Couple flees home, leaving son behind, after masked robbers kick in front door and fire shots


REAL NEWS: As Antigua and Barbuda braced for the impact of Hurricane Tammy on Friday night, October 20, a family in Cedar Grove became the victims of robbers who broke into their home shortly after midnight.

Reports say that two armed and masked men broke into the home by kicking in the decorative glass door into which they also discharged a bullet.

Further reports say the family was asleep when they heard glass shatter and what sounded like a gunshot.

Realizing that something was amiss, the couple fled the house, but were not able to alert their teenage son, who was in another room.

The gunmen reportedly went to the couple’s bedroom and discharged another round in that door.

It is alleged that they then searched the property, making off with $480 and the man’s car keys.

Officers from the Langfords Police Station were notified of the incident by other residents – who had called to report what sounded like gunshots in the area – and conducted investigations.

Reportedly the victim’s vehicle was found abandoned in the All Saints area – ransacked but otherwise intact.

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  1. Wow, leave your son just like that, that is awful, I would have done whatever it takes to get him out too

  2. I share my country man/ woman ‘s sentiments. This child must be traumatised and need all of our help not to grow up into a criminal after such a traumatic experience. The parents too need help as we do not know how we will react if we are faced with such violence. It appears that we are living with violence on the eve of our 42nd year as an independent nation.

  3. They get off with $480 which the both of dem have the share it between the both of them they only going to get $240 each. Young men y’all live worth more than $480 stop it and go find hard work to do

  4. Stop judging Patricia. Sudden fear, especially out of your sleep sometimes causes people to act and think irrationally. A gunshot is cause to flee.

  5. Nonetheless, this sounds like they went to kill the couple, or one of them, not to steal. People who are there just to steal don’t be so quick to fire their guns.

    • I can help you wait my friend, I love waiting too.
      I think more people need to learn to wait on them patiently.

  6. Start killing them when they break in your house and property. Kill them all. Send a message to all of them

  7. Entering and fired shots on the way in sounds unusual,that would alert the neighbors,sounds more like killers and hit man than armed robbers 🤔🤔🤔🤔

  8. Wow! that is all I have to say. I will not blame anyone who wants a gun right now to protect himself snd his family. Better get charged with having an unlicensed firearm than someone breaking into your house like this- sorry. Not encouraging illegal activities but I am not seeing police patrolling in my neighborhood as close as I am to a police station. Then When you call them they say that they don’t have a vechicle. So one have to take it upon his or herself to protect themselves.

  9. I’m not too sure if you two don’t have any common sense or just naturally dumb but, if Patricia was in the same position I would encourage you to run back for your child.

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