Woman bailed over death of police officer – but lawyer questions legitimacy of charges

Observer – The woman charged with causing death by dangerous driving following the collision that killed Police Constable Robert Dyer on September 4 made her first appearance in the St John’s Magistrate’s Court yesterday – but the mere fact that she was charged is not sitting well with her attorney.

Dayneri Ferrer Vincent-Urlwin is said to have been behind the wheel of a Jeep Wrangler that collided with Dyer’s motorcycle, resulting in the officer’s tragic death.

The incident occurred around 11.20am and Dyer was pronounced dead around 12.45pm. He was laid to rest on Tuesday.

Dyer was reportedly travelling from east to west on Sir Sydney Walling Highway when he collided with the jeep that was travelling in the opposite direction.

Reports further state that the defendant was turning right into Luna Park when she collided with the policeman who had just overtaken some vehicles.

The Hispanic woman is represented by attorney Wendel Alexander — formerly known as Wendel Robinson — who expressed doubt regarding the thoroughness of the investigation.

“I get the distinct impression that the motorbike itself has not been properly examined and it appears to me as if the police was just waiting for him to be buried for them to charge her,” he remarked.

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Dayneri Ferrer Vincent-Urlwin at the St John’s Magistrate’s Court yesterday

“You don’t charge a person because he [Constable Dyer] was a police officer and many police officers like him.

You charge him because you have evidence or witnesses who can speak to the manner of driving of the accused person,” he went on to assert.

“I am very doubtful that they have evidence that my client was driving in such a manner that was dangerous, having regard to all the circumstances of the case,” he further opined.

In light of these concerns, Alexander suggested a review of the case by the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) before proceeding further.

“A case like this should go to the DPP so that [the DPP] could examine the evidence and make an informed decision on the quality of the evidence that my client was driving in such a dangerous manner to be charged with causing death by dangerous driving,” he said.

Additionally, he recommended that a coroner’s inquest was a more suitable approach for establishing accountability.

The lawyer pledged to vigorously defend his client and further highlighted his intention to “fight tooth and nail” in her defence.

Vincent-Urlwin had initially been granted station bail upon her arrest, but the bail was revoked and replaced with a $50,000 bond — which included an $8,000 cash component — imposed by Magistrate Dexter Wason during her recent court appearance.

Additional conditions were also enforced, including orders to surrender her travel documents, provide two sureties, and report to a police station three times per week.

Furthermore, her driver’s licence was confiscated, and her next court appearance is scheduled for January 15.





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    • 🤷🏿‍♂️hmmmnnn! Marriage? 🤷🏿‍♂️Maybe, and he took his wife’s #Sir_Name?
      Or, just listen to ‘please Mrs. Robinson,’ by Simon and Garfunkel…


      If a marriage took place was #Washie or #Wannie scripted as, The Bride’s Made?
      Officiated by no other than, Prophet Madea, as Mrs. Doubtfire cried her eyes out.
      Dinero, and The Fockers from Barbuda were special guests

  1. …the name change is your main concern? The fact that this young lady may have been wrongly accused of killing someone is far more concerning! I’m aware that police corruption isn’t a new thing to anyone, but it is still more concerning than someone changing there surname. Please, people, can we get our priorities straight…

    • The courts will decide whether the young lady did anything wrong and there is nothing you or I can do about that. Alleging that she may have been wrongly accused is of no consequence as the courts will STILL have the last and only say on that. Alleging Police corruption is also not going to help this young lady get out of this charge. The courts will decide. So, in the end why not look at other things?

  2. @Half-lucky Black Cat…so why should you think your priority is the one everyone should subscribe to in this instant. What ought to be of priority to all is to all to mind their own business as in the case of you.

  3. At no time should the police to be in charge of such investigation and most importantly, or equally important, to determine whether probable cause exist to file charges.

    If you speak up, for the country to act in a reasonable and prudent manner, they will certainly deny your application in which they said you are overqualified and would be approved but then deny you saying you are not in the country when the temporary permit was issued while you were outside the country and they knew that.

    We still have to speak up on justice and stop forcing citizens to spend over $20,000.00 in legal fees to defend charges that should not have been laid because it is legally impractical or legally impossible and contrary to law for such charges to be laid at the time they are laid.

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