LIAT to fly fire victims from Guyana to Barbados


The Government has granted authorization for the utilization of aircraft owned by LIAT (1974) Ltd. to promptly proceed to Guyana. Their mission is to assist in the airlifting of medical personnel and injured students for treatment in Barbados, subsequent to a devastating fire that occurred at a school in Guyana.

According to reports, the fire, believed to be an intentional act of arson, claimed the lives of 19 students. Allegedly, an individual deliberately set fire to the sleeping quarters where the children were staying, resulting in its complete destruction.

In a letter addressed to His Excellency Irfaan Ali, the President of Guyana, Prime Minister Gaston Browne conveyed condolences on behalf of the Government and people of Antigua and Barbuda.

He expressed sympathy to the affected students, their families, as well as the Government and citizens of Guyana. Browne acknowledged the profound grief experienced by the parents and emphasized the need for collective action to provide solace and tranquility during this difficult time.

Having been informed of the Guyanese authorities’ intention to transport the injured students to Barbados for specialized medical care, Prime Minister Browne offered assistance.

He disclosed that arrangements have been made to utilize a burn unit in Barbados to cater to the medical needs of these children. To facilitate their transportation, Browne has engaged the services of LIAT.

Prime Minister Browne clarified that the Antigua and Barbuda Government will collaborate with the airline’s court-appointed administrator to coordinate the logistics, and all associated expenses will be covered by Antigua and Barbuda.

In the meantime, Browne expressed his prayers for the swift recovery of the injured students in the wake of what he described as an immense tragedy.

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  1. The very same Gaston Browne that the haters here at home accuse of all sorts of things, shows how caring he is. Whether it is to evacuate ALL the Barbudans from the Island in anticipation of an upcoming storm or granting free stay to Cameroonians stranded here. He now comes to the aid of Guyanese children who urgently need to be flown to Barbados, whether or not Guyana has more money than Antigua and Barbuda with all the oil, our caring and compassionate Prime Minister doesn’t hesitate to give a helping hand and take up the bill.
    A man full of empathy. Something many lack down here.
    God Bless you my Prime Minister

    • Oh shut the hell up! We all know he’s compassionate to people that are not Antiguans and Barbudans.

      • So, ensuring ALL Barbudans were evacuated after hurricane Irma, while another storm was coming, is that caring for foreigners or for Barbudans? And thereafter housing them and feeding them free for several months up to a year. And even paying the council workers, while they were here. And making sure the council members had a place to meet here. All that was done with no gratitude from any of them, accept a young child that met him at the airport when he returned from the UK where he went to look for aid to rebuild Barbuda. That is a very compassionate man. That is Gaston Browne whom you all hate so much. I’m so glad he doesn’t repay the hatred with hatred. Which any other normal man would do.

        • Wow wow wow wow side line I am sorry for you please this is a Public relation stunt when you are marginalized in the Caribbean you will jump at any opportunity to try and regain your confidence.When you disrespect a general meeting to discuss a security matters of great importance for the Caricom region of course you want to make your way back The reason was the migrant crisis he doesn’t want no one to ask him anything Time Will Tell

    • @ From the Sideline. I really have to try this suck/kiss bottom activity. It seems to be a good ting. Lord have mercy.

    • When will the Gaston Browne administration push for the illegal printing of Antigua and Barbuda passports case to be called 🇦🇬 When will the Gaston Browne administration push for the illegal printing of Antigua and Barbuda passports case to be called 🇦🇬


  2. Browne tricky. BWIA, Inter caribbean, Air Jmaica , Guyana own airlines could do the airlift. This Liat move is with indecent haste. Liat planes are idle anyway its not like they are being pulled from busy routes for an urgent matter.

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