NYPAAB St.Paul’s Youth MP & Youth Activist Jahmaal A. Frederick has requested that his press statement be pulled based on the view that it is being misunderstood.
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He ever think about the number of ppl last name start with J F and so on. Child go sleep and practice social distancing
This comment crack me up.. i just choked with laugher.
Guess u don’t have kids….chupzzzz
Too early to even have this conversation. Youth MP looking for some publicity.
Here goes community spread! Education over health? It was a few weeks ago that it was economy over health and look where that got us!
That’s why he’s a “YOUTH MP”, not a “real” MP. This is out of his league. Nice try, but leave these things to the old heads, please.
Activist, Jahmaal A. Frederick,
students’ focus
a long
the Antigua State College
an exam
Now that I have covered the errors in the article let’s talk about the “opinion” of the youth minister.
1. Before the internet and computers, what did people do? They studied for hours at a time, in libraries or at home if there were fortunate enough to have a dictionary or an encyclopedia. This went on for generations but now that youth have become complacent and lackadaisical the youth minister would like for the students to not have to work hard for a change and still be spoon fed while putting education staff and students at risk.
2. Parents need to be held accountable for preparing their children as well. I know of many people who’s parents didn’t have the educational background to deal with the subject matter that their children were learning but they were disciplined enough to assist by asking questions and ensuring that the children did the exercises and when the child had a problem they would pick up the house phone and dial the teachers or someone knowledgeable or send the child to these persons to have them assisted. Today there is the internet with a million educational avenues to help children. Not just for Snapchat, Twitter, ig and the like.
3. Who is going to pay for the daily disinfection? The economy is at a standstill. People are losing their jobs, that means government revenue is being reduced. Please enlighten as to where the funds will come from.
4. The name shift system is based on the assumption that the names are evenly distributed alphabetically. Any person that has a basic level of education can pick up a phone book and from a simple tally of the pages determine for themselves that there is no even distribution. So assuming that this will be able to ‘solve’ the problem is incorrect.
5. How do you propose to teach the split classes? More than one teacher teaching different methods to the same class? What if the majority of the class of 25, twenty persons, and 5 in the other class. Should the teacher work twice in the same day, every day of the week? What if the teacher has multiple classes? (Most teachers do)
6. Another issue is any physical work the students produce which may become contaminated and thereby contaminating the teacher who then in turn returns home and infects their family.
These are the immediate thoughts that come to mind. While I agree that there is cause for concern and something has to be done to assist the youth, spewing drivel steeped in ignorance won’t help anyone. Get some facts, have a solid plan and make a proper proposal
youth is a eidiottttt or wha.He must a want it spread ten times the rate now
What you said he’s seeking some publicity😂
What the heck is a Youth MP. Never heard of such a position in Antigua and Barbuda.What are his responsibilities.
He asked for it to be pulled cause it was stupud as fell. CXC and ither were already postponed. When you trying to play politics you end up looking like an @$$
Hell** others**
Stop drinking Jim jones coolaid
He is NOT from Barbuda.
What in the name of nonsense
This guy needs to be sat down. He’s out of order and chatting nonsense. He’ll never make it in the real world of politics. He should stay at home and wear his mask 24 hours a day. Whoever heard of this dude? He should not be getting any publicity. He is out of his league. What nonsense is this! Chuptz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am in NO WAY saying this is a plausible suggestion, BUT it baffles me that the VERY SAME persons screaming for the curfew to be lifted to accommodate lawless fraternizing, are the FIRST to pelt stones at this young man.
You call it “taking away your freedom” because you’re not able to fete, yet he’s dumb for suggesting putting a system in place so school can continue??
To me, the same logic should be applied to BOTH suggestions🙄🙄
omment is awaiting moderation
I am in NO WAY saying this is a plausible suggestion, BUT it baffles me that the VERY SAME persons screaming for the curfew to be lifted to accommodate lawless fraternizing, are the FIRST to pelt stones at this young man.
You call it “taking away your freedom” because you’re not able to fete, yet he’s dumb for suggesting putting a system in place so school can continue??
To me, the same logic should be applied to BOTH suggestions🙄🙄
Rather than attack the young man personally, how about we offer him some praise for his efforts and then show him the short comings of his argument. Shame on all the adults who called the young man vile names and attacked him personally. This was your opportunity to make this a teachable moment and you blew it big time. Here you have a young man advocating for his education and for that of his peers only to be called “out of order” and “seeking publicity.” Shame on you!
The problem with this kid is he’s too immature and doesn’t have any real experience with such things. That’s why we have REAL MPs. Anyway, he finish now.
A food for thought.What would have been the backlash if Gaston Browne said the same things? Would we be jumping and kissing his rings.Because he is the World Boss,Teflon Don,The Moses to Blinds.The Man who runs Antigua and Barbuda into a stage of Bankruptcy.Not caused by the coronavirus.
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