get in their feelings and come and defend their government with some retarded statement…..
The doctors, well some have good intentions but are overworked and others if not rude towards family members or patients just don’t give a flying fruit Newton about the patients.
My mother has had the displeasure of multiple visits to the hospital and for the one visit that I happened to be on the island for I witnessed some utter fuckery which was totally unacceptable regarding professionalism. Nurses sat at their stations chatting gossip while patients called for attention.
My mother was stripped naked and left on a bed without sheets for hours unattended in an open room where everyone walking by could see her in her naked state. It took a lady unknown to her to come and assist her and put something over her.
Our country relies heavily on tourism and if tourists are to take ill, is this what we pride ourselves in presenting as our state of the art hospital facilities? This is in no way, shape or form progression as the brainwashing PM of the county would have you believe. Just like other members of the government say crime is at an all time low in Antigua….. But this like another broken fragment of the wild wild west. Where everybody gets away with bullshit and is not held accountable.
When tourist go back to their country and speak ill of Antigua based on what they see and or experience we get upset, and rightfully so because that is not what we as Antiguans expect to hear of our beautiful island.
Almost all of the hospital staff need a course in how to be hospitable to patients. And God forbid you have to go to the emergency room, be sure to write your last will and testament as you wait for six hours or more before some one calls on you to go back to be attended to, then that is another 5 hour process as you hear the nurses and doctors back there joking and laughing and or in some cases shopping on Amazon for new drapes and lingerie…. While people suffer waiting to be seen.
The more I hear it I am beginning to believe it… Antigua is not a real place.
One year later and seems like nothing has changed. Poor Antigua
Well highlighted @ Poor Antigua.
Here’s another news item that has brought to light the falsehoods and duplicity of our current Health Minister Molwyn Joseph, who tells the country one thing (to keep us quiet), and then doesn’t follow-up on his promises.
I’ve said from day one, that if you are in a position of high office, and then found derelict in your duties, then they must be held accountable, and voted out of their official capacity.
The world dont stop because a politician mom is in the hospital. This is everyday happenings at the hospital.
Oh u big black ugly bully you!!!! YOU Finally see what most Antiguans go thru
Lucky u have the lifeline where many dnt.
My grandfather was given wrong medication that the reaction was DEATH and all we got from the doctor who ddnt even read his chart properly was sorry
This is the result of the Ham and the Turkey mentality. The protestations have been deafening.
You can’t expect to take the Ham and Turkey and the Bribes at election time, and still get good medical treatment. It’s one or the other.
Anyone who expects good governance in a culture of corruption, well I am selling tickets that guarantee you thought the to the Pearly gates.
The only reason why this incident is being discussed widely, is because a member of the Ham and Turkey Brigade was on the receiving end.
Being able to call his Minister may have saved his mother’s life. Others will have to deal with the consequences that being death.
In this culture individual complaints are meaningless. Caribbean Media is failing its people.
All of us are customers and all of us are humans… we all are also workers in our own or someone else’s entity… equipments, safe environment, proper working conditions make us all productive unless we have a mindset of “Entitlement”. Yes the doctors and the nurses sign up to take care of the sick…let me ask as few questions:
1. Who is taking care of them?
2. Do they have the proper working equipment to do the job?
3. From what we have heard and experienced. Do they have adequate staffing to run a hospital in a country where almost all of the clinics are closed?
4. Are they paid ontime and in full to take care of their families ?
If the answer is yes to all the questions above… I stand by Troy, fire dem….
But we all know the answers are a resounding NO… treat Me as a human so I can treat others the same… imagine working 12- 24 hour shifts, tired, have bills to pay no salary and children to feed… As a human-being I can’t give you service when I am mentally frustrated with my own life.. not because I chose to be but because the person in charge to run the country and the ministry refuses to do what is right…
Troy what you should do is ask the PM, the PS and the minister of Health to address the issues….. The workers need a functional hospital in all aspect to serve the public…
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