Lightfoot residents allege that only the roads of the politically connected are being paved in their dust-afflicted community


REL NEWS: Residents in the Lightfoot West community are up in arms about the condition of their roads and the claim that only the areas in which
government officials reside are being paved.

Many of those complaining have lived in that community for decades, dating back to the days of the Mongul Singh development.

But, since that time, no proper roads have been constructed and, in2023, the residents continue to drive on marl roads.

Residents say that heavy dust emanates from the roads during the dry season.

Then, when it rains, another situation develops: Since there are no proper drains, the water settles on the roadways and
eventually eats away the marl, creating holes.

When these holes are filled in, the marl is later washed away during any heavy downpour.

Residents say that, recently, paving at a particular location is being undertaken; but the roadwork ends, they claim, near the residence of an engineer at the Ministry of Works.

This is reportedly of great concern to the neighbourhood, as REAL News correspondent George Wehner reports.

Residents say this situation is unfair, as it appears that the engineer has used his privileged position in the Ministry to have his road paved.

Meanwhile, other members of the community still have to contend with the poor road conditions after several decades.

Wehner is calling on Minister of Works Maria Browne to ensure that the length of that street is completed, as well as the area’s entire
road network, since the community residents are taxpayers, too.

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  1. If true, I hope Antigua’s intrepid reporter George Wehner will soon be out with his camera 📸 and microphone 🎤 to investigate this matter.


    I really hope this news article isn’t correct, because if it is, this is proof that this government is out of touch with the voting public, and should now be out of office.

    The problems in ABLP governance, seems to be a daily occurrence now – they are totally out of control.

    • that “honourable” MP was last seen shirtless, drunk, tired, and hungry trying to make friends with a police officer. Video all over Facebook. Loose back fat and droopy, saggy skin

  2. I live lightfoot for years and the road is always full of potholes and craters when there is a heavy downpour of rain, big drain in the middle of the roads after i rains heavy and its stays like that for months before they pass and dash likkle dirt, then its rains again and the cycle continues. Maria need to look into this mess.

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