A concern for unscrupulous & Unethical practices being instrumental for promotion on the job site


Dear Edítor,

Last week, our Royal Police Force of Antigua & Barbuda ( RPFAB ) successfully completed a week of celebration…

The shows were great & the performances done by those involved, deserves high commendations.

Of course, I was well entertained. However, what peeked my interest was the subliminal messages that were expressed in some of the calypsos.

To me, the songs were well composed and lyrically strong but hearing the sentiments that is perceived that some female officers may have to lie down on their backs to get promoted & other officers (male & female) will have to be close friends with those in authority to get a promotion, certainly was not enticing to my ears.

Immediately, the content expressed in some of those songs brought back memories of an article that was published on this platform about 2 yrs ago concerning promotion on the job sites.

The article refers to a perception of unscrupulous & unethical practices used by those in authority in some establishments to promote individuals who are not deserving of it and others who are overlooked and pushed a side because they are not hand in gloves with the hierarchy or they do not sit & drink & belong to a particular clique.

Sometimes, it is ironic that we see some organizations stagnant in their operations or making one step forward & several steps backwards and not accomplishing their true goals. Of course, the question is why?
Because of the culture of self-interest & the mindset that ” I am & I run things “, some of these persons in authority are actually making themselves as enemies and liabilities of the organization they work for.

Their modus of operandi stinks and in a subtle manner they tend to look out for their friends & cronies thus ending up placing square pegs in round holes.

Such practices usually create the morale fiber of the organization to deteriorate and the professional standards of the organization to diminish.

The article in the link below gives an interesting read!

“LETTER: As a manager, I must confess that I have witnessed some unethical and unscrupulous practices among my colleagues – Antigua News Room” https://antiguanewsroom.com/letter-as-a-manager-i-must-confess-that-i-have-witnessed-some-unethical-and-unscrupulous-practices-among-my-colleagues/


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  1. Why are we surprised? FRAUD is endemic in government. When residents have had no water on Redcliffe street for 10 months, and have being forced to buy water from trucks, yet APUA sends bills for services not rendered, you see how corrupt most elements of the society is. When you ask for electric service and you have to pay for the pole and the meter that APUA will charge you monthly for, you see that that company is run like a mafia gang in New York.

  2. I can certainly affirm this, particularly when discussing the Police Force, where qualifications often appear to carry little weight. One might expect that advancing their education through courses would lead to career advancement, but unfortunately, that’s far from the reality.

    Promotion in the Police Force often boils down to personal connections and which politicians can advocate for you. Within the organization, individuals with associate’s and bachelor’s degrees can still find themselves struggling on a Constable’s salary and facing promotion bypasses.

    There is an unfounded notion within the Police Force that not everyone can be promoted. However, it is essential to acknowledge that as one’s knowledge expands, their salary should naturally reflect that growth.

    The Police Force should conduct a thorough review of each officer’s personal records and promote them based on their educational qualifications and merit, thus ending this nonsensical practice.

  3. @the sidelines.

    This is by far the most sensible and empathetic thing you have ever said on this platform. I’m not trolling, but I must give credit where credit is due.

    On another note, this has been the Caribbean for years, this same old nepotism practices and Browne nosing which has usured in mediocrity across almost every government or private service in the Caribbean.

    This Stain will not be blotted out anytime soon unfortunately, many will go to their graves with this practice. The good old ” hand wash hand”

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