Prime Minister Gaston Browne says paying public servants on time this month was a major challenge for the Government of Antigua & Barbuda.
Public Servants were paid on Friday even though Browne said not all banks processed the payment.
Browne said paying civil servants would not be possible if the country was closed for an extended period of time.
“Yesterday we were successful in paying public servants to include those with their occupational pension from the public service and I have to tell you it was not an easy task it was extremely difficult,” Browne who is also finance minister said.
He added “what I will say here is that there is some level of financial gymnastics and it is out of a real commitment to make sure that people get paid.”
The prime minister said it is important now more than ever that public servants are paid since there has been a rise in unemployment due to the coronavirus pandemic.
“There are a number of people unemployed and we want to make sure that those who are employed get their incomes as far as practicable.
“You may well find that in most households you may have a public servant working and someone who may be working in the private sector may be unemployed, so you want to make sure you pay those public servants so they can take care of their family,” Browne said.
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Did the idea of eliminating government jobs ever occur to the PM? Most governments cut government jobs when the budget is having problems.
Reduce taxes, encourage investment, etc. to let the private sector do an even better job. Pass laws to make our CIP more attractive. Pass laws to make Antigua a cryptocurrency center, etc.
The Banks would process the salaries.When they received the finances from the Government monthly.There are times when the Government would say they paid on time.The Civil servants would come into the Bank only to be told no bread(salaries)there.But the Administration would claim that the money is in the Banks.What they do is pass the buck and blame the Banks.Make sure the Pensioners are paid also.I subsidized persons in Antigua income every month for years now.They for most part received their Social Security late many times.As of today 05/31/20 they have received zero.Why they were not paid.Those folks did all of the yeoman’s work for years.Now they are to get their just rewards.They are treated like door mats.That is very wrong.By the way I worked as an Officer in a Bank in Antigua for many years.However,I never considered myself as a Banker.Pay the damn poor and downtrodden their pensions on time,monthly.
Gaston Browne,why do you look so tired and haggard in that picture above.Too stressed out in the position as Prime Minister.And you think it would be easy.Think again.LOL
He looks tired because he is over head with this crisis. Boasting and big chat won’t help him.
Popeshead street opening next month.
Tenman said you would be using the loan from CDB to pay public servants and pensioners. Did you not get the funds?
What a nation of nasty minded naysayers and couch-trained experts!!! Of course it’s so easy to simply copy what other governments would do, right? Send home workers….let the private sector get involved, simple. Right? The P.M. might look tired and haggard to Bugsy, but looks are not necessarily an indication of one’s health. Take care of yours Bugsy!!!!
Everyone must admit these are some serious times. Nothing like this has no one experience before. Most economies are on lock down. The small dependent Islands have seen their main revenue stream just shutdown from one day to another. The sad thing is that some are rejoicing in your struggle all because of politics. They have no love or concern for the country man and women that will eventually suffer if this thing continues for a very long time. Lets be fair, Antiguans are living as if nothing is wrong. No one i cutting down on shopping. Actually the supermarkets cannot seem to stock fast enough. Containers are coming in weekly loaded with goods. Government is sharing foods packages to the needy and so are many other community groups doing. Still have not heard from the UPP when they will start sharing. I must say God knows what he was doing when he gave u Gaston Browne as Prime Minister. Cause I really cannot imagine where this country would have been under the UPP. I small world financial crisis they run straight in to an IMF program. And the economy contracted for years with negative growth. I guess they would just give IMF the keys of the country and tell them to run it. And IMF sure knows how to ruin a country. Text Book example. Balance your budget. Cost Expenses. Cut Payroll. Austerity Measures. Their program never have a humane side to it. Its all about the numbers. That is how you run a company not a country. A country doesn’t go bankrupt. It will continue in perpetuity. No wonder why the USA National debt is climbing and climbing with no end in sight. Yet they are the one always pointing finger at SIDS that they need to balance their budget. Its like “Do as I say not as I Do”. I told the PM already I do not envy him these day in hos position. The funny thing is he is and has been very optimistic. He sees opportunities even in these hard time. And he calls us up not to lose faith and be downhearted. I mean you got to be some hell of a motivational speaker to be doing that. That is why I say the Lord knows why he gave us Gaston. No one else could do what he is doing. But of course those doom and gloom wishers will one day have to eat their shoes once again. Cause as sure as the sun will shine, Antigua will rise again. So you guys can continue doing what you’re doing. But who God Bless Let no man Curse.
The damn country was broke long,long, Garling time.The pandemic only exposed the weakness in financial expertise.By the so called bright one and Banker.He was caught with his pants down in Point.Like the Emperor with no clothes.God Blesses all of Us.Not just any one person.
Well said TUNA,and it is ALL his fault because he takes instructions from NO ONE..it is either HIS WAY or the HIGHWAY….doesn’t listen to ADVICE whatsoever from a fella.By now with all the talk and shouting across the Caribbean Sea,he should have been in control of LIAT….but up this time he still has to wait on the Bajan Prime Minister who has already said that she has no intention of shouting across the Caribbean Sea.
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