It is tremendously sad no bloggers have acknowledged my skills in accurately predicting who will win and even mentioned that a reduction of 35 votes from the 199 win of Mr. Simon is what is likely to occur based on the last report I saw last night in the counting of votes. it was exactly about that.
When you folks see an expert, who makes his living doing a particular type of work, give him or her the benefit of the doubt that he or she is great at his job, especially when he or she makes millions doing it, analyzing human behavior, emotions, applying the law, and use that in jury selection, developing legal strategies, crime prediction, crime detection, emotional support for victims of vicious and qualifying crimes, etcetera. Next time, please listen.
I have offered this skilled, that the US government determined to be of exceptional ability, national importance and substantial merit, with my advance degrees to the country of Antigua and Barbuda, and the government as usual ignores anything and everything that is good. I must say this statement applies to both leading political party and you read why below and on my other blogs on this site.
The analysis was based on many years of data collection, analysis, research, and understanding of Antiguans, Bolans Villagers and even the Antigua Police Force.
I wonder if various police officers in 2006 and 2008 remember getting various calls from some guy in the US asking questions about the police force?
It was me in working on research papers for my bachelors in 2006, then again for my masters in 2008, and my topic was the Antigua and Barbuda Royal police Force. Which focused on what was/is needed to make it a better and a more effective crime fighting and community-oriented police force.
My result came out before the Canadian mounted police recommendation, it was better and more detailed. Both professors from two different universities gave me A+ and one said, she said, you are going to be famous. You are so good, and this is perfect. This was for my Master’s.
Antigua did not have to pay these people for something I already did. I sent it to various government officials in Antigua and even the police, they all ignored it. The now Prime Minister Gaston Brown said, “you will be an advisor to me in national security matters when I become Prime Minister” he was practically rushing off the phone in about the year 2008, I think. But I really did not believe but I did hope and I really did not contact him for a position, I just wanted my work to be used.
All I am asking, is allow people with the skills for the position to help Antigua and Barbuda, stop saying you cannot do anything pertaining to putting these kinds of qualified people in the positions they clearly qualify for, especially those things that has national importance and substantial benefit to the country and the people of Antigua and Barbuda.
Anyway, back to my article on the prediction. And I am speaking strictly scientifically. Not politically. It is near impossible to change the minds of people within a short period of time without some unique, substantial, and specifically tailored stimuli based on how the specific people think.
There is literally nothing Mr. George and the Prime Minister did that would have changed a substantial amount of the previous 199 votes Mr. Simon won by, without first specifically analyzing the mentality of those people, to know what exactly what kind of stimuli was needed for the voters to do the opposite of what is natural and human to them. It was not natural to Bolans people to change position after just about 10 months. They usually must get “sick and tired” first to change their position on who they are voting for.
Mr. Simon did not spend enough time to cause this kind of feelings yet. So, there needed to be artificial creation of this feeling and other feelings tailored to cause the voters to do what would have been mentally and emotionally unnatural to them, which is to vote against someone they recently vote for without that person getting to the stage of their “sick and tired” feeling.
But ABLP could have done better in attempting to induce such feelings of “sick and tired” early but they did not consult the best behavioral and social scientists out there to understand what stimuli are most effecting to cause this within the St. Mary’s South constituency, especially in Bolans Village. How soon the stimuli most be introduced what it or they should be. You have to speak to the experts first. The sane folks who could precisely predict the results, means he knows what wrench thrown in, could likely results in substantial impact/change.
This was where experts in behavior was needed. They did not listen or seek help from experts, like me, as always. They never do.
I had the science to allow ABLP to win, but you people never listen to experts. There are almost no experts in Antigua is positions they are needed. That is not how jobs are positions are mostly given in Antigua, sadly.
Do you know I would have helped, only to show my behavioral science and analysis works. Just like it worked to easily and precisely predict the winner and practically nearly the exact number of votes.
I knew what factors are important and what had no effect on voters’ behavior. It is why they were ignored.
Science matters. Dudes like me spend crazy amounts of money studying human behavior and, specifically researched Antiguan, Bolans residents’ and the Antigua Police force for numerous research papers.
My prediction will be the most accurate, I told you who will win, and you doubt my science. Nobody ever wins betting against me and science. Definitely not anyone in Antigua.
I was so accurate on things that my classmates use to contact me to help them make decisions, serious decisions. They use to say, “what is the voice telling you about this…. you know that voice that makes you accurate on every important decision” but it was all scientific analysis of people and the situation and then I would give my answer.
I actually use to literally predict how the murders happened and it would literally be exactly so, two weeks after perp is found, and wasn’t the only manner I would employ my analysis and it would be accurate, it would include things in their personal life. Jury selection and legal defenses etcetera.
I am not rejoicing based on who won, as I am not supporting any party, but on the fact my science accurately predicted the behavior of voters in Antigua and even accurately predicted the number tremendously close, and that, is what shows my skill.
Let me see if I will get the respect I deserve, especially from those idiots who do not understand behavioral and social sciences helps in predictions. How can a person not understand that understanding people’s behavior will help you predict how they will behave? Doesn’t that make sense to you?
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Please may I correct those.who seem to think that Simon votes have been decreased by some 30 add votes. T h a t is wrong. His votes only decreased by 1
Won by 199 in January, then minus 174 he won by in October, that is equal 25. So his margin was decreased close to 35 that I predicted.
He won anyways but while others political scientists thought it was difficult what to predict, it was certainly straight forward to me who will win and as my article predicted early and precisely, Mr. Simon was always going to win based on the very predictable behavior of Antiguans and St. Mary’s South Constituents.
The science shows practically no matter who the UPP candidates for the SMS is, UPP candidate would have won.
Who is the author of this article? At least u should attach your name to make the article. Now if you deem to be an authentic scientific analyst why are trying to plant flowers in your own garden? There is no need to because your works would do that much for you….
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