Woman struck by vehicle dies


Head of Traffic, ASP Rodney Ellis has confirmed the death of an elderly woman who was struck by a motorist earlier this month.


Elva Herald Terez, 67, was hit by a car on Joseph Lane on the night of April,13, 2021 has died.


She remained in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at the Mount St John’s Medical Centre (MSJMC), following the accident.

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  1. May God be merciful Blessings Blessings .
    That Idiot driver just plowed into that lady . There was a stopped car ahead so the driver had no where to go yet they pressed heavily on the gas pedal and this is what we have today .
    GOD is GREAT .

    • Why don’t u read before commenting …. the incident u r referring to took place on lower market street close to papa bird statue..

      My condolences goes out to the family 🙏

    • Are you serious- it shows that you’re not a driver… the incident on market Street was as clear as day- the driver applied brakes and his foot slipped to the gas peddle.
      It was a clear accident and not that the driver plowed into the lady

  2. Condolences to the bereaved!

    Again, a toxicology report must be done on #ALL drivers who are involved in serious traffic accidents. This must include the taking of blood and urine samples at the scene of the accident, and an immediate breathalyzer test administered, at the scene as well.

    Again, condolences to her family!

  3. My deepest condolences to her family… It’s sad how people try to make a living and somebody just comes one day out of nowhere and takes your life away from you leaving behind who you love most…I hope they punish guy in the most harsh way possible..using your phone and driving is not good especially when driving fast…

  4. I hope jay walkers learn from this incident but probably not. People like to walk out in the streets as if they own them and some even take their damned time crossing. The laws of physics trump every man made law. Vehicles will never feel pain or die like humans. Go ahead and cross roads thinking you are superman, you will soon see otherwise.

  5. THIS IS SO SAD. My condolences to the family and God’s comfort to them as well. The young man who was driving suffers from bad fits. He had no right handling a vehicle but Transport board gave him his license. It was not an intentional accident but someone has lost their life from it. Something must be put in place to check more than someone’s “eye sight” to see if they’re capable of handling a vehicle. Once again, my condolences.

  6. Did not Ellis say speeding was not a factor. I mean if the lady did not sustain injuries by the vehicle running over her what else could be the factor. A driver adhering to the speed limit in a 15 mph zone would have surely stopped in time with minimal injuries. Talk about square pegs in round holes.

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