Work on stalled car park to begin “shortly”

Sunshine Hub Car Park

The government says it has completed its purchase of the Sunshine Hub car park and plans to begin work soon.

The Sunshine Hub was purchased by the Gaston Browne administration for US$6,000,000 (six million dollars) “though it cost upwards of EC$100 million to build.”

“The purchase also brings to an end the mortgage/charge on the Crown lands that encompass the remainder of the field all the way up to the road in front of the old parliament building, the Victoria Park, the National Archives and the bus stop,” said Chief of Staff Lionel “Max” Hurst.

He promised that work on the car park will begin shortly, turning the square footage into office spaces, shops, restaurants and other small enterprises. A local group is pooling its capital to build-up these enterprises.

Worked stopped at the facility nearly a decade ago after the financiers ran into difficulties.

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  1. So I’m guessing all the talk that UPP spent/wasted all this money on the car park was propaganda? Since this Government purchased it, it means they never owned it, which was what tthe UPP was saying all these years.

  2. When u think about the beaches, historical sites, restaurants and hotels etc one can really appreciate this beautiful twin island state but when it comes to the people running this country it is really sickening. Antigua could be far ahead of where it is today.

  3. A LOT of money has already been “invested” into said Can’t Park. No use crying over spilled milk. Make the best of the situation.

    • Real Talk that is Real Talk. I share those sentiments. I never supported the idea of placing a Car Park in that location. However it is there and cannot be undone. Best to finish it. I would however, keep it as a car park rather than try to convert it into something else. It was designed to be a car park so now that it’s half-way done, why change the plan? I don’t get it.

  4. So the car park will not be used as a car park but for office space, shops and restaurants. The parking in town will never get better. All the staff for all the businesses in town use all the parking spots leaving none for the average shopper/consumer. But doing anything with it is better than having it sit there unused for the last 10 years.

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