A security guard with Competitive Security Service has told Antigua News Room (ANR) that her six children and herself are now homeless because they’ve been unable to meet rent obligations.
Speaking on the condition of anonymity for security reasons and to avoid further embarrassment, the mother of six said her landlord evicted her over consistent late payments.
She is now residing in an abandoned, dilapidated shack with no utilities.
The security guard is among several affected by cash flow problems being experienced by her employer.
She said after two months of waiting, they received only a month’s pay.
“I do not have any money to buy my children any food or to even get them ready for school in September,” she cried.
“Last night the children went to sleep hungry,” she added.
The security guard told ANR that she has amassed huge debt and have been evading creditors.
She said her efforts to seek employment elsewhere have not been successful
“I am in a depressive state of mind. I feel to kill myself the majority of the times, I am not happy seeing my children suffer like this.”
She has appealed to anyone who can offer her a job or groceries to email [email protected].
Her employer has had financial problems for years.
A source there told ANR that the company’s cash constraint is related to EC $ 4 million owed to it by the government.
The government has been trying to pay down on the debt but the amount it gives on a monthly basis ($40,000) is said to be nowhere close to meet the company’s financial obligations.
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So sorry if this is true however if she had no money how will be able to check her email? Wouldn’t it be better if persons contact ANR to offer her some assistance?
If she get close to and open wifi source she can check her email no money is needed to do that
With no electricity, how will she get her phone charged to get WiFi to access her email???
Well destiny I have no phone -& no internet but I did borrow someone’s phone while they were cooking food for me .is there anything else you want to judge about me & my situation
Where can I meet you ? What school the children attend? How old are they? How many girls/ boys.
Thank you ..
How old are the children? And how many girls and boys?
I am so sorry to hear of her conditions with her children, and her job situation.
how many baby daddies?
You are so on point!
Really? How many brain cells are you missing???
They don’t think before them talk an so
Wow I am truly amazed that all you got out of this situation is to ask how much baby daddies I have …I hope you never come across any bad times .
Your reply is very cold.thank you April stay focus better days are coming the good lord will provide hold on.
Why does that even matter. The woman is also open to a job opportunity if there are any! It’s either you do something to help or don’t comment.
That’s necessary?
Apart from email ,how can we get to her.want to know the age group of her children
The father’s of these children need to at least take their kids until mommy can get back on her feet. I would surely give a donation to them.
He died in 2015
To DAMN fast
This is soooo sad !!!
Gov. Owes her employer … Can’t pay enough on time
Her employer owes her … Can’t pay her unless been paid
Now she owes everybody and unable to put good on the table
Who feels it most … Smh
Some of you too judgemental, it could be all for the same daddy. Keep your opinion to yourself. If it was 5 daddies does it change the fact the kids are hungry. Chuups
WELL SAID! People are tooooooooooooooo fast! smh
We are still human after all <3
You people are so sick and judgemental with your comments.
No wonder she us using an email address.
Yeah that’s exactly why
So agree with you. Who cares how many daddies?
A phone does not have to be active to access WiFi. We need to stop the negativity.
What does it matter, how many baby daddies? Regardless of what her lifestyle is or has been for her to have the children, what matters is that they are here and suffering. He that is without sin, please cast the first stone.
Thank you!!
Wooooow….. All about baby daddies / daddy, have mercy Lord!
Her employer is wotless I know for sure he eating despite of his financial issues also where are your kids father/father’s suicide is a no no that would not solve the problem private message me of where to drop off a donation
you can call or whatsapp 717-6615 We are located at Tamarind St. Belleview Heights for donations to be dropped off..thank you so much!!
this company is been taking advantage of these workers forever …he still owes this business needs to be shut down
So true
Please call me in the morning 562 0277
you can call or whatsapp 717-6615 We are located at Tamarind St. Belleview Heights for donations to be dropped off..thank you so much!!
this company name was changed from complete security to competitive security. .they do not love to pay workers Google it the boss love the high life JUST GOOGLE IT THE OBSERVER PAPER CARRIED IT A COUPLE OF YEARS AGO….SICK PEOPLE. .PAY THE WORKERS …God nar sleep
government owes who ..do a check at social security and medical benefits please do check and see if complete security and competitive owes the stats these workers need to check to see if these are been paid ….some body needs to step in to save these poor workers
He owes social security & medical security & nothing is being down ..I wonder when someone will do something about this ?? When will we stop suffering for him? Many of us are only still working there because we can’t get a next job …imagine how many women have been used or put into other situation because they cannot feed their children
Again, why is the govt so broke with all its extra CIP cash flow? Is the govt on the brink of a meltdown? Seems like it cannot meet it’s obligations. That’s why gas and electricity are still so expensive because they refuse to reduce the hidden TAXES which drive those costs up.
It wasn’t this government who owed that large amount of money it was the former government but government is government they must take whatever debt the former one had . but with the debt the government owes he is well off because he keep taking off money of the account
For all the persons who keep asking where is the babies daddy’s smh . all my children has the same father thank you very much & the government has been owing competitive security since Upp time but that’s not the point here ..I’d like to say thanks to all the persons who think I shouldn’t have an email because I have no electricity & just so you know I borrowed a phone to seek help smh ..that’s why a lot of people do not seek help because you people make us feel worst
O my my my! My heart truely goes put to you miss April! Seek God join a church and his blessings will follow you. Ignore all these ignorant negative comments. If I could I’d surely help you. I really feel this…
Truly sorry to hear your plight. Hard to respond when I can feel as if I can offer you no real solution. It goes without saying that you need to find another job. Please ensure your name is listed at the government employment agency (One stop employment shop). In what constituency are you registered? Have you tried to see if special security has vacancies?
Yes tenman I have registered & at percel I need police record but I didn’t have the money to take pictures plus pay $25
Government owes him yes…but he is living a lavish life….when accountant deposit money in bank it disappears…so he don’t care
Please, my dear, refrain from dignifying such comments with a response. It’s your business NOT theirs!
Hi April, if your children’s father was working and contributed to social security then you should be able to get survivors benefit.
Oh sadly he wasn’t ..
This company has not been paying workers on time ,for 3 months we were waiting on money its ridiculous!! I am fed up their are other females. Who need help also …but the owner of the company can eat, sleep go bargain center & get 3,4 baskets full of groceries. & buy condo in jolly harbour smh he doesn’t care about his workers. But god not sleeping
Look out for an email my dear, the company I work for is very passionate about situations like this.
Is there a contact number that you can be reached at? Also be very careful not to vent to just any person. YOur position is a vulnerable one, and persons may want to take advantage. Seek help also from a church, which will be more supportive, with less risks of being treated with contempt.
you can call or whatsapp 717-6615 We are located at Tamarind St. Belleview Heights for donations to be dropped off..thank you so much!!
Why did the woman respond to these comments, now your employer knows who you are. I hope that is not your real name because some people vindictive and he may want to fire you. I think people were asking about the children’s father because you could have taken him to court for child support which would help you. But sorry to hear he passed away. Just hold strong. If other women in the same situation you guys should take action against your boss. He wicked. PS thanks ANR for the change.
No G . this isn’t my real name & I hid my identity for my children safety & the fact that my boss Mr.Harriette does not try to fire me & have malice against me .& I think I made the best decision because look how some of them are behaving . I mean as soon as a female have plenty children why is it that she has to have numerous baby daddies…my children father was my husband , greatest lost of our lives but ivwant to thank all the persons who have been calling & emailing I really do appreciate you . it amazes me to see how many care. I cried as I was given words of encouragement. I will not commit suicide.. Thanks to all God bless you!!
Hope the Christian bodies and o The organizations e.g rotary, red cross, Christian council and other give this woman some readily assistance
The world needs LOVE. She is asking for help. What is wrong with HELPING HER !!!
There is no love like a mother’s love. Don’t leave your children behind. Suicide is not the option. I know only who feels it knows it but trust and believe things will get better.
Thank you for your words of encouragement, I was truly in a bad state of mind but I will not leave my children behind that’s why I tried to seek the assistance. Yes I have church members praying for me & I also pray
Sad, sad! No compassion. Why is there concern about the private life of this woman? She has made an appeal for help. Help her or shut up! You never know what can happen to you.
Thank you.
In whatever situation we find ourselves we ask what would Jesus do even when we don’t deserve any mercies he renews them every morning u all don’t need all her personal information to help there’s a need if u can help just help without murmur that’s what Jesus would do common people we never know where life takes us show a little compassion too many personal questions are being asked she needs help let’s all come together n do something
It will come back 100 fold
He is lying saying he isn’t get paid because he wants to live the lavish life and have the workers suffer. He have big vehicle well tinted he is always well dressed. So where he get the money from???? The office is in a building that he has to pay rent for so where does he get the money???? He likes to entertain females so wah he get the money from??? Dem mus tap
Finally ..I see you know him well. Hummer car, BMW, he has house on rent, he flies away to much, big grocery shopping, he always partying & he owes social security because he not paying it . buys a condo in jolly harbour…. I feel sorry for all my fellow workers. I watched as a worker cried because she had no money ,no help
Where does these people located
Town house building number #13
My advise is to get her a new job and a temporary place to stay. All the negative comments are stupid and insensitive she not on her back working she has a job. This really misses me off . Talk shop. Lady I am a Pastor my number is 773 2390. Will try my best to help with some food for your children and will enquire about a job for you.
people needs to stop supporting this copetitive security now ,they are causing the problem Y NOT PAY THE WORKERS Y WOULD U HAVE THEM TO SUFFER AND I SEE PEOPLE WITH THE COMPANY’S DECAL ON THEIR PREMISES. .NO TECHNICIAN ON CALL HOW CAN YOU RUN A COMPANY AND NOT PAY THE WORKERS SOCIAL SECURITY THEN WHAT IS THE AIM OF WORKING, WONDER IF PEOPLE REALIZE THIS IS CRIMINAL…THE PEOPLE NEED TO SUE FOR THEIR MONIES…..the name will change soon enough to hide the debt. …how can the government owe so much money …they need to investigate before they pay that…that is Y the government needs to do its own school security. .
My present boss called for a technician & was told they did not have one .however the boss of Competitive has a son name Peter and he is nice he will help the staff .he cares about staff if only he could take over the business with his brother Junior the company would be in a better state
Yes Peter is nice a great young man his mother must be proud .peter keep it up my son your reward will be greater if your father would only change his ways the company will be successful .change must be done now before its to late .if anyone knows Peter please show him my message I want him to know that I respect & love him for everything he has helped me with .
A lot of the workers are only there because of Peter . he has a heart .there was also a young lady name Dubery she helped me with some groceries for my son I heard she left but Dubery I want to say thank you competitive need more staff like you .& miss smith I want to thank you also for trying your best
It is sad to see someone brave enough to cry for help and the wicked hearts of men are exposed. Whatever her flaws , there are children involved.. My God, I rebuke the spirit of selfishness that covers this country.
Be reminded, when neighbor house in fire, wet yours.
Young lady, I will be in touch.
I saw a number of persons ask for the name of the children…. and no response.
She said to call a particular number & she told you the address didn’t you see that ?? What’s so hard in the information she gave you ?
I’m sorry… they asked for the ages of the children. Wouldn’t that be useful information?
I am feeling your pain, what I didn’t like when you say the former Givernment owed him, the former government can’t owed him and he’s still operating, he say that to you guys because he don’t want to pay. A man that always out and showing off his big role get paid, but he’s a evil wicked person I know him well he’s a crook. You don’t have to entertain the negative comments, need to know the clothes and shoes size of the children also their sex do I can assist please thank you.
Yes the former government owes him and it was passed over to the present government do not tell the young Lady any stupidness I use to work with that company and I stop about 2 years now I know how the boss is living .how come the workers are suffering ? And the same boss can buy a condo in jolly harbour ? Someone answer this question please . since in my time working I know the boss has been taking off money of the account .paying himself more than the prime minister smh something needs to be done to the boss of this company .he still owes me as of this day smh
What are ages and sex of the children? Clothing size?
Antigua is certainly in a sad state when we no longer care for each other in this small and beautiful island with people who are suppose to care for each other and also a church on each corner.
I don’t need to know who the person is.
All in know is that I am going to assist because that is what God would want me to.
We are on this earth to help each other,care for one another and not be judgemental about circumstances.
We can all contribute with groceries and toiletries and a job for her.
lets network and help our sister.
life is unpredictable this could be me or you you tomorrow.
And for the person who is asking about clothing or whatever else do like me and use the number that is there to leave the items and find out the directions exactly.
It says clearly to call 717-6615 and leave whatever you have.
God bless you young lady.
I will assist from my heart.
I agree with you.why do we need to know who it is ? She is clearly hiding her identity because of her safety seeing how she spoke out about what she is going through with the company. I think she should keep it this way anonymous because of all the negativity & judgements .April take care of yourself .
Some people just sickening. The woman is crying out for help and all they can think about is how she afford internet to be able to check her email. I hope that person is never in a position to need help.
Check the govt. job program on Church street ask for Joseph Henry.please go and explain your situation to him
politicians red, blue, orange, green, inbetween ! not helping people who vote them in ! where is all the money going / gone ? Live the good life while people hungry! How much more should we suffer?
We donated but will it solve anything living like this and no paycheck coming in? They want us to give up on God and join lodge to be like them..then make laws to keep people quiet?!
Dont like to judge at all or to be critical of anyone,but why would someone not able to have a sustainable proper paying job have six children? These situation always baffle me.Time for poor people to learn how to have sex without having babies,they are not a doll,they are living breathing humans who will need care for years to come.And where are the father or fathers of these children.Sorry to be a bit blunt here but just tired of hearing these sick sorrowful stories which is totally avoidable.No one needs to bring politics in here either,politicians are not the ones who donate the semen that made these poor babies,and as someone rightly say you can donate but will it end the situation,No it will not.Commonsense must prevail in everything we do in life,since there are consequences for ignorance.I feel compassion for the children not for the mother, find the worthless fathers and take them before the court,let them sign legal binding documents that will ensure regular support for their off springs. A little money here and there will not solve the problem,they need regular support.We have a major problem in these parts of the world we are afraid to tell persons when they have screwed up or we are just plain hypocrites,sometimes you just have to tell it like it is as harsh as it may be,it might help to get others thinking.I see to much of this crap around these days.
And that’s your opinion did I ever tell you to feel sorry for me ??? Nope what I see here is a heartless person …..God be with you & if you have a mother ,sister, Aunty, or any other family member that might need help one day, needing help is not about money ,clothing , groceries but maybe one day their car giving trouble or their in an Emergency I might just be the one person to help your family & I would gladly do it …sadly this is what’s becoming of the world,I won’t let you keep me down or make me feel like my children are mistakes because their not , they are blessings from God . people like you are not compassionate & would see someone in need & would never help ..thank God majority of persons are not like you , anyways God bless you sir!!! Love you !!
Something bout this story just na sound to right by me. I smell a BIGGG fish.
The fish that we’ve been smiling is you smh ….where your making a mockery of a serious situation this is exactly why the people do not tell people their business ..I’ve met a mother with 6 children & she’s in that situation because their fathers do not want to take care of them ..2 different baby fathers for 6 children but I agree some of these women need to stop having children for these deadbeats but sometimes they are nice until the baby comes …to much of wutless father’s are out there & a lot of them are running back to the county they came from just so they won’t feed their children its sickening.. I think the governments of the world should come together to send back persons who are paying child support
Something is not right about your statement ..your trying to let people become negative but we won’t ..leave this young lady alone & stop trying to create problem .I have seen these children & they are real
I have helped so many in my life and i am not rich either,i have helped so many in this very same position April Whitney this is why i said what i did,i will continue to say so.Never was my intention to get you down,maybe instead trying to drive some sense in someone else brain.You see Mam all humans are blessings from God,but on a daily basis look around you in other parts of the world and see how many of these blessings die from starvation. God does not want us to be Ignorant. I am just simply tired of seeing these situations mainly among our black women,if i cannot comfortably afford three blessings why should i have Five? i dont know what is un compassionate about telling someone the truth, that,s just me i can help someone but i am not afraid to let that person know they are heading down the wrong road,and too many of our people are heading down the road to poverty simply because we act on impulse. Thats just me,I am not a hypocrite .
I understand where you are coming from but your first message came off harsh , sometimes when people are at their lowest point we need to encourage them not tell them that they’ve made mistakes. We never know the state of the persons mind .
I think its sad that a lot of you are so judgemental of this young mother , if her boss was paying she’d not be in that situation & jobs are hard to find in this day & age . ..she’s a young lady who just need a job to provide for those beautiful children of hers …we need to be more compassionate for people who are put into situations not because of their actions nevertheless we cannot let children suffer not in this century …God is good …let April be in peace & stop the judgement, if you can’t say nothing nice then keep it off this page
Every time we have to help persons in need we find it hard to help . why can’t we just help witj lil groceries or school supplies , a school shirt or pants I mean it is not hard to donate theses things . but we can donate to carnival, slackness but when it comes to the less fortunate we become judgemental ..I respect this young lady ,she’s seeking help for her children . I was in this situation 3 years ago as my children father went back to Jamaica because he didn’t want to feed his 3 children he left us to suffer I lost the house,car & i had to take them out of private school & I had so much pride & I was ashamed to let people see us hungry but my children didn’t eat for 2 days until Samantha Marshall helped us out I thank miss Marshall for the great job she is doing in that area . April I am saying this to encourage you to keep the faith & keep fighting for your children . the mere fact that you seek this help is because you don’t want to commit suicide . you & the children will survive god is good Amen . take care of yourself too not only the children .
I would like to send a special thanks to all the persons who shared this post, persons who spoke about the situation, persons who sent their donations, persons who sent words of encouragement . thank you from me & my children . I want to thank everyone ……God bless everyone!
The staff of Competitive security will no longer be taking anymore neglect from Competitive security we are inviting all the persons who are owed by competitive security(staff or former staff) to come out to a meeting which will be held on Tuesday 1st August 2017 at East bus station in the Botanical Gardens at 5pm. The staff of Competitive security will not be resuming back to work until we get paid .
Yes grant please come out let’s see how best we all can get our monies. We have our children to feed, school is soon opening, rent to pay , food to buy . let us all come together & stand firm
OK i will be there will the union be there also
The staff of Competitive security will no longer be taking anymore neglect from Competitive security we are inviting all the persons who are owed by competitive security(staff or former staff) to come out to a meeting which will be held on Tuesday 1st August 2017 at East bus station in Botonical Gardens at 5pm. The staff of Competitive security will not be resuming back to work until we get paid .
This is the most sensible step taken on this topic.. The post from “dubbery” Address the problem at the root. ,it will occur again if the situation is not remedied and some of the same persons here will be saying,”them always a beg”.Not that i am saying no one should help,but we need to learn to tackle problems from the root and not just but a bandage on. That was my point from the start. Give a man a fish today,he has a meal for today,Teach him to fish,he has meals for life.
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