Young man who fell off truck remains in a coma; mother appeals for help since there is no neurosurgeon on island


A 28-year-old man is hospitalized in critical condition and in need of an operation, and his mother is appealing to the public for assistance.

She explains that her son, Jamoya Browne, lost his balance and fell off a truck that was travelling through the Fig Tree Drive area on Friday afternoon, August 5, and suffered head trauma.

He was on his way home from work at the time.

Reports say the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) was summoned to the scene. But when, after some time, it had not arrived, the truck driver and other persons placed Browne in the vehicle and decided to transport him themselves.

They were met by the ambulance in the vicinity of the Town House Mega Store, and Browne was rushed to the hospital, where he remains in a coma and on life support in the Intensive Care Unit.

Browne’s mother says she was advised that there is no neurosurgeon on island, and, therefore, the hospital can do nothing for the young man.

She says the only medication her son is receiving at this time is to keep his blood pressure in check, since it is fluctuating, and some antibiotics, which are being administered by IV.

In spite of not receiving any positive news from the medical professionals, Browne’s mother says she is just waiting and going to the hospital to visit her son.

Dealing with this situation is not easy, she admits, but with God’s strength and mercy she says she is pulling through. – REAL NEWS

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  1. Please will the government or rich politicians personally help this man. His family are devastated and good people. A working man trying to get home, it’s tragic. Government need to help this man. Bring surgeons in or something. Have a heart. Come on.

  2. Antigua is a wanna bee Economic Powerhouse without any Power. Where is that Neurosurgeon? This young man should have been looked at by now. Sometime ago,a Minister in Cabinet had a heart burn due to built up gas. He was given a Medical Flight to the Turks and Caicos Islands. Then unto Miami all because he had an attack of gas. Who paid for such a flight? Did the taxpayers foot that bill? This young man is from Grays/Green. Let us all get together and help his Mother. We as a people should be able to help and to heck with the Administration. For if we were to wait on the Ministry of Health. Chances are he would die without proper intervention.

  3. Very heartbreaking indeed for his mother and family.

    Pray that God will come through for the young him. The Creator knows best in every case.
    Difficult to understand in times like this, but HOPE comes from one source only.

    That being said: regulations must be enforced that PROHIBIT persons from traveling on the back of trucks. They are intended to carry cargo not human beings.
    Too often we see these construction workers packed like sardines on the back of pickup trucks, En route to their work site or returning home from the work site.

    When will we begin to practice proactive ways that should govern any civilized country and stop being reactive to every situation?

    The police must ensure that these vehicles do not transport people in the pickup back buckets. As I said, they are built to carry cargo and not human beings.


  4. Antigua boast of everything else but it’s health system, because it’s atrocious. The death rate in Antigua would have been way lower, if they had a better health system. There are more all inclusive hotels in Antigua than any other country, but yet they can’t provide a better health system for their citizens. Stop brag about your 365 beaches, and start helping your people.

    • This people dont care. Governments should care about people well-being but them kind of government only care about them self ask them what they did with the diplomatic passport money they keep it for election and the rest gos to them self.when that money should be to the people of Antigua. Every single thing in the supermarket went up some of them want up sky high and the governments is not thinking of giving people better pay .as far as I see this this government wants to see Antigua people in poverty .

  5. Last election we also voted for a medical insurance. The ministry of health should have gone that route a long time ago. It is a great idea . Just like the some companies subtract a certain amount from their workers and set up medical attention insurance. It’s the same way if the thousands of workers contributing to medical benefits etc , contributions goes to medical insurance. The statutory bodies also have medical insurance for their workers. Every contributing citizen would be medically insured. It is full time that we do something like that. This is a poor country and without that we will not be able to help our citizens in times like these. Now I am calling on the government to act quickly. Please don’t take forever like you did with Andre Simon. The exorbitant salaries the workers in Social Security are getting plus traveling etc. How much is the director of Social Security, the head of medical benefits, the manager at Education levy are taking home . Then we have the big belly boards, these people are also getting paid monthly. They have fetes fir board meetings. The head of Director of Social Security is also getting paid as chairman of the board. Harold Lovell I want to vote for you but are you going to make that change. Upp chairman was at Education and raked in the doe the same way.
    Just compare the salaries of these people with other qualified civil servants. A regular officer without a degree at social is getting double a qualified teacher with a masters. The Director of Social is getting 4 times the Director of education and twice a minister. 3 times they account general. We need to scrap these institutions and start all over again. We need a government for the people and of the People. Harold like lots of the principles of ACLM – For the People.

  6. I don’t know where to turn because I think we governed by a set of greedy politicians and in the waiting are the opposition that waiting on their turn. We need a government the is people centric, for the people. Full time.

  7. Way back in the early 1990s a neurosurgeon was always difficult to locate, and Antigua had to rely on a neurosurgeon to come in on an irregular basis.

    Now fast track to 2022, and it seems like nothing has changed. So sad!

    We’ve really been let down by successive governments … Antiguans deserve much better!

  8. Pity his name ain’t JACQUIE QUINN. One quick call to Medical Benefits by Mr. Cooks POND WATER and he would a done fly out to an elite hospital in the 🇺🇸

    My my my. JACQUIE Quinn gets special treatment while the average citizen can’t get the same access.

    • So Michael Browne did not get special treatment. You seems to have eyes for certain people. All Members of Parliament do get special medical treatments all of the times.

    • Strange you have not mentioned the expensive medical insurance that the ABLP politicians now enjoy but you pick on Jacqui

  9. This is a sad situation, however as antiguans we are always quick to point a finger. Why not say every Antiguan should try to secure health insurance or that ever work place should have a health insurance plan or that social security / MBS should be a hub for these things?

    Everything is not politically driven!

    A neurologist is very expensive!
    Let’s say the gov get one here, when your/ my pay late don’t argue! ( yea I’m a gov worker, making less than $2000 per month!)

    This young man needs prayers and help!

    Please post the link to the go fun me, I’d be more than happy to help!

    • GoFundMe is not the answer to everything. The tax money’s that government collect is for the development of any country, those money’s are what should be in use here for the service of the citizens. So why pay taxes then?

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