LETTER: ABLP Rejected Me When I Applied to be a Sycophant (Satirical)


Dear Editor,

In October, I submitted a formal application to the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party (ABLP) to be registered as a party sycophant.

But to my utter shock and horror, I got word last week that my application was rejected! For the life of me, I cannot figure out why.

I went to the party HQ on Nugent Avenue in October and got an official sycophant application form and filled it out correctly.

I made no errors and even had current sycophants review my form before I submitted it.

My application was very strong. Firstly, I demonstrated my intellectual dishonesty, which is very important. I submitted photos and documentation demonstrating that the community where is live is neglected.

The roads are a complete mess. Vector control is near non existent. We hardly get water, or they keep turning it on only at night.

And there’s a lot of youth unemployment. A lot of guys I knew as young woman growing up are just in the block doing nothing, and the MP like she has not plan for the area.

But despite all of that, I demonstrated on my application that I have nonetheless praised the government and the party and I have supported the party at many of its events.

I have lied directly to people’s faces about issues I know are wrong, but I do it for the good of the party. I lie to myself too.

Secondly, I also demonstrated my capacity as keyboard warrior – very important to the application.

I have used all my social media profiles to promote Labour. I am especially active on Facebook, where I lie in wait for anyone who criticises the government or the party, and I drag them.

I attack and try my hardest to deny, disinform and discredit. The first step is to deny that what they are saying is even true.

Call them a liar straight-up. Then I give alternative facts about how the issue has already been addressed, is being addressed, or is the fault of the previous administration, so as to deflect blame from the party.

Then I discredit them. I try to be in people’s business as much as possible. If there’s something about them that I know, I will try to use to my advantage – where they work, how much they make, who they friends with, what party they support, if they have any debts, if they family involve in anything scandalous – things like that.

This is how I discredit them. And I know that I’m good at it. I also make sure to @ all my party friends as well so that it can be a feeding frenzy.

Thirdly, I demonstrated my capacity to kiss ass. During the campaigning in January, every opportunity I got, I would go and campaign with the MP and tell her how good she look, and how she was doing a wonderful job.

I even baked a banana bread for her. I left it with her campaign people, so I don’t know if she ever got it. Every morning, I still message her page on fb with a greeting and a blessing for the day.

Fourthly, I demonstrated my capacity for worshipping the party leader. Nobody have Gaston Browne name good good in there mouth like me.

No one! I am a public servant for years now, and I make sure that every morning, I let the whole office know dat it’s because of the honourable Gaston Browne, that we have clothes on our backs and food on the table to feed our children.

By his grace and mercy alone, do we eat our daily bread. I don’t understand why he hasn’t been made a national hero as yet. He is just so wonderful.

I actually met him once, and just one look at the man, you could tell that the country was in good hands. If he wasn’t a married man, I might see if he needed a wife. But he already have a wife.

Having said all that, I cannot understand why my application to be a party sycophant was turned down. I lie to myself about the state of my country. I attack people who speak out. I flatter ceaselessly. I have always been servile. And I just love Gaston Browne. So why was my application rejected?!

This is not fair. If you support the party you’re supposed to get a reward. That’s how it works. You do things to get things.

Well I want many things, and I was hoping that this new position would start me in the right track in the party. Maybe after becoming a sycophant, I could become an ambassador or something, or get a contract to watch paint dry. I have ambition.

I am making an appeal to my never-to-be husband Gaston Browne, please review the application process for party sycophants. I want to be one, and I don’t think I was fairly treated.



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  1. “…If you support the party you’re supposed to get a reward. That’s how it works. You do things to get things.” I believe that’s the job description of a prostitute. No?

  2. All i can Say, open confession is Good for your Soul.Your Head Need be be Examined.You sound mentality unstable.You know the Truth but you decide to support Party than Country. Stop selling your soul to The Devil and the Cult Leader #everythingBrowne.You Need Jesus becsuse your mind is Corrupt.

  3. Lmao 🤣😂😂. Too funny.
    I think they rejected you because they already have enough of these fools, or sorry ” sycophants” in likes of tenman, Sideline, Dave Ray and the rest..so those positions are readily filled and highly guarded by these jokers. 😂 😆.

    Oh shit, why am I getting so serious, I forgot it was a joke 🤣🤣😂.

  4. Sorry….maybe you got the wrong name and address…if you were rejected…try lower new gate street..they might have a position for you…if you like to protest with a forked tongue…your membership is welcome…I’m sure you are a very progressive person…tell you what…there is a place for you.
    The ABLP is not a place for you…looking at your impressive resume…you are over qualified…try the UPP!

  5. You got rejected because they don’t know the meaning of SYCOPHANT. Try using BROWN NOSER or TOILET PAPER face and see what happens 😂🤣😂🤣

  6. Very good Susanette, you gave me a good belly laugh.😂


    But, I also believe that your application was rejected because the ABLP sycophants list is now full to overflowing, and they are now creating a new type of application for CATTYWAMPUS’; BUMFUZZLES and WAZZOCKS!!!

    Apply again in the New Year 😁

  7. @ Psychopaths

    lol, lol, your article perfectly describes the minions of the Labour party.


  8. Wow, thus article reminds me of a blogger using ten (10) different monikers. This article is actually a factual article and I love it. More please.

    Those sycophants want to see no innovation, no advancement and progress. They just follow and lie. Posting on articles using ten different names as if people are not wise enough to know it is the same person using 10 monikers.

  9. As the voice is not there anymore maybe you can be the new voice .but be truthful at all times like how they dont want you.be for everyone .march when things are wrong like we want water everyday ,youth a them want work,health issue, wages increase a proper one not no $8,$9 pay people good, food gone up come on treat us good.
    tired of the same old fuckery .christmas coming old ham and turkey from last year .be the voice talk the truth and leave the politics for them.trust me.

  10. You were rejected because Gaston Browne only needed people from the UPP. He said that they’re more intelligent, muscular, love for people and country. Please try the DNA party I am sure the leader will open her arms and welcome you.

  11. Lol, this sounds like several people that are always waiting on social media to attack people who criticize the ablp government. I hope they realize how dumb they look.

  12. I know this piece was meant to humour. But in real life they would have accepted you because you would fit right in with the sycophants of the Labour Party.

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