Police Probe suspected Suicide
A Cassada Gardens man was pronounced dead by a medical doctor around 2:10 pm on Sunday 12th September, following what is treated as a suspected suicide.
The alleged incident took place at Cassada Gardens around 1:10 pm.
The victim is 44-years-old Valdiene Payne.
Police are investigating yet another suicide, the third in as many weeks.
Information reaching Antigua News Room suggest a body was found hanging today.
The discovery of the body was made in Cassada Gardens.
New information suggests that a wire was used in the act.
2:43 pm UPDATE: The victim is 44-years-old Valdiene Payne.
More to come.
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Very sad indeed. What is really happening in this country? Are the covid Regulations and unemployment driving people over the edge?
Stupes do you have all the details to what lead to this or are you just politicking as usual?
JB and I-MAN this is not political. There are many reasons why a person is driven to commit suicide. For example, many of us men cannot take knuckle and sometimes are driven over the edge when our girlfriend or wife knuckle us. In the case of the young man this afternoon he was employed at Lingies so we can rule out unemployment. It was said that he was infected with covid and was discharged from the hospital. What are the facts with respect to that? The point is we are living in very serious times because of the covid crisis and many people are affected for various reasons. We have to find ways of identifying people with issues and try to assist them. We are not all physically or mentally strong alike. Whereas some men would be driven over the edge from a knuckle, I can tell you that could never happen to me given my outlook on life and mental constitution. We are not all the same as I have said. As an aside, it was reported recently that one of the ladies who died of covid died the day after she was admitted to the hospital. I asked myself why was’nt she hospitalized before? Was she asked to be quarantined at home? As a society we have to be able to get on top of these situations and act quickly to address the problems. A person I know who a month ago was diagnosed with covid was told to self-quarantine at home. When I call to find out how he was doing and if anyone came to check on him after days in quarantine the answer was no. We need to have proper systems in place and ensure that they work. The issues we are facing now are beyond politics my friends.
Tabor you are such a pathetic human being you were the one who rushed to put out your damn insensitive comment with getting the facts first and now you have been called on your bs you are coming with your long winded bs. For a man whose profession is a lawyer your sure a lot of arsine comments off of hearsay and gossip.
JB you are the one who is perhaps asinine. One can speculate about any death or in this case a suicide until all the facts are provided. Many people (adults) are going through serious financial problems and young people also face their own particular problems. No one who can properly read and understand the English language could come to the conclusion that my comment was insensitive. You are upset because you are one of the sycophants of the ALP and you interpret my comment as having political overtones. I cannot change your misguided and erroneous view. All I know things will be getting worse for many people in this country and unless the government take serious steps to address the impact on the mental health of many people the consequences will be dire.
Tabor I not going to waste any more of my time and energy on a blue blind educated dunce such as yourself I have stated over and over I am not an ALap suporyer and never have been but given your track record on this blog you blame the government for every and anything the fact is you rushed lay blame and not know the facts and for a man whose profession is a LAWYER you should be the last to run off speculation. Speculation don’t win court cases facts and evidence does even a first year law student knows that made you should leave law and going into politics instead since you act like a political spokesman anyways!
This is serious. Our people are in need of mental support on this island. How can we help? More affordable, accessible, compassionate, good listener – mental health practitioners needed.
Charles, I see some are on the attack. Just let it go. Your concerns are shared by many of us, Red and Blue. There was nothing wrong with what you posted. This has nothing to do with politics. No need to go there. The root of the problem is spiritual.
CErmle thanks for your comment. I appreciate it. You are correct. I had responded to JB to show him/her that speculation on a public issue is not the same as providing compelling evidence in a court of law. The two are vastly different. I also pointed out to JB that speculation is no different to hypothesis testing in science. Mr. Editor I am still at a loss why you did not print my last comment.
The first person without knowing triggered a nerve for those who have been wanting to go through with ending their lives! No one should feel this was though! Condolences to the families in this time
Yes. All it takes is one person to do it and that gives others the push they need to follow through on taking their own life
He has a job. Smdh everything is political for you.. You are a bad example of an University Educated person.
Someone in high office invited evil into the country.
Evil can only enter if invited.
This is Soo sad😥😥Everytime he saw me walking he’ll give me a ride to wherever am going ,now knowing that he’s gone .s.i.p my friend you’re now in a better place if I may say.
It really isn’t easy coping with everything that this pandemic has to offer and the stipulations enforced on the people multiply the effects of the pandemic. Be strong my people, prayer works and sometimes speaking to someone can help.
What about the covid regulations can cause suicide can you elaborate?
Excuse TABOR. He can be so insensitive and nincompoopish at times tying politics to everything.
Condolences to this man’s family and loved ones. Who feels it knows it 🙏🏿
Not everyone take lightly the news,thanks to the GOAB and all the radio station,tv.station here… To help the mental health deteriorated with their bombastic propaganda….today is people as this gentleman but,by tomorrow.. will be your own family members how get caught in this negative spiral … journalist,police,army and all of those who follow the instructions from this illuminated society will pay,karmalaw not forget
There is a God that cares. He really does!!!! Trust His word which is the Book of Life. It is filled with so many truths. There is nothing that we experience today that is new under the sun. What encourages me is my faith and an inquisitive posture to see how God is going to work out my problems and some of them are massive. I know He will do it again therefore I have to be around to see how He will perform this miracle.. Not everyone has this posture I know but for me it starts from a firm belief in a Heavenly Father that created the universe but also knows the number of hair on my head!!!! That is liberating for me!!!!
Depression is real. We look at people and have no idea what they’re going through. Why not be the light at the end of the tunnel for someone even if you don’t know them. Start with a smile or a simple hello when you pass someone. That gesture just might be the little thing to make a difference to someone.
The young man was diagnosed with covid and was released from the hospital Friday and he was critical.
That’s not true, stop with the rumors!!
Is that true or did somebody make that up???
Oh Righteous Father, I come to You in the precious name of Jesus. We need You. This nation needs You. Lord, I pray that You will intervene as I intercede on behalf of this nation of Antigua and Barbuda. Only You alone know, dear God, the root cause of all these deaths because You are Omniscient. You know everything. Help Lord. Have mercy on us as we look to You the great I Am that I Am, the Authour and Finisher of our faith in Jesus name amen.
My deepest sympathy goes out to the bereaved relatives of the deceased man.
It is heartbreaking to know that the people who love and care about him will have to say goodbye……GONE TOO SOON.
The curfew forcing you to stay indoors in a life from which you already want to escape, but now cannot
even walk to the corner for a breather after finally get kids to sleep.
Less hours to make money when could barely pay bills prior. But bills still there and kids to feed who can’t wait till next week.
Little money you were making before has to split up even more now because sister/mommy/cousin not working now.
The list could go on more.
The struggle and mental pressure is real af for some of us.
Consider yourself blessed that you cannot even begin to understand the link between the 2.
Why are we so quick to judge!!! I don’t know who Charles Tabor is, but he asked a question. Did any of you see the question sign??
What about the question that is political? The entire world is in a pandemic, and our movements has since been regulated. What was once the norm is no more!!!
There are concerns about vaccination and how it may or not may not affect us.. Combine all the uncertainties with mental illness, who knows what the end results may be.
So please explain to me , the fool, what is so wrong with the QUESTION Mr. Charles Tabor asked?? (Note my question sign as well please)
If you read Charles Tobor comments on this blog you would see why I called his insensitive ass out. The man mix politics in everything. He blames government for everything. He made his damn assumption without getting the facts!! He acts more like a politician than a lawyer.
JB you have said your piece and I have said mine. Let us just agree to disagree. I will leave you in your misguided and erroneous perception and you may wish to characterize my view in a similar fashion.
@JB! I was not asking you what he “said” in the past!! I am asking the question base on what he asked in THIS topic! You are now taking the brush and painting all the walls the same color……..so again if you have the answer to what was asked, which was “Very sad indeed. What is really happening in this country? Are the covid Regulations and unemployment driving people over the edge?” please response to this school drop out and school me .
People who can’t link this whole covid, covid, covid, covid and vaccine talk, all day, every day, to the deterioration of people’s mental health, are out of touch. Vaccinated against unvaccinated, government oppression and creation of division that’s close to causing a civil war is depressing for some and creates anxiety for others. I’m not suicidal but I’m suffering from covid and vaccine overload and fatigue. If we are not careful we’ll create a mental health crisis in this place.
For all those who are dumb enough to NOT see the politics a LAWYER, brought into the forum is as dumb and blind as the lawyer is…….whether there be a question mark or period at the end. Very insensitive. One’s political commitment/desperation can ignite their stupidity. Term….Educated fool applies. My cousin RIP
ALEX you can say whatever you want. It appears that we are facing a crisis in this country because of the covid pandemic. I personally know people who are undergoing serious financial and other pressure as a result of the pandemic. It would be a foolish person who would refuse to question whether there is a causal link between the behaviours we are seeing exhibited by people and the pandemic. The question I raised therefore had nothing to do with politics, but rather to get the society thinking (be it civic organizations, the church or government) about the probable consequences of the crisis on people and begin to find ways to address the problem. We are all our brothers keeper and the least any one of us can do to ameliorate a person’s suffering is worthwhile.
Condolences to the family.
NB: This pandemic has and will continue to affect many persons in this country and the world at extension. Loved ones are dying… People are losing their jobs but still have the same expenses at the end of the month… People cannot do their normal activities… Parents of young ones have to find ways to be at home while still working because their children have to do school at home, but there isn’t anyone to stay at home with them… Some feel forced and coerced to take the vaccine that they are not ready to take, not because they are anti vaxxers, but because they are concerned about the after effects… I don’t know why, but “some” vaccinated persons are very disrespectful as they become more vocal… There is a divide in this country (and the world) over this vaccine issue, and it’s real… And I can go on and on and on.
And I’ll make a bold statement here: One cannot separate politics or the government from this pandemic. It’s a tough time to be a leader right now. Hard decisions have to be made. And the truth is, whether they have a choice or not, the government is the one implementing these regulations that can make or break its citizens.
PS: I am not implying that this young man’s death has anything to do with the pandemic. That I do not know and I won’t speculate.
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