WHO urges countries to lift travel bans and not ask for vaccination proof for entry


WION: Even after a surge in Omicron cases, the World Health Organisation has urged nations to lift travel bans and mandatory vaccination for entry into countries. “The failure of travel restrictions introduced after the detection and reporting of Omicron variant to limit the international spread of Omicron demonstrates the ineffectiveness of such measures over time. Travel measures should be based on risk assessments and avoid placing the financial burden on international travellers in accordance with Article 40 of the IHR,” it said in a statement.

It further said that the state parties should consider a risk-based approach to the “facilitation of international travel by lifting or modifying measures, such as testing and/or quarantine requirements, when appropriate.”


Apart from this, the committee praised South Africa for their rapid identification of the Omicron variant.

Meanwhile, WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus had earlier warned global leaders that the Covid pandemic “is nowhere near over” adding that the Omicron variant is causing hospitalisations and deaths the world over.

“Make no mistake, Omicron is causing hospitalisations and deaths, and even the less severe cases are inundating health facilities,” Tedros said.

He further added, “Omicron may be less severe, on average, but the narrative that it is a mild disease is misleading, hurts the overall response and costs more lives.”

He also cautioned global leaders that “with the incredible growth of Omicron globally, new variants are likely to emerge, which is why tracking and assessment remain critical”.

(With inputs from agencies)

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  1. May we all start our day today with a PEACEFUL mind, a JOYFUL heart and with a LOVING relationship to the world around us. At the start of this new day we have an opportunity to create a new reality, so let us IMAGINE the world in which we would really like to live.

    “Put on the full armor of God so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places”.

    • Amen Angel, we’ve had our detractors surround us like the coronavirus itself, but we continued to stay STEADFAST and believed.

      In reality though, I was never deterred by the disparaging remarks of others on this thread, because all I ever wanted to do was give the other side of the narrative – a voice to the VOICELESS!

      Long may it continue …

    • We are fighting against what our free will has created. Don’t blame any devil. We have to treat nature and one another with more love which is. Justice in action. Take responsibility and all do better with our free will.

      • Who do you think is behind this level of EVIL AGAINST MANKIND … must be the devil Ms. Shirley …

  2. Tomorrow 180 cities worldwide will protest vaccine mandates including Washington DC (the largest coordinated, organized in the world)

    “The truth is like a lion. You don’t have to defend it. Just let it loose and it will defend itself.”

    • All a dem mild and only affects people with low enough Immune Systems… even some who thinks they strong enough… Just build your Immune System

  3. Dr. Robert Malone:
    “There’s Gonna Have To Be A Reckoning, The Science Is Settled On Forced Jabs”

    Ahead of a massive protest scheduled to take place in D.C. this weekend over the COVID-19 jab mandate pushed by the Biden administration, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson spoke with the inventor of the mRNA technology, Dr. Robert Malone. Although Dr. Malone is both a doctor and scientist, he has been silenced and censored for speaking against a drug that has shown to have little benefits when it comes to stopping the COVID-19 virus. And seeing no difference in the forced mandates, Carlson compared the Biden administration to not only imperial Japan but also Nazi Germany.

    Carlson detailed the events of the protest happening in D.C. this weekend before asking Dr. Malone, “I thought that we had a kind of consensus. I mean, after watching what the imperial Japanese army and the Nazis did in their medical experiments, I thought that American physicians agreed that compulsory medical care was unethical, it was immoral and it could never be imposed on anyone. When did we forget that?”

    Using Biden’s own words against him, Malone answered, “Apparently about a year ago, I think yesterday was when we must have forgotten that, although Mr. Biden prior to his election made clear statements that he wasn’t going to force vaccination.”

    For those wondering, on December 4, 2020, Biden told the press, “No, I don’t think [vaccines] should be mandatory. I wouldn’t demand to be mandatory, but I would do everything in my power.”

    Ahead of a massive protest scheduled to take place in D.C. this weekend over the COVID-19 jab mandate pushed by the Biden administration, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson spoke with the inventor of the mRNA technology, Dr. Robert Malone. Although Dr. Malone is both a doctor and scientist, he has been silenced and censored for speaking against a drug that has shown to have little benefits when it comes to stopping the COVID-19 virus. And seeing no difference in the forced mandates, Carlson compared the Biden administration to not only imperial Japan but also Nazi Germany.

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    In the video, which is featured below, Carlson detailed the events of the protest happening in D.C. this weekend before asking Dr. Malone, “I thought that we had a kind of consensus. I mean, after watching what the imperial Japanese army and the Nazis did in their medical experiments, I thought that American physicians agreed that compulsory medical care was unethical, it was immoral and it could never be imposed on anyone. When did we forget that?”

    MORE NEWS: Proposed In CA: Preteens Allow Adults To Inject Them With Experimental Drugs Without Parents Consent

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    Using Biden’s own words against him, Malone answered, “Apparently about a year ago, I think yesterday was when we must have forgotten that, although Mr. Biden prior to his election made clear statements that he wasn’t going to force vaccination.”

    For those wondering, on December 4, 2020, Biden told the press, “No, I don’t think [vaccines] should be mandatory. I wouldn’t demand to be mandatory, but I would do everything in my power.”


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    Dr. Malone also thanked Carlson for bringing up the past, since it was being replayed today. “Thank you for bringing up the Nuremberg trials, Tucker. They are crucial biomedical ethics matter. And this is frankly illegal and I’m so glad that the courts are making it clear. It’s unfortunate that so many federal workers and so many members of our military had been forced to take these products while they’re still experimental, against their will.”

  4. They’re simple cooling off the MAYHEM which they caused.
    It is as “white as snow in salmon,” as to what these Medium’s, Oligarchs and Plutocrats are doing, as their #Henchfolks/Overseers(Politicians and the Media) were producing and promoting their hell on earth.

    Never, ever, ever, ever forget their #MANTRA, “Out of Chaos, Comes Order;” as, the same ones who create and enact policies to cause CHAOS are the same ones WHO’RE responsible for the policies to bring ORDER, to the mayhem which they created.

    I don’t thank WHO nor any government for shit. I thank the Omnipotence of the One Universe which have being guiding and protecting me prior to their PLANDEMIC, during their PLANDEMIC and will continue to do so ‘forwarding into the future.’

    The ironic thing with WHO’s recommendation(s), they coincide(deliberately or not) with the FULL roll out of 5G and the META.

    #NEW #World #ORDER!

    • @Ras Smood
      Hegelian dialectic is ‘PROBLEM-REACTION-SOLUTION’ and how it works is like this:

      1) The government creates or exploits a problem in which attributes blame to others.
      2) The people react by asking the govt for protection and help (safety and security) to help solve the problem.
      3) Then, the government offers the solution that was planned by them long before the crisis occurred.

      What’s the outcome? The outcome of all of this is: the rights and liberties are exchanged for the illusion of protection and help.

  5. They’re simple cooling off the MAYHEM which they caused.
    It is as “white as snow in salmon,” as to what these Medium’s, Oligarchs and Plutocrats are doing, as their #Henchfolks/Overseers(Politicians and the Media) were producing and promoting their hell on earth.

    Never, ever, ever, ever forget their #MANTRA, “Out of Chaos, Comes Order;” as, the same ones who create and enact policies to cause CHAOS are the same ones WHO’RE responsible for the policies to bring ORDER, to the mayhem which they created.

    I don’t thank WHO nor any government for shit. I thank the Omnipotence of the One Universe which have being guiding and protecting me prior to their PLANDEMIC, during their PLANDEMIC and will continue to do so ‘forwarding into the future.’

    The ironic thing with WHO’s recommendation(s), they coincide(deliberately or not) with the FULL roll out of 5G and the META.

    #NEW #World #ORDER!

    …but, YAH kno Dead’
    …yes, YAH no Dead!
    …for, they came and accused I
    …yet, I n I didn’t blink an EYE.
    …as the Pineal, stood real
    …letting Babywrang know
    …fe sure, fu sure; who’s the real deal.
    …Rasta Live Up! Rasta no give up!
    …as, you live the life you love
    …and, love the life you live!

    Goooh Wey! Dutty Babywrang!

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