Peter Kelsick accused of using political pressure to get US$1 million from Royalton Chic

Sneaky Pete's

**Prime Minister Browne Responds to Accusations: “You Reap What You Sow”**

A statement by Prime Minister Gaston Browne has shed further light on the Peter Kelsick controversy which saw his business place on Dickenson Bay Beach being demolished by the Development Control Authority.


Prime Minister Gaston Browne has spoken out vehemently, addressing allegations and the ongoing controversy surrounding private negotiations and political pressures.

According to the Prime Minister, Peter Kelsick, a bar owner, negotiated with Royalton, for around US$100,000 as compensation.

Subsequently, Browne claims that attempts were made to leverage political influence to escalate this figure to US$1 million.

Prime Minister Browne, however, has distanced himself from these negotiations and the ensuing fallout. “Evidently, he and his cronies don’t care that the PM is being accused wrongfully,” Browne remarked, emphasizing his innocence in the matter.

“I had nothing to do with the negotiations or the demolition,” he affirmed, referencing the wider context of the controversy.

Expressing frustration at being embroiled in what he perceives as baseless accusations, Browne warned, “You draw me into your comess and ridicule me, despite my innocence; I will surely respond publicly with the truth.”

Browne’s message was clear: “Don’t come crying to me now as some victim. You reap what you sow.” This statement underscores his belief in accountability and the consequences of one’s actions, while also signaling his readiness to confront and address the situation openly.

This remark by Prime Minister Browne supports an earlier statement he made.

Read the other statement here:

Prime Minister Gaston Browne responds to Peter Kelsick











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  1. Sneaky Pete being sneaky and can’t even spell rum punches, but he want a million dollars for that worthless piece of shit. Get him Gaston, Peter you’re not getting any more money!

  2. His establishment on a PUBLIC BEACH was worth a million US dollars ah fkkin joke he ah mek who in their right mind would pay him that!
    The land wasn’t his he was on public lands conducting his business and want a million dollars FOR WHAT his rotten boards and the FRANZ running his mouth without FACTS

  3. A million dollars for WHAT rotten boarded structure Board and the land was PUBLIC
    Rent free all these 49 yrs and that’s the best his place could look

    Peter who do you think you are ENTITLED

    GAS HIM GASTON his place WASNT even worth 10 grand

    Again these rundown dilapidated structures and you want a mil

    • You say squatting for 49 years and not paying rent. Isn’t there a law in Antigua for squatters right.. man see a lawyer.

  4. What they say the beach belongs to the people so if sandals cannot build bongolo in the water why chic damage the people income remember make them pay you sue them

  5. Franz provides daily satire. He is a complete waste. He has lost his morning and see politics as the avenue to regain same. He and Paul are very gullible. All you have to do is to just call in or text something negative about Antigua and they run with it without even fact checking. Then the UPP trolls will come on forums like these and try to defend them. I am sure one troll will respond to this post.

    • @ .
      OK ‘Franz’ lover. I will remind you of your obsession with him all the time, U MINION 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  6. Those rum punches must be a real knock out for the word to be spelt PUNCHS…then again he did say he was SNEAKY.

    • Punches as he punch enough people over the years at that spot. Talk to Tony. He will tell you!

  7. I wonder what percentage he promised the UPP? Anyway one thing for sure Frantz don’t need anything to show himself a fool. Watch them making noise when Peter contradicting his own story. Watch him claim there is no offer of compensation yet then claim there is no willingness to negotiate the offer

    • Tenman, can you ever post anything in support of an Antiguan? How much is Gaston paying you to be his lap dog?

  8. Peter is a millionaire his father sold Blue Water and the property around it for over 30 million USD. He has two half sisters who he don’t talk to and dogs which he has frequently used to attack people. Everyone in Blue waters where he live in his million dollar home afraid of him. He pretends to be poor. He never work and goes to the beach bar as a hobby. So please stop feeling sorry for him as he doing good. We can barely eat in this country and worrying about a millionaire.

  9. So it’s a problem because Kelsick gets US $ 100,000, but acceptable when the DAWG’s son, with a little inside help, allegedly,buys lands at Long Bay and flips it for millions? It’s ok for this son to get public funds to refurbish some derelict Friars Hill Road property to the tune of $850,00, tripling the value of the property, then turn around and rent this property to his stepmother’s governmental department? What about where his Rumshop and mother-in-law’s restaurant sit today? Buying waterfront property at peppercorn prices?
    Our sense of fairness and value system here have fallen into the pit from whence this scourge was hewn.
    Derelict or not, it was the man’s source of income for 4 decades. You cannot put a value monetaryly to that. It’s good to see a citizen finally come out ahead instead of Gaston Browne, his family and cronies.
    I hope Kelsick drag DCA or whoever, through the courts for this. Antigua and Barbuda doesn’t need anymore damn hotels. We need to diversify our economy but the dunce in charge has no original thought and his cabinet is just a band of spineless, compromised goons.

    • Gaston grew up poor so he knows about hardship, now he’s in a position of power he has an opportunity to make the country and the lives of people better, but he lost his soul, has gotten greedy and cares about no one. Almost a year now and my nephew can’t get survivor’s benefits from social security but yall doing all sort of things with tax dollars.

  10. Why is Gaston Browne so dishonest? Is DCA a law unto itself that it can just go and break down properties? Isn’t your wife the minister for DCA. Gaston you know everything about people and UPP but you know nothing about the minister responsible directing DCA. Who are you trying to fool. We will be watching this space to see if a Browne family member occupies it. We know every prime piece of land is for a Browne only.

  11. But but Mr Prime Minister ah YOU ah lead the enrich oneself movement. You should a proud he a try one of your moves

  12. Hon. Gaston Browne….Thank you very for bringing this to our attention. UPP took this and ran with it without knowing the facts. FRANZ ( CHURCH COLLECTION PLATE ). He is the BIGGEST Fraud in Antigua. Spent His years in U S A, NOW BACK ON Observer radio working for MINIMUM WAGE.

  13. So it’s okay for the DAWG’S son, no doubt with some inside help, to purchase a land up at Long Bay, then turn around and sell it for millions; it’s okay for tax payers money to the tune of $850,00, to be used to fix a dilapidated, derelict Friars Hill structure belonging to the said son, then turn around and rent this same building to the step mother’s
    governmental department? It’s okay to purchase beach front property at peppercorn prices under the guise of community development upon which a radio station and mother in law’s business now stand?
    So what if Kelsick got 100,000 US, and we have no proof of this,in exchange for four decades of business? What, it’s a problem if a born and bread Antiguan comes out ahead instead of Gaston Browne, his family or cronies?
    Our sense of fairness is as skewered as the pit from whence the clownshow is hewn.

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