Aircraft that brought ‘uncleared’ Arabs here in February remains at Runway 10, sparking even further suspicion


REAL NEWS: A private aircraft which landed here on Wednesday, February 16, and allegedly did not go through proper security clearance is said to be still on the island.

On February 17, during the Morning Bush Tea Show, REAL News correspondent George Wehner broke the news that some 11 persons – reportedly from Saudi Arabia – had arrived in the country but were not properly landed.

Reports said they were taken from the aircraft and ushered into a number of private vehicles – without clearing Immigration and Customs.  The convoy was then escorted from the airport compound by police officials.

Wehner, a licensed commercial pilot, is now reporting that the airplane appears not to have left the island since then.  Based on its registration, he says, the craft originates from the Isle of Man.

Wehner believes there is something suspicious about the airplane having been at Runway 10 for this length of time – especially since there has been no official word on its presence, nor a response to the initial reports of airport-security breaches.

Meanwhile, Wehner says he is investigating the ownership of the aircraft and the secrecy surrounding its arrival and passengers.

He is also wondering whether the plane is unable to travel outside this jurisdiction for fear of being seized.

The Department of Immigration is the agency responsible for officially landing persons entering the country.  Reports say that both Immigration and Customs officials were upset that “visitors” had been allowed to usurp security processes. — REAL News

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  1. Tell us about the suspicion that a man has 26 acres as agriculture land and all that is contained therein is an old latrine, two leaking tanks, 5 rotten hoe sticks, two pieces of wellington boots and endless cassy bush. Tell us about that please.

    • Has the 🐍 turned over the *26 ACRES* to the government so that young people and others who know the value of WORKING HARD can use the land instead of FARMing FOOL??? Loafting around in Dave Lester Payne studio instead of planting food to help feed the nation is not a good look for the ASSpiring Agriculture Minister!!!

      And 🐍blamed Lovell Limpy Joe King Lyadd saying he was told to ready himself for election 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

      • Tell us about the breach at the Port where persons broke in several barrels that contained God know what.
        Up to this day,not a word on radio Moscow (ABS) about this security breach, instead of talking about vacant land.

        • Tell us about the 🐍and GRENADA. Where is the GUN that SHERFIELD BOWEN used to SHOOT TESSA BARTHLEY?? 🤔

          Is he your shadow minister of GENDER AFFAIRS to protect women like TESSA BARTHLEY from domestic violence???

          r.i.p. TESSA BARTHLEY born January 29th 1981

    • What does this have to do with a suspected breach of national security? If the man has the land not being properly utilized that is a shame and he should do better but that does not change the substantive issue here. We would like to know who these people are and what they are doing here. Do you have to wear a blue t-shirt to be interested in the answer?

    • “Just Saying” as usual not saying nothing..
      Everything comes out of your mouth on every topic is political hogwash not worth a penny.
      Do you stay on this platform all day to be one of the first of Gaston’s waste collectors to spew the bullshit as soon as a story is posted

      • AND YOU HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO READ IT. 5 Star points for you today. Thanks for being a to fan!!!! Happy Easter.

    • So you dunce elements that support the red cult are more concerned about idle lands, than about a suspicious aircraft which brought persons unknown to antigua, that was not properly landed?

      • No school fooler. The people support the UWI FIVE ISLANDS CAMPUS and Scotiabank workers not being on the breadline. We don’t support MR. IMF ROMANTIC RHYTHMS WADADLI POWER CAN’T ABST HOTEL RIPOFF ABIB COLLAPSER BANKING-SECTOR COLLAPSER ANTI-UWI FIVE ISLANDS CAMPUS

        • You really working hard and singing for your supper. I wonder if your on the job program and given the assignment to troll antigua news room.
          It’s a pitty you not getting a board appointment, for singing so hard every day.

          • You really drinking too much blue coolant boy/girl. As for board appointments….how many boards did Dotsie get appointed too under Jacquie Quinn??

            You sat on the ABIB board and oversaw its UPP collapse even though the central bank warned y’all???


  2. This excuse for an “article” has MARY JOHN/TURKS LEE written all over it. That’s how she behaves on Facebook. Always looking for drama and meddling in ppl binniz. Hey “Turks Lee” how’s your Go Fund Me? You should know that Dr. John wasn’t gonna waste his money on helping you. You are an EMBARRASSING SHAME AND DISGRACE TO THE FAMILY NAME!

    Did your bosom buddy Jacqui give any $$$ towards your legal woes?

  3. You people are so divided,poor Antigua. I feel for you and your pains. All persons coming into Antigua,should and must go through proper entry,protocols. If that does not happen. How the heck would you know who are entering the Island. That is a very dangerous road we are going down. I come into Antigua every year. I present my Passport and they give me a hard time,with many questions. I asked the Immigration man,if it is because the Passport is a Foreign One. I also said to him,look at the place of Birth in the Passport,Antigua and Barbuda.

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