Ministry of Education sets new policy on hairstyle at schools



The Ministry of Education and Sports is aware of the debate in the public space regarding hairstyles in schools.

Education officials are currently finalizing a draft document on the subject matter.

Contained in the draft document are the following:

Section 49 of the Education Act, 2008 authorizes public schools to “introduce rules to govern the attire, conduct and discipline of students” as long these rules have been approved by the Director of Education.  Section 17 (e) of the Act further stipulates that it is the student’s responsibility to “observe standards approved by the Director of Education or the principal as the case maybe, with respect to –

  • cleanliness and tidiness of the person;
  • general deportment;
  • attire;”

The policy below aims to provide guidelines which define the scope of rules regarding hair that are approved by the Director of Education.


School rules pertaining to hair should be made within the framework provided by the following guidelines:

Rules should not discriminate against students based on the natural texture, length or colour of their hair.

Hair should be clean, that is, free of foul odour and/or contagions neat, well-groomed and orderly presented.

Hair should not pose a health and/or safety risk to self or others be a distraction to the general school population


It must be stated that the Ministry of Education and Sports condemns all forms of discrimination, especially when directed at students throughout Antigua and Barbuda.

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  1. Well groomed, to mean cut and well cut but wait it doesn’t say weather male or female.

  2. Reactive reactive reactive
    1 Can a female wear a pants with her head uncovered to the Rasta Big Creek School?

    2 Can females wear pants to Primary and Secondary Schools?

    3 Can a police Officer sport a full beard and braid or grow locks?

    4 ABDF dismissed a female teacher because she refused to cut her locks.

    5 The constitution provides freedom of religion. The school is a part of the religion.. Therefore the school is free to practice its religion, no?

    6 If one decides to take their child to the rasta school, should there not be reasonable expectation that the school will reflect the Rasta values. So why would a parent be surprised if their child chants Jah Rastafari and said Selassie is God?

    7 Emotional decisions are never good.

    8 Mr Minister is it OK for boys to sport a full beard. And wear their pants below their bottom, after all they are in full uniform so what would be the problem? Wearing pants below bottom affect their learning in anyway if so please explain.

    Some things are best left alone.

  3. the pants below bottom thing a promote something them gay boys do in jail to advertise batty

    The beard thing now I understand cus man a man

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