Will Antigua and Barbuda Keep It’s Promise For Referendum on Monarchy Within 3 Years Of Queen’s Death?


The Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Gaston Browne once announced that after the Queen’s death that he would call for a referendum on the country becoming a republic within three years.

Since the Queen’s death there has been no statement about replacing the monarchy.

Browne’s earlier statement is being recalled as the leader of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, suggested she still believes her country is likely to become a republic in her lifetime, although she has no immediate plans to instigate the process.

In addition to Antigua and Barbuda and New Zealand, the King is head of state for 13 other Commonwealth realms.

Jamaica is also expected to follow Barbados, which became a republic in November 2021 but remains within the Commonwealth.

However, the monarchy’s future role in some of these countries appears uncertain with the start of a new reign.

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, while signing a book of condolence at Lancaster House in London, said it is not the time to discuss his country becoming a republic but did not rule out a future referendum.

Ardern emphasized that despite potential changes, bonds will remain between Commonwealth nations as their relationships with the UK evolve over time.

Ardern, visiting the UK for the state funeral, remarked that the transition from Queen to King will not be “jarring” for New Zealand, given Charles’s familiarity and shared interests with New Zealanders. “It’s a transition, but it’s not a jarring transition for New Zealand,” she stated on the BBC’s Sunday With Laura Kuenssberg show.

Reflecting on why she believes New Zealand will eventually become a republic, Ardern noted the gradual evolution of relationships over time, a sentiment even acknowledged by the late Queen.

She pointed out the complexities involved, including the Treaty of Waitangi, and stressed that any move towards a republic would require careful consideration and time.

Ardern also reflected on her first meeting with the Queen, sharing a personal anecdote about balancing leadership and motherhood. The Queen’s straightforward advice to “just get on with it” resonated with Ardern, who was pregnant at the time.

Other leaders, such as Commons Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle and Bangladesh’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, also shared their reflections, underscoring the global significance of the Queen’s funeral and her impactful, motherly presence within the Commonwealth.

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  1. Prime Minister Gaston Browne will NEVER have a referendum to remove the archaic English monarchy, because people like him love boot-licking, deference, doffing the cap and bending the knee, unlike Mia Mottley and the Bajans who – rightly – kicked the English Monarchy to the kerb.


  2. becoming a republic under gaston browns ablp government is the worse possible direction Antigua could take. defer any referendum until that shark leaves office.

  3. Neo- Colonization, with an Asian twist; would seemingly be his ignoble bent: given his propensity for reaching for the perch as a puppeteer’s puppet. This gives him affirmation of his ascension onto the global stage of resonance, such as to enable his continued greed, of fleecing the People’s Patrimony and, extending his legacy of the introduction, allowance and, tolerance of apartheid practices to encroach on the bare essentials of the economic fabric of our small island state society. A Partisan is neither -Nationalistic or Patriotic.
    A Sell-out, self serving “Opportunist” is he : most definitely blowing hot air, and offering wishful pipe-dreams.

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