Suspected Parham suicide prompts police to appeal to men to seek help for problems and to relatives to pay closer attention


REAL News: The Police are trying to determine why a Parham man allegedly took his own life on Friday evening, August 12 – with the hope of preventing others from taking this route to solve problems. CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR WHATSAPP GROUP FOR NEWS UPDATES.

According to reports, a relative discovered the body of 45-year-old Alston Furlong, suspended by an electrical cord from the ceiling in his bedroom, at around 6:30 p.m.

Several attempts reportedly were made to revive him, but they were unsuccessful. Later, a medical doctor arrived on the scene and pronounced Furlong dead at approximately 8:10 p.m.

At present, the Police are said to be treating the incident as a suspected suicide; however, a post mortem will have to be carried out to determine the exact cause of the man’s death.



Furlong reportedly was last seen alive about an hour and a half earlier in the village. Accordingly, his death sent shockwaves throughout Parham, as relatives and friends tried to come to grips with his sudden passing.

Police Inspector Frankie Thomas, Public Relations Officer for the Force, says he hopes that persons facing difficult circumstances will reach out for help. He says that keeping things bottled up is often not healthy and can lead to events like this.



However, he also acknowledges that there are not enough avenues for persons seeking help to get the type of assistance they need.

Thomas says that family members also have an important role to play in detecting when something is not right with other relatives.

He notes that, following incidents like this, family members often ask why they did not respond to the signs, or pay closer attention to the deceased person.

If close relatives do not believe they have the means to assist, Thomas says, then then they should seek professional help for their family member.

He notes that too many young males are being lost to suicide. Therefore, he is appealing to men not to keep things bottled up inside, but to seek help to deal with the situation they might be going through.

Meanwhile, Jamoya Browne, the 28-year-old man who fell off a truck on August 5 has succumbed to his injuries.

Reports say Browne died on Friday afternoon, August 12, one week after the accident that left him with severe head trauma. He had been on life support in the Intensive Care Unit of the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre.

According to allegations made by his sister, Dequancia Samuel, hospital officials sent a photo of the wound to Browne’s head to a neurosurgeon. Based on what he saw, the doctor reportedly said that nothing could be done to save the young man.

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  1. Asking for help is very easy to say but who and where should you go? There is no avenue open where help is readily available to see a councilor it cost money and not just $20 I mean real money there is nothing provided at the hospital to assist persons not even workers, the mental institution has nothing in place either to speak to someone there it doesn’t matter how simple it is you have to submit a referral from a doctor now if you are not physically sick how are you going to see a doctor n it u do u are not mentally challenged so how are you going to get a referral? Some family members cannot be trusted to tell your problems to and if u do they throw it in your face a later time. People are fed up and stressed out over the economic working hard and still ends cannot meet… is a sticky very sticky situation.

    • Hey Stalker, you’re next on the suicide list! Jumbee must be haunting you, why you’re trying so hard, to impersonate me.
      My dick don’t need no sucking!

      Ras Smood aka Jumbee Picknee!

  2. Trash talk about helping men.. all men get is victimizations from the system there is no help for men or any help for anyone in this Island all the help does is prey on the weakness of society. Antigua lost its culture upstanding righteous people don’t exist anymore.. and this society takes no blame for the mess in this small island.

  3. Even though it is very important to ask for help, but some times people look at situation differently depends on how some people treat their family,and friends at times…

    What we need have more community clubs in place,so we can help to carve some of these sad situations…

  4. “trying to determine” “hope of preventing others from taking this route”. If it is not yet determined that the death was on suicide blvd, what route are you seeking to block exactly?

  5. Wait. Hold up! The neurosurgeon could tell FROM A PHOTO nothing could be done?!!?! That is unbelievable, I hope the relative was mistaken because😲🧐😓😡. Help us Lord.

  6. The SHITstem is broken! I won’t be surprised, if #Mass_Shootings will be trending in the Nation like suicides.

    The SHITstem is broken!

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