Dear Editor,
I am a man proud of my Jamaican heritage, my parents come from Jamaica and I was lucky to be born, and even more blessed to live and work in Antigua. My family has many friends here, and have been made to feel welcome, however in recent times that has been changing.
Listen to me, since long time Jamaicans are loving people, and accepting people. We welcome our bredren and sistren from every island, in spite of what people might say. And nuff respect to the stalwarts for what they have done for the region, Marley, Bolt and I have to mention a fella named Stewart.
Since I growing up I heard the stories of how Butch Stewart open Sandals and tun the ting up, and how he showing all the foreign people that little we in the region could do it like them, and better.
Sandals is a proud Caribbean company, even if it was born in Jamaica, so when I see a man like Uncle Butch getting cuss left and right by the Prime Minister here in Antigua, I have to wonder wha go on? I am not the only person with Jamaican roots living here, there are nuff of us who have paid our dues, and who have a right to vote, and we all starting to wonder now whether Browne have a problem with us.
This did not happen just so. Browne has been cussing people from Caricom long time, and he did so again in the quarrel with Sandals. But if I was to loud up the ting it seems he is singling out the Jamaicans more and his people going round saying that only Jamaicans working in Dickenson Bay. What rubbish. It’s like he want to incite hate against the Jamaican’s living here in Antigua. I have plenty bredren and sistren working Sandals and most of them from Antigua, born and bred. So what kinda nonsense is that, but I suspect Mr Browne know what he is doing.
But Prime Minister, I want to make it clear, most people in Antigua not like that. People in Antigua are beautiful and welcoming, they don’t share the contempt you are showing for the families who have Jamaican roots, and you have shown your hand clearly in this Sandals business. So call the election paadie, thief in the night or robber in the day, those of us who can vote can’t wait to sort yu out. And you can take that to the worl’ ….boss!
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This letter FLOP! Why are you resurrecting an old issue?? If you are so proud of your Jamaican heritage, why not try to help them solve their astronomical CRIME RATE?? Just recently Andrew Holness had to be begging churches to preach against crime and violence. You are right about one thing though – ” I was lucky to be born, and even more blessed to live and work in Antigua.”
If he so proud why he no gwarn go home….is because of Gaston why dem here….so i dony know why he no shut up.
This is what the writer and Butch should be paying attention to: http://antiguanewsroom.com/regional/jamaica-state-of-emergency-for-western-parish/
Not only Jamaicans, the man targetting every caricom national in this country. i’ve nevr seen a more anti-regional PM>
I’m no fan of the PM and certainly not a ABLP supporter but I will not tolerate no harsh talk from no “anchor baby” if you’re not an ancestorial Antiguan keep quiet. What the PM is saying is true.
The man a right to talk. Come on he was born here that give him a right to talk you may agree with him .
What is this you are saying? Suppose all the man family ancestry from right here but he would be born in Jamaica or the US but lived here all his life? He wouldn’t have a right to speak?
Chuppppz – so Antiguans don’t have a right to travel and have children in other countries and expect them to have the same rights as other Antiguans?
All when u born yah u no hav no right? Wah really a go on inna some allyuh head?!
You guys sound stupid and ignorant. Is Antigua crime free? Nuh so hush. Nuh tell me nothing bout more crime dey Jamaica. You guys pretend that y’all are holier than thou. Well then remove the plank from your eyes before you remove the dirt from anybody else’s.
Some people are born outside of antigua and have more love and loyalty for the country than any of you. Unity is what we need bot separation. No man is an island and we need everyone’s help in the name of progress. Regardless of age, nationality, gender or whatever else people preach for separation.
Well well why are we antiguan people cursing out the Jamaican man so i am a antiguan by birth what the man saying about gaston brown he is correct that not the way as a Prime minster to deal with a business man come on antiguan we are different people we are heart kind people so let us be nice here
Oh please that’s what is the stupid thing about us ANTIGUANS we rather keep down our own and put foreigner above us
The PM right 70% of the crimes committed in ANTIGUA is committed by forigener espically them damn JAMACIANS get them asses out and if he nah like um go back to JAMACIA
The problem I have with foreigners is alot of them see Antigua as a great escape…Come here and hide from immigration because they committed a crime in their homeland. Most often they tend to mix up with local thugs or form their own Jamaican gangs and commit crimes…I know there are nice places in Jamaica and alot of them just like people everywhere and genuinely good people. On another note alot of the Jamaican criminals end up here and the sad but truthful result of that are crimes and a continued negative impression…
So true
That is not true….
Read the figures again – specially the murders – always by our own – blaming crime on foreigners was a thing of the past dear……
You can stand in ants nest and pretend you’re not being bitten…..But for how long?????
REALLY?! I would just like to add that there are Jamaican gangs here believe it or not I know this all too well…..They do influence society it is not a thing of the past…Maybe they are just more skillful in committing crimes SMH
Or y’all saying it OK for Mr. Stewart to use our ABST to pay to advertise his other Hotels
Give me an asprian
i love this comment
this seems like a fabricated story like the dear kate story. all the pm is saying is for sandals to pay nun more nun less but the tax owed. if poor people are not exempted why sandals be exempted from tax. rich people always love walk over someonr to get even more richer.
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