Prime Minister Gaston Browne has dismissed calls for Attorney General Steadroy Cutie Benjamin to resign.


Prime Minister Gaston Browne says no one in his government is resigning.

He was responding to a call made by three parliamentarians for Attorney general Steadroy ‘Cutie’ Benjamin to resign in light of the Criminal Prosecution scandal.

Watch this short video of PM Browne speaking in the Lower House last night.


Three MPs Call for the Resignation of Antigua’s Attorney General Steadroy ‘Cutie’ Benjamin

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  1. No retreat, no surrender!

    Me and me neighbour done vote labour!!!


  2. Oh noooo here comes the Gaston Browne fan girl with 2 – 3 essay about Gaston Browne😂😂

      • Like a fly 🪰 on shat 💩 u just help yaself huh. The name Gaston Browne is a real addiction huh. I once again say ah Gaston Browne fault. Have this man on here under every post or comment he see the name Gaston Browne and like a crack addict he must leave a reply.
        And by the way Mr Addict me nah support Gaston Browne but I get a kick out of gas lighting people like u who don’t feel they are somebody unless they reply to every comment with the name Gaston Browne but carry on. I find your addiction hilarious😂😂😂🤣

        • It’s not an “addiction” as you put it and try to deflect from the Prime Minister’s inadequacies (nice try though).

          Antigua deserves a better leader and you know it in your heart, but all your non-educational background can do or comprehend is to target his critics.

          Gaston can cause havoc in Parliament, smuggle Africans into the country and continue with self-enrichment for himself, family and associates.

          If you call that an addiction, then sign me up!

  3. When will the Gaston Browne administration push for the illegal printing of Antigua and Barbuda passports case to be called 🇦🇬 When will the Gaston Browne administration push for the illegal printing of Antigua and Barbuda passports case to be called 🇦🇬

    The most amusing thing in parliament yesterday was too see three labor party millionaires stooges, Gaston, Cutie and Asot calling each other CRIMINALS.
    Only in Antigua!

  4. What a bunch of self enriching arrogant crooks we have running our country. GB acts like he owns Antigua and the people owe him.
    This can’t last forever Mr. PM, karma is gonna get you and all the crooks you surround yourself with.
    I’m a 68 yr old grandmother who use to have to call Jerry, Uncle Jerry as a child out of respect.
    He gets zero respect from me today. He’s rude and arrogant. How old are you Uncle Jerry?
    Give someone else a chance, retire, retire. Your time has passed, you’re Hella old dude.

  5. They are two peas in the same pod of self service,
    greed, and corruption. Who expected a different response from the PM?

  6. I am a Labour party supporter and yes Asot is deemed to be an enemy of the Labourites. However, it is extremely unfair how he is been treated in parliament. Yes he has violated some of the standing orders but there are others who have done it also. Come on Mr. Speaker adjudicate the parliamentary sessions with impartiality and in a fair manner whether an individual is liked or not. Let it be a level playing field. Let’s not forget that the bucket go a well every day, but one day the bottom may drop out.

  7. I am so glad that I saw the evil in this labour party administration.

    I could not vote for them and I feel so free.

    For those who cannot see, this country is not being run by any plan whatsoever.

    We will continue to go down, down and down.

    The arrears will continue to mount up (gaston told us how the arrears are high).

    Very soon, more poor people will continue to rob, rape and plunder their fellow poor neighbors (just listen to the news).

    • @Former A.B.L.P. Voter… So poverty is what causes rape? I thought it’s because a person is a rapist why they raped others.

      And people are stealing because they’re poor? I though it’s thieves who steal things, whether they’re rich or poor.

      You allow politics to blind you. No matter how poor a person is, if that person is NOT a thief they will NOT steal. People steal because they are thieves. That’s why there are poor thieves and RICH thieves. Poverty does not make a person steal. A person steals because s/he is a thief!

      A rapist rapes, not because of poverty, but because that person is a RAPIST.

  8. Gaston Browne, I sincerely hope your days of governing Antigua are numbered. We are fed up with what passes for your government. We are tired of you taking this country down and making us the laughing stock of the Caribbean. Who gave you the right to think that you can manipulate the voter registration lists to stay in power? Antigua suffering because of you as a lot of reputable investors are staying away. I am praying.

  9. You and cutie are the same so why would you as him to resign? The ideal situation is that both of you go.

  10. There is a Lawyer in Antigua. He held unto his client monies from the sale of her house in Jolly Harbor for years. He also signed off on a document , swearing he knew the person. When in actuality that person he swore to have known was not that person at all.For the real person was decease sometime before. The Mother of the deceased young man was sentence to 2 years in prison. I wondered who was that Lawyer involved in such skullduggery. He is now the Government’s chief Lawyer/ Attorney General.Gaston Browne, you are known by the people you hang around and the friends you keep.

  11. The office of the GG is run exactly the same like any other ministry. There are different levels of civil servants to include Clark’s , administration officers , assistant PS and PS. All these people are paid from the treasury. The office of the GG is also listed in the annual budgetary allocations. So it was a deliberate move to invite the acting accountant general since the treasury was highly involved. He us a villa man and does as he is told. Da mek he also lub corruption like most Antiguans. Thd duncey head who building his mansion .and the store owners that sponsors everything- carnival queen, sports , cricket tournaments, teams, Farmers fete , they taking in millions upon millions of dollars from our treasury. They supply schools meals with food chicken , they are now into construction and getting all government projects- housing. Over priced none tender million dollars projects and getting paid on time.

  12. Expect anything else? Only a Labourite would agree with this idiot. They are all cut from the same corrupt, greedy, unconscionable mold and will stick together. But, fraud has no statute of limitation. Cutie Benjamin will answer to fraud charges eventually. America will not forget the citizens it lost because of this man.

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