Government wants to reduce the possibility of industrial action among teachers in new school term



The Cabinet invited the Director of Education, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education, the President, the General Secretary and two other officials of the Antigua and Barbuda Union of Teachers (ABUT) to its meeting, in an effort to provide assurances and to reduce the possibility of any industrial action in the new term.

After very intense discussions it was agreed that the Union rep, two Ministers, a survey team from Lands and Survey, and other officials will meet on Tuesday at the Sir Novelle Richards Academy to determine the boundaries of the School, and to begin erecting a fence around the school shortly thereafter.

The Union is also of the view that in the process of the reclassification of a number greater than three (teachers), remains unclassified.

While that finding was refuted by the Minister of Education, there was agreement that the number receiving pay increases as a result of the reclassification may be much higher.

The Treasury has been making payments on the basis of its abilities. The issue of greater security to be achieved by planting more cameras, at six identified schools, has not yet been consummated.

The Cabinet promised a greater determination to achieve the desired outcomes.

At the end of Cabinet’s meeting, members learned that all the cameras needed arrived at the airport this Wednesday afternoon and installation will continue.

The Minister responsible for Technology has agreed to ensure that all challenges which may be encountered while placing the cameras in strategic places, around the schools, will be overcome quickly in order to ensure the schools’ greater security.

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  1. Teacher when you all learn to stand up to this government and deman what is due to you all, only then I will begin to have confidence in you all. You all and your union is a laughing stock. Always making the devil brain wash you all and can’t get anything resolve. Take a page out of Grenada teachers’ union page they were able to negotiate 13% increase and you teachers here taking crap from you all employers. Get it right teachers.

  2. It is a merry go round as the politrickians in the government and the union collaborate to diminish the sanctity of the teaching fraternity. The union keeps on negotiating and always come out on the bad end. The government continually breach singed contracts and keeps pushing the goal post back at every instance.

    Yes..when will the union actually fight on the behalf of its members. No wonder many educators are becoming more and more frustrated with the union they pay to represent them; resorting to rightfully withdrawing their memberships.

    It is a sickening and disgusting saga that is played out year after year. The government cares nothing about education. It is always “lip service”. No profound action is ever forthcoming to back up the much talking.

    Ask the teaching fraternity today, and the majority ( I am sure more than 75 %) are just looking a way to get out altogether. The reality is that the entire system stinks. There is no satisfaction coming from any sector of the system. It is built on a faulty foundation and yet still the people in high authority keep on telling the people about progress.

    The only progress being made is them continuing to amass the wealth while the poor teachers who labor endlessly, struggle every day and cannot even afford to build a home for themselves; even after 25 years of hard labor in the system.

    The system still continues to pile on labor upon labor on to the overworked teachers. It is TOO MUCH now.
    The plan for substitute teachers is still under the house even after been discussed many years ago. A simple plan cannot be implemented up to this day. A teacher goes on long leave, medical leave or such and there is NO REPLACEMENT for sometimes an entire school year because the system is so lacking in simple planning strategies. Then the work of the teachers on leave are onloaded onto other teachers who are already stressed and frustrated.

    Then they expect miracles to be worked and students to perform incredibly excellent. Total foolishness.
    Again: Do the survey. Find out the fact that the majority of the teachers in Antigua & Barbuda are anxiously and earnestly seeking for an escape route out of the public system. The root cause of this is that the entire system is messed up and nobody in authority even know how to fix the problem.

    So it is time that the teachers union get some heart. Use your capital sense since its pellucid that the common senses are missing.

    Get up, Stand up for your rights. The teachers deserve better. Much better!
    The only way we can more this economic poor house forward is first through education. But NO, the political misleaders and their cronies are only interested in grabbing all the land and $$$$$$$. To heck, with the normal man.

    Get some heart, teachers: Take a page from the teachers’ unions in islands like Jamaica, Trinidad, etc. They stand for something and not fall for anything their governments throw at them.


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