‘Freedom March’ Protest on March 13


SOURCE: REAL NEWS: Organizers call for fed-up residents to support ‘Freedom March’ on March 13

Fed-up nationals and residents who have been calling for a march of protest will be able to put boots on the ground on March 13, as organizers report they have received police permission for the event.

The action is being organized by radio personality William “Zizi” Thomas and Vere “Lone Wolf” Bird III.

Thomas notes that the march will take place in the afternoon, as many people have complained that the recent morning pickets – in protest of hikes in vehicle-licensing fees – do not accommodate their work hours.

The exact route – which will take protesters through the streets of St. John’s – will be given closer to the date of the event, Thomas adds.

In the meantime, he encourages those who are “fed-up with the high cost of living; the bad roads; the lack of regular water and reliable electricity; the ailing healthcare facilities; the new taxes; and the Government’s lack of accountability” to begin crafting their slogans and placards.

While it is a non-partisan activity intended to protest the financial and other pressures being inflicted by the Gaston Browne Administration, the United Progressive Party is throwing its support behind the March.

“The Party is gratified to see citizens and residents organizing this resistance to what’s happening now,” a UPP official says.

“With so many persons being afraid of financial and other victimization, we see it as a good thing that this march is a response by the people.

“And whenever our citizens and residents stand up against dictatorship or hardship, this ‘People First’ party will be right there, standing with them,” the official adds.

March 13 has been selected for its significance to Caribbean politics and governance. It is the date, in 1979, on which the people of Grenada rose up and overthrew the regime of Prime Minister Eric Gairy – a revolution immortalized by King Short Shirt in the calypso “Viva Grenada.”

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  1. The Grenada revolution in 1979 was led by the New Jewel Movement a Marxist-Leninist vanguard party led by the indomitable Maurice Bishop. The March 13 march will be led by ZIZI and Vere Bird. Kudos to them, but ideally this action should have a political party at the forefront and even more ideally a political party that represents the interest of the masses. In a word, a vanguard political party a la the New Jewel Movement on 13 March, 1979 in Grenada. Where is our vanguard political party in Antigua?

  2. Until there are organizations such as the Ecumenicals, the Legal system, and the business community with workers rights organization: who may be their adversaries from day to day, who forms an effective Civil Society and an independent media capable of investigative journalism that I firms without political bias.
    This is just performative.
    Our MP Trevor Walktwent into Parliament a few days ago and made a speech about dredging at North Sound. The OM dress him down and rightfully so.
    He had not a word about the Riot Squad facing down demonstrators at Katel Hill.
    He had not a word about The Orine Minister false accusations about the Council not paying workers.
    Maybe this demonstration will cause the Riot Squads to be transferred back to Antigua.


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