Urban areas have always been known for their booming rodent populations, particularly the big cities like New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago, just to name a few. And while these populations have always been pretty large, within the last year, the rat population has been booming in most cities. This might seem crazy, but there are many reasons that actually contribute to the booming rat population. Continue reading about why the rat population in urban areas has grown and visit pestcontrolrat.com to learn more about these nuisance critters.
Mild Winter
In most parts of the United States, there was a more mild than usual winter. While some areas experienced brief spells of frigid, highly dangerous temperatures and snowstorms, the vast majority of the winter was relatively mild. Since this was the case, rats were able to survive much more easily this winter. In addition to simply surviving, they were able to breed very rapidly and with great success, as they were able to remain warm and safe. In addition to the proliferation of their breeding, rats were also able to more readily find food, as they could come out of their warm nests and burrows more often to scrounge for food. Since rodents generally have to scrounge all winter just to survive, this must have felt like a very easy winter for them. It is important to note that rats often work very hard when there is a warm spell during the winter, stockpiling massive amounts of food. Then there are times where they might be half-starved before they can go to find food. All in all, warm weather most definitely works well with the improvement and enhancement of rat populations.
In most cities across the United States, coronavirus lockdowns were put into place, in some places for a couple of weeks, and many for months and months. In particular, New York City and the big California cities had extensive lockdowns. This might seem like it would kill off large rat populations, but it actually ended up enhancing the rodents’ ability to multiply and survive. Since many places of businesses, places of worship, and restaurants were empty for quite a time, this meant that there were no employees, clients, customers, or any other human present for quite some time potentially. For example, since there were no humans around, rats could get into these buildings and were not seen as they could have been usually. Since this is the case, rats were able to make their nests and find the perfect nooks and crannies to live in virtually every building. Being able to live in a warm building without humans around provides a perfect scenario for rats to survive and multiply very quickly.
In many big American cities, the year 2020 was full of stimuli that made people want to migrate to the suburbs and the countryside. This mass exodus of people from the big cities left multitudes of buildings open and ripe for the arrival of rats. Empty buildings, apartments, and houses lead to massive rodent infestations that will continue to grow exponentially until the carrying capacity of the environment is reached. The mass migration from the cities is one of the primary reasons that the big boom of rat populations occurred in many urban areas. New York City rats were one particular group of rats that benefited bigtime from several different factors that caused many New York City residents to leave.
Pest Control
All this talk about the booming rat populations of urban areas is slightly concerning to many homeowners all around the United States. Luckily, there are many simple ways to prevent these booming populations from making your house their home.
Tidy Up
It might seem crazy, but what attracts most rodents to your house is actually your yard in the first place. A quick way to decrease your yard’s attractiveness to rats is to keep your grass and weeds trimmed, as well as cleaning up woodpiles and other debris. These places provide great shelter and food sources for rodents.
Patch Your Home
When rodents are involved, there is only one real way to prevent them from getting into your home. You must thoroughly inspect your home to find any possible entry point for rodents, specifically looking for any holes, cracks, or gaps that could provide even the slightest chance of entry for rodents. If you find any of these areas, seal them with an all-weather sealant or stuff them with steel wool. Either way, you will be secure in knowing that your home will remain rat-free.
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Just kill dem damn rats by any and every means necessary. Kill dem all.
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