Entrepreneur Calls for Fair Treatment and Support from Antiguan Government Amid Business Displacement Concerns

Sneaky Pete's

I am assuming based on this conversation, he did not have title to the property. However, that may be irrelevant now, based on the many decades he has been operating on, in possession of, and controlling such land.


I do believe the government should take this opportunity to work out something fair for all parties. It genuinely causes me to think about my own situation simply seeking the encouragement, support, and reasonable accommodation from this Government for my business that is of national and international importance with its substantial merit but was told, I cannot help you. The most basic request from my government that only required for decisions to be timely and reasonably made to facilitate me.


I did not request money or duty free or free land. I simply wanted something as simple as the government ruling that providing legal and emotional support for victims of crimes to be a matter of national importance, a vital service, not only for tourist, but for locals. This was just a request that all good countries easily provide, while in Antigua, this was considered to not be important at all to facilitate such a service provider.


I genuinely believe that providing US tourist, who are victims of certain vicious and qualifying crimes, while they visit and spend millions locally, with such service tremendously strengthening the local tourism products. Research and commonsense have shown that people will prefer to visit places they feel safer and have access to vital resources if they are victimized. Especially when all the resources I mention here will be coming from US crime victim funds from the tourist’s state they reside or the federal government terrorism fund, etcetera. There is literally zero expense to the local government. Just needed the tools and resources that are reasonably required to provide such services to the victims (regionally).


I literally would be required to investigate vicious and qualifying crimes that my clients alleged while visiting locally and regionally and present such evidence to various boards that includes US state crime victim funds programs, Federal terrorism fund program and even USCIS (DHS and US Department of State).


This is not a one-sided service because the US provide all these same and more services for Antiguans and Barbudans and every person in the Caribbean region if they are victims of crimes while visiting the US or if they are victim of crimes outside the US which specifically violates a US law. They would be entitled to funds, US immigration benefits, etcetera, even if they are not in the US and are in Antigua and Barbuda or the Caribbean region.


Why was it so hard for this government to facilitate such endeavor that not only protects US citizens, green-card holders but actually Antiguans and Barbudans too.


Why is it hard to simply look at the pith and big picture of things and facilitate and support locals doing great things for their nations and humanity? why is it so hard to always do everything in your power as leaders to help nationals?


I also want to say to the readers and locals that you are at fault also. You are so focused and biased for your politicians and political parties, so that not even in the interest of your growth or your family’s growth you are able to protest and demand support for your family. I have mentioned my experience, and not one person got upset and protested. not even 2 people came together and put pressure on the government to act in a manner that put pressure on the government. anyway, they fear doing so because the politicians love labeling you detractors and oppositions if you demand anything contrary to their wants or ideas.


Get up and fight people, get up, and support good ideas and your family, friends, and people who are doing good in this world.









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