Police say the boyfriend of 33 year old Monica Phillip is assisting in their probe into the circumstances which led to her death Monday evening.
Law enforcers are probing reports she jumped from a moving vehicle to her death in the Big Creek area sometime after 8pm.
It is alleged the woman was in the vehicle being driven by her boyfriend with whom she was having an argument.
She is reported to have hurled herself from the vehicle and sustained several injuries; she was later pronounced dead at hospital.
Police are probing the death of a 33-year-old woman who allegedly jumped from a moving vehicle to her death in the Big Creek area Monday evening.
It is alleged the woman was in the vehicle being driven by a male with whom she was having an argument sometime after 8pm.
She is reported to have hurled herself from the vehicle and sustained several injuries; she was later pronounced dead at hospital.
Investigators have not released her name. STATE MEDIA
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Sad sad sad
Not another death of a beautiful Antiguan sista at the hands of a male – WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?
Heartfelt condolences to her family & friends. R.I.P Monica Phillip
Jumped from moving vehicle? Instead of waiting for the next traffic light? Yeah, right. More likely he got caught by passersby before he could dump the body over the side of the bridge and just made up the story. Must have never heard of forensics. A person who leaps from a moving car is going to have injuries consistent with that action. That person will also leave a trail of physical evidence where contact was made with the road. Blood spatter patterns from a tumbling fall from out of a moving vehicle are very different from those caused by a fist or held object. Even if a dead body is tossed out the vehicle, forensics can tell that the person was dead at the time they were thrown out. If you thought you could beat the woman to death and then just say she jumped out of your car, you’re going to rot in jail.
Very sad R.I.P
While acknowledging another unavoidable death just think about how many unavoidable deaths that have occurred over the last two years.
And I say unavoidable deaths because the Covid deaths which accounted for the most were due to people’s negligence, fear of the vaccine or anti-vacc due to conspiracy theories which resulted in the deaths. Other unnecessary deaths were due to ignorance with the accused regretting the act after the fact.
This is a time of pure evil. A time when the devil has raised his head seeking whom he may devour. It’s a time when everyone must be fully armored. Hence, seeking Jesus and reading His Word.
@Butch. Death by a virus is different from death by (alleged) murder. We all have to die, but how we live is also important. Living free and dying in peace after a short life might be preferable to some people to having a long life under tyranny. Dying accidentally because of freely made life choices might be preferable to dying due to the direct purposeful action of another. Apples and oranges. The jury is still out on the long term impact of the vaccines. Best to reserve judgement of people’s choices for a later time.
Also @Butch, most of the COVID deaths were due to old age and comorbidities, which are risk factors for most other illnesses and related deaths as well. Can’t do much about the age thing, but should we also force people to eat carrots to save their lives as well? And what about all the info on healthy living, Vitamin D etc., useful therapeutics that was actively suppressed and crazily labelled as “misinformation” by random journalists who lacked any proper credentials or data to make such a determination. Did that not also possibly contribute to avoidable deaths? What about the other deaths from other causes and social distress caused by spinoff effects of the pandemic management? No point in playing the blame game in this situation. Everyone has a right to access info from all sides and then determine what direction they want to take in life. Freedom of thought is important.
Finally, @Butch…
Please don’t mention God/Jesus’ name in connection with a vaccine that was derived through processes dependent on aborted fetal cells. I am not convinced that he would approve. The recent ease in fatalities has mostly been due to the natural random mutations from Africa that led to the less fatal omicron variant. That is how many similar pandemics also ended. In other words, it was an “Act of God” that seems to have “worked” thus far moreso than any of our human attempts at vaccines. Thanks be to God.
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