Lovell Makes Plea For Compensation For Nurses And A National Plan To Combat Covid-19

Political Leader of the United Progressive Party, Harold Lovell is making an earnest plea for government to adequately compensate the country’s nurses and other frontline personnel, for the sacrificial work they are doing to care for those who have been affected by COVID-19.
Lovell noted that, at great sacrifice to themselves and their families, these workers are exposing their lives and placing themselves at great risk, and therefore the nation owes them a debt of gratitude.
He is calling on government to show its appreciation and to make a clear statement on exactly how this will be done. The political leader is suggesting that government make clear arrangements with the representative of the nurses to offer compensation in the form of incentive pay or bonus pay.
He said that in the face of severe shortage of resources, including masks, nurses are working overtime, and beyond the call of duty and this compensation would send the psychological comfort that they are appreciated.
While underscoring the need for compensation for health personnel, the political leader lamented the lack of a National Response Plan to address the pandemic. He pointed to the fact that the WHO has set out a number of templates that government could use and there is no need to reinvent the wheel.
“Where is the plan? Where is the budget? What are we working with? Lovell queried.
Such a plan would set out responses based on scenarios, according to Lovell, and the country would be able to gauge whether its at Level one or Level four.
Using the current community transmission rates, the political leader said the country should be able to calculate the anticipated rate of infection. The number of masks needed to protect the population would not be an arbitrary figure, either, he explained. The national plan would also include a public education training in how to use masks, and other public service announcements.
In the matter of planning for hand washing and cleaning,  vitally important to combat the virus, Lovell said access to water is key. He is suggesting that the closure of hotels and schools means there is more of the commodity around and this should be channelled to the communities, where storage should be provided.
In the meantime, he is again stressing the need for people to adhere to strict quarantine for the period stipulated and the other protocols outlined by medical professionals.

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  1. Harold at this time of the day You are still looking to score CHEAP POLITICAL points. This is NOT the time for Politics. My God Please stop campaigning . This shows that UPP do not give a DAMN of Antiguans and Barbudans. Antigua and Barbuda in CRISIS and Harold is campaigning. Shame on you and your UPP Party. We have 3 years to go before Election . Which Constituency will You be running ? Still awaiting your Slate of Candidates.

  2. A failure trying to stay relevant in times of a crisis.

    Antigua could not have wanted better leader than Hon. PM in such a time. Yes there might have been failings in some areas but by and large we are on the right track in dealing with this virus. After all it is an unprecedented situation!

  3. Just Saying:
    It was the Administration of Gaston Browne.That invited the Opposition Political Parties to join him in Cabinet last week.Lest not we forget that certain methods and ideas were agreed upon in that meeting.So for you to say Lovell want to be relevant is preposterous.Asking to give the nurses a special compensation for being on the front line is a good thing.It is happening all over.

  4. Lovell this is not the time for this I understand what u saying but the country basically going into a jam at this moment maybe after the country get back up the government can look into that matter.
    I think Antigua is into a bad state with this virus based on what happened on Saturday and try to apply the pressure that such thing don’t happen again.

  5. National service: I guess some of y’all politician feel guilty about what y’all didn’t do for the nurses in 2004-2014, while y’all were practicing nepotism and paying board members at Mount St John EC3000 dollars a month.

  6. Just saying would not recognize a good leader if it slapped him/her in the face.

    St. Kitts and St. Lucia have great leadership. Over 200 million dollar stimulus between them and a structured lockdown that doesn’t have people lining up for groceries daily.

    The IMF will be our leader on the other hand – the economic powerhouse and fastest growing economy is the only country running to IMF during this crises in the region. Even Jamaica the poorhouse of the region managing this crises standing on their own two feet.

    • St. Lucia have great leadership??? Joke of the day. That Uncle Tom name Allen Chasternet lward me belly

      • @ Des. If you think the tropical Trump in St Lucia is a great leader so be it. It is factual that St Kitts is able to provide a stimulus and Antigua can’t. The reality though is that is Antigua over the years has been providing that stimulus by keeping people on a payroll that ordinarily should not be employed. It was for those persons who found themselves employed on job programs etc to have set aside for challenging times like now. Government had done its best over the years it was for persons to have been prudent and set aside.The difference therefore is that Antigua would have paid out its stimulus over the years, St Kitts is now making a lump sum payment from the same CIP/CBI funds.

        • In addition to government program of hiring persons the private sector does not want, the SKN so called stimulus (it is not one) includes many items which were already in this years budget (some 69 million worth). It is also well known its pushed by their looming elections. The response to this crisis is really about ensuring safety nets work. SKN clearly is not spending the kind of money on safety nets that A&B is. Among them, its health system cannot beat the one here. Proof of this lies in the Kitticans who often come to ANU for diagnostic tests. As far as SLU, their main hospital brings back memories of Holberton. A&B in preparing for COVID 19 has added a 23 million facility in order to help free up MSJ. Ignore Dess, bitterness blinds him

    • Running to the IMF? Guy time to put your bitterness to rest. the Statement by PM Browne was a OECS one
      “Today, he will further advance the region’s case during a meeting of the World Bank where the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic will be discussed.

      He will be joined by Governor of the Eastern Caribbean Bank, Timothy Antoine and Director General of the OECS, Dr Didacus Jules.”

      • First of all Gaston is the PM for Antigua and Barbuda and cannot beg money for st . Kitts and St. Lucia or anyone else. I don’t hear any other PMs in the region running to IMF they all are writing Chequers to their people.

        And that 23 million dollar facility that is going to be ready in a few days for the last month and a half just like the test kits are coming in a few days for the same time period. Again a little poor island showing up the economic powerhouse. How is the 7% growth working out for us now?

  7. Harry has got to settle down. He is not an elected official. Pringle can speak for them. Whether we like him or not, PRINGLE IS THE MAN, and he can speak for the UPP. He is a member of parliament, not an outsider trying to force his way in. Harry should stop playing politics and strop trying to divide the Nation as we fight the pandemic together. We need statesmen and patriots, not horn blowers just making a lot of noise, seeking attention for their long lost political cause. Time to shut down party politics and seeking for personal political advancement, and join with the People’s Government and work together as one in defeating this plague. No politics now. We’re in a real fight for life itself.

  8. YOU JOKING RIGHT? do you remember the average salary in Antigua? Have gone shopping over the past year?
    Antiguans, please remember to say THANK YOU TO YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS LIVING OVERSEAS.

  9. Allan Chastanet is a SELLOUT!!! can’t wait to see the back of that hypocrite. St. Lucia please do the region a huge favour and get rid of the LAME ASS PUPPET you currently have as PM. A burning shame and utter disgrace he is to the Caribbean. He is the perfect example of the kind of person to AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE!!!!

    And yes give it up already Lovell. You are a spineless coward controlled by the “HAG WITH LIPSTICK”

    That hag has you politically “whipped” until she tun you into a “damn ass”

    What a terrible example you set for people in abusive relationships. Stay and take the blows instead of walking away. Melford bang, bruise, batter and shipwreck you and you still refuse to leave. You have lost more elections than you have you. Your legacy is Worst Finance Minister and Mr. Romantic Rhythms.

    Go thy way and when thou hast departeth, returnest thou not to thine political path.

    Political wretch.

  10. thank God Lovell is not the PM. We would have the IMF running Antigua and Barbuda by now.

    • And he will never be PM. We have the real thing at the helm right now, and he is leading us through this terrible chaos with dignity and professionalism. Nobody is interested in Lovell right now. He’s been severely rejected by the voters and has no real credibility now. Time to stop the politics and get behind the leadership of the nation as we fight the good fight in unity and patriotic oneness.

      • The closest Lovell or Pringle will get to the PM’s office is if either one is a guests of PM Browne. That way they can salivate as to what it would be like had they been at the helm!

  11. Most of you who are commenting can’t see a problem with the way the country is being managed. Maybe some of you are who Asot Michael is referring to getting rich from this government. Antigua is suppose to be an economic power house with the fastest growing economy in the region or so we were told. How can we be an economic powerhouse when the treasury is empty and the country is over its head in debt? Probably half the population is unemployed and things will only get worse the longer this coved -19 problem continues. We are now in a crisis and the economic powerhouse is bankrupt.
    There is so much hatred for Harold Lovell. What has he done to you?

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