Twenty legislators from Barbados, the Eastern Caribbean, and the United States gathered at the Hilton Barbados for a governance workshop hosted by the U.S.
House Democracy Partnership on Saturday, April 23.
They were joined by U.S. Ambassador Linda Taglialatela, Barbadian Ambassador Noel Lynch, and Antiguan Barbudan Ambassador Ronald Sanders.
Representatives from the National Democratic Institute and International Republican Institute also participated.
U.S. House Representative Barbara Lee opened the workshop saying, “The House Democracy Partnership is a bipartisan organization founded more than 15 years ago, and we work to support effective, independent, and responsive legislative institutions.” She explained, “It’s a two-way street. The United States is a work in progress. There’s much unfinished business in our own country, and we want to move toward ‘a more perfect union.’ Learning best practices from you is extremely important.”
Since 1998, Representative Lee has represented the California congressional district including the cities of Oakland and Berkeley. She has visited the Caribbean numerous times, and in 2005 she sponsored the legislation to create the annual celebration of Caribbean-American Heritage Month in June. As a senior member of the House Appropriations Committee, she explained, “We have looked through the appropriations process at how we can make the issues that parliaments address here and throughout the Caribbean a priority. Whether humanitarian, trade, or health issues, we want to better partner through the appropriations process with your countries.”
U.S. House Representative Robin Kelly of Illinois shared Representative Lee’s words of cooperation. “You are our neighbors, and we need to work together. Democracy is something that needs to be worked on each and everyday.” This is Representative Kelly’s second visit to Barbados and tenth year in Congress. She serves on the Committee on Energy and Commerce, which overseas issues of communications, health, and environmental protection, and the Committee on Oversight and Reform.
The workshop focused on three themes: strengthening legislative oversight and capacity; budget, appropriations, and access to financing; and legislative solutions to addressing electoral and campaign finance reform. The in-person meeting followed previous virtual engagements over the last two years. As Ambassador Taglialatela explained, “It’s an honor to have Representatives Lee and Kelly with us. As Ambassador to seven countries, I hope this is not only an opportunity to share your perspectives with the United States but an opportunity to engage with one another as well.”
Established by the U.S. House of Representatives in 2005, the House Democracy Partnership uses peer-to-peer exchange programs, training seminars for members and staff, and targeted material assistance to build capacity in key areas such as legislative oversight, budget analysis, committee operations, constituent relations, and library and research services.
Its singular focus on the legislative branch of government, and its unique ability to bring together American legislators and their peers from around the world have made the commission a valuable forum for strengthening democratic institutions and deepening bilateral relations.
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Phew! That was close. Thank goodness Pringle didn’t have to give a speech. Antigua and Barbuda has been saved from embarassment.
-Diplomatic KORPSS
We survived a close one. 🙌
Thanks for stating that you are a useful idiot. Saved me from stating the obvious.
Notes From A Native Son Of The Rock! “The Afrocentric Paradigm is a revolutionary shift in thinking proposed as a constructural adjustment to black dislocation, disorientation, decenteredness and lack of agency.” – Dr. Molefi Asante, Afrocentricity, The Theory of Social Change!
Why spit your venom at The Honourable Jamal Pringle, whose neglected education ought not to be derided as a unique aberration but clearly attests to the Education Historical Referent Points in the Antigua and Barbuda Time and Space! Doesn’t this fact say something to you! He was and is the duly elected representative and Leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition until Parliament is dissolved or its term is ended! Full Stop! Period! Check Mate!
In this the International Decade for People of African Descent 2015 – 2014, direct your “ethical badmindedness” to the questions of what are the strategic Imperatives for the gathering, why has the USA not settled the WTO ruling with Antigua and Barbuda (unless there has been some secret understanding), why are the Caribbean SIDS most of which are populated by some 90 – 95% People of African Descent, being asked to walk the plank on the European, NATO, Russia, Ukraine conflict, why did the Good Ambassador Madame Linda Taglialatela trot out in tow the African American Congresswomen Mesdames Barbara Lee and Robin Kelly, why have People of African descent been locked out of Global development, and finally most important what were the roles of the Representatives of he National Democratic Institute and International Republican Institute! As SIDS populated by People of African Descent in the main, there should be no ifs and or buts in answering those questions from a cultural, economic, social and above all political centered position! This mere voice in the wilderness would urge every citizen, national, Rasta, student and resident to attempt answering the questions posed!
Did the Autocrats and Oligarchs not try to stage a failed coup to overturn their Democracy and suffer no consequences! What is there to learn or as was disingenuously suggested offer to the “World’s Oldest Democracy!” Given that the Good ambassador Ron Sanders has “picked a side,” this mere voice in the wilderness would hope that the Honourable Chet Greene guided by the undying words of Frantz Fanon, to leave this Europe, the North Atlantics and their Kith and Kin of Autocrats, Oligarchs and white Supremacists, where they are never done tired of killing and murdering man, should make it “pellucidly clear” that Antigua and Barbuda will not and “cannot be reconciled to any hegemonic or idealistic philosophy. It is opposed to SPOOKISM, confusion and superstition.” – Asante!
I must confess that I am nothing but an idiot. A USEFUL IDIOT.
@ Smut I mean Smh .
You know what they say If you have nothing to say don’t say.
You don’t always have to scream🗣️ from the back of the class to be heared a simple raising of your hand 🙋is sufficient .
It’s Sunday a slow newsday even for Anr.
How old are you ? playing with your phone constantly making silly almost child like statements just don’t click on porn though.
Lol do you think if Minister of lands spoke it would’ve fared any better.
A classic deer in a headlight moment it would’ve been.
😅😂😭 You are an idiot but keep repeating to yourself that you’re useful
Hi babes.
Why don’t you offer to help your Single Pringle dead darg collector with his SUBJECT-VERB-AGREEMENT skills. This is probably your next party leader if Richard Lewis doesn’t GROW A SPINE overnight. Help the 🤡 🤡 🤡 to invent a new circus. The Wilmoth Daniel STRIPPER POLE BUS 🚌 is the official campaign transportation for the UPP.
Notes From A Native Son Of The Rock! “…There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I have the burden of proving it.” ― Frantz Fanon, Black Skin, White Masks!
Con Artists are having great Moments! Where is Ripley when we need him!
It has been said that Alexis de Tocqueville, was initially charmed by American democratic equality, because white families were being created “constantly out of nothing, while others constantly fall back into nothing!” As he spent more time studying the American political, economic and socio-cultural landscape, it became obvious that, even while repudiating rank and class, the average white American was “secretly distressed” about her position in society! Every white man, tried valiantly with mental gymnastics to establish a connection to “the first settlers of the colonies,” whose descendants seemed to be British, Dutch and French aristocrats! This yearning has created the real and “pappyshow” Autocrats and Oligarchs exemplified by the richest Spaced-out Oligarch and the Treasonous Kleptocratic DON whose return to power as the leader of the “World’s Oldest Democracy” is assured as the triumvirate Ambassadors and Representatives gleefully provide seminars and guidance to People of African Descent on “strengthening legislative oversight and capacity; budget, appropriations, and access to financing; and legislative solutions to addressing electoral and campaign finance reform.”
Oh Gad! Have Mercy Pon Us!
Here’s Madame Lee’s response which is most frightening given her stellar history: “It’s a two-way street. The United States is a work in progress. There’s much unfinished business in our own country, and we want to move toward ‘a more perfect union.’ Learning best practices from you is extremely important.” The last sentence is so disingenuous and smacks of Trujillo’s reverse psychology that she must be remanded to the recent Historical Referent Point of US TIME and SPACE: The 60’s heralded a new dawn of Civil Rights for Negro Americans during the American War in Vietnam and a Negro Population of 10.5% of the US with 3% Hispanic! These SIDS were still colonies of “Great Britain!” The 1970’s brought forward Moynihan and Nixon’s period of “benign neglect” for Black Americans which was followed by 1980’s and Regan’s assault on African Americans Social and Educational Safety Nets and the increased migration of Hispanics into the US! Most of these Eastern Caribbean SIDS became independent states during the 70’s and 80’s! By the 2010’s Civil Rights for African Americans had been rolled back by the US Supreme Court and States Rights Governments, even with the election of an African American President! Today in the 2020’s African Americans face the Second Coming of Jim Crow! The African American Population is some 12.4% whilst the Hispanic Population, with 83% being considered white or other but certainly not of African Descent, has risen exponentially to some 18.7%! Let us Pray that both Mesdames Lee and Kelly will have learned something from the Caribbean Air to help African Americans weather the turbulence from American Autocrats, Oligarchs and Kleptocrats given’s Madame Kelly’s observation that “Democracy is something that needs to be worked on each and everyday.”
De likkle black boy fu Jeanie have “zackie/smh” exposing himself 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Pringle boy you need to practise Grammar, Reading, Comprehension and Common sense. Pity dem dead darg can’t talk back to you to give you constructive feedback on your PISS POOR PERFORMANCE in and out of Parliament.
– MASKses
-Diplomatic KORPSS
C’mon bro and you used to be teaching ppl 😲😮😲😮
Smh, why don’t you stop embarrassing yourself trying to defend your (as Gaston would say, CHANS-PEAR-ENT )
Prime Minister.
Smh, Isn’t there any shame in your game?
He still vex Lovell Limpy Joe is “leader”??? Alister say he is a card-carrying ACLM soldier unlike the double-minded, fark tongue King Lyadd Lovell Limpy Joe.
Smh, Tell the world when, where and what was your assumed position when you found out about Limpy Joe?
@smh/hmmm/zackie/stand tall or short 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I was/still in the PATRIOTIC position like the rest of Antigua when we discovered Lovell Limpy Joe King Lyadd is a curse to the economy.
Now, tell the world where is the GUN that SHERFIELD BOWEN used to SHOOT TESSA BARTHLEY 🤔👀
Nice to see the REAL leader of the UPP doing his “stuff”, and not Harry. Good job. You IS the best they got!!!
Oh yes. Just really happy and RELIEVED he didn’t have to speak.
Crisis averted!!!
The International Health Regulations (IHR) are legally binding and supercede YOUR Constitution. All the nations of the world have already agreed to the existing International Health Regulations.
The proposed amendments to the legally binding International Health Regulations that will be voted upon at the next World Health Assembly this May 22, 2022 to May 28, 2022.
These proposed amendments will cede additional sovereignty, control and legal authority over to the World Health Organization.
These amendments will NOT require approval by 2/3 of the United States Senate. If they are approved (as submitted by the United States) by a simple majority of the 194 member countries of the World Health Assembly countries), these amendments would enter into force as international law just six months later (November 2022).
It is not known if the amendments will be voted upon individually or as a complete package.
The amendments will give the Director General of the WHO the power to unilaterally declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) even over the objection of the country dealing with an outbreak of disease.
According to changes made to U.S. regulations that were published one day before Donald Trump was inaugurated (January 19, 2017), the definition of a “Public Health Emergency” in the United States now includes the declaration of a PHEIC by the WHO.
A unilateral declaration of a PHEIC by the WHO will enable the declaration of a Public Health Emergency by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.
The amendments proposed by the United States would also give the Director General of the WHO the legal authority to unilaterally issue an “intermediate public health alert (IPHA).” The criteria for the issuance of an IPHA is simply that “the Director-General has determined it requires heightened international awareness and a potential international public health response.”
The amendments will also give “regional directors” within the WHO the legal authority to declare a Public Health Emergency of Regional Concern (PHERC).
Yes people, our corrupt leaders want to hand over our sovereignty to Regional Directors at the WHO and give them the power to “PHERC” us and “PHERC” the world, one region at a time.
While Conrad the Red & Smh kick each others political footballs around, they are ignoring a clear and present danger in their midst. They are either too ignorant or too obsessed with the ‘game’ they are playing to even notice, let alone acknowledge, the elephant in their midst that is about to trample them both, along with the entire country of Antigua.
What am I talking about?
You’ve been warned…. Contact our Antigua representatives to the World Health Assembly now. Tell them NOT to sign on to this bad treaty amendment ! They are voting May 22… This MUST be stopped.
If they accept this treaty amendment they will be committing TREASON against all of us and their country.
Pringle is a waste like the dogs he collects and possible cows like the one on Friars hill road.
@SMH. Why do you bother to respond to those #UPPNEARGA. As much as the criticise your comments they have no choice but to read them.
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