What is monkeypox and where is it spreading?


European and American health authorities have identified a number of monkeypox cases in recent days, mostly in young men. It’s a surprising outbreak of disease that rarely appears outside Africa.

Health officials around the world are keeping watch for more cases because, for the first time, the disease appears to be spreading among people who didn’t travel to Africa. They stress, however, that the risk to the general population is low.


Monkeypox is a virus that originates in wild animals like rodents and primates, and occasionally jumps to people. Most human cases have been in central and west Africa, where the disease is endemic.

The illness was first identified by scientists in 1958 when there were two outbreaks of a “pox-like” disease in research monkeys — thus the name monkeypox. The first known human infection was in 1970, in a 9-year-old boy in a remote part of Congo.


Monkeypox belongs to the same virus family as smallpox but causes milder symptoms.

Most patients only experience fever, body aches, chills and fatigue. People with more serious illness may develop a rash and lesions on the face and hands that can spread to other parts of the body.

The incubation period is from about five days to three weeks. Most people recover within about two to four weeks without needing to be hospitalised.

Monkeypox can be fatal for up to one in 10 people and is thought to be more severe in children.

People exposed to the virus are often given one of several smallpox vaccines, which have been shown to be effective against monkeypox. Anti-viral drugs are also being developed.

On Thursday, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control recommended all suspected cases be isolated and that high-risk contacts be offered the smallpox vaccine.


The World Health Organization estimates there are thousands of monkeypox infections in about a dozen African countries every year. Most are in Congo, which reports about 6,000 cases annually, and Nigeria, with about 3,000 cases a year.

Patchy health monitoring systems mean many infected people are likely missed, experts say.

Isolated cases of monkeypox are occasionally spotted outside Africa, including in the US and Britain. The cases are typically associated with travel to Africa or contact with animals from areas where the disease is more common.

In 2003, 47 people in six US states had confirmed or probable cases. They caught the virus from pet prairie dogs that been housed near imported small mammals from Ghana.


It’s the first time monkeypox appears to be spreading among people who didn’t travel to Africa. Most of the cases involve men who have had sex with men.

In Europe, infections have been reported in Britain, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Sweden.

Britain’s Health Security Agency said its cases are not all connected, suggesting that there are multiple chains of transmission happening. The infections in Portugal were picked up at a sexual health clinic, where the men sought help for lesions on their genitals.

On Wednesday, US officials reported a case of monkeypox in a man who had recently traveled to Canada, where authorities are investigating suspected infections in the Montreal area.


It’s possible, but it’s unclear at the moment.

Monkeypox has not previously been documented to have spread through sex, but it can be transmitted through close contact with infected people, their body fluids and their clothing or bedsheets.

Michael Skinner, a virologist at Imperial College London, said it’s still too early to determine how the men in the UK were infected.

“By nature, sexual activity involves intimate contact, which one would expect to increase the likelihood of transmission, whatever a person’s sexual orientation and irrespective of the mode of transmission,” Skinner said.

Francois Balloux of University College London said monkeypox said sex qualifies as the kind of close contact needed to transmit the disease.

The UK cases “do not necessarily imply any recent change in the virus’ route of transmission,” Balloux said.

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  1. 🔥🔥🔥 Pan the world 🌎🌍 signs and wonders,🔥🔥🔥⏳⏳⏳ only time will tell Jah help us all

  2. The last PLANDEMIC didn’t work out for the global elites and the pharmaceuticals, so it now looks like PLAN B is being put into place with the monkey 🐒 🐒 pox.


  3. Let me guess, the only solution will be an untested MRNA “vaccine” and a list of medications that all cost at least 700USD. They will all be manufactured by the same computer guy that’s been going around screaming about a possible outbreak of smallpox or something similar.

    Let’s think this time people. Anything can be turned into a pandemic with enough media coverage. The COVID death rate so far has been 0.3%, and that’s including all the gun shot / car accident / heart attack victims that just happened to test positive…not to mention the ones that were just fine until they reached the hospital…but that’s another matter

  4. Right at the same time when all the countries of the world will be meeting to decide whether to sign the Pandemic Treaty. This agreement will automatically give COMPLETE control of a country to the WHO in the even they decide to declare a new pandemic. They will have control over vaccine manufacturing and distribution as well require a new digital ID to do it.

  5. Bill Gateses decade of vaccines will usher in a decade of infectious diseases. In November 2021 Gates spoke about “bio terrorists releasing smallpox in say 10 airports.” So a simulation of a smallpox outbreak from a leopard biting a human will take place next month in Germany at the up coming G7 with the health ministers. JYNNEOS is an FDA approved non replicating smallpox/ monkey pox vaccine. The US government purchased $119
    million thus far. Octoberr 2019 in New York, Event 201 was a simulation of a coronavirus pandemic. July 2021 Cyber Polygon was a vituual simulation of a supply chain collapse. See a pattern or all just coincidences? There are 15 adult vaccines in the pipeline. The decade of vaccines runs from 2020-2030. Is Kill Gates a Sage or a Eugenics supporter like his father? How much did his wealth increase from the pandemic. His words “it’s a 20-1 return greatest investment I ever made.” But for Gates its not just about money, it’s also about control. He is of the belief that the world is overpopulated, and he see vaccines as one of the ways to reduce population. So if vaccines are supposed to save lives, how exactly do they reduce the population? Through sterilization, sickness and death. Gateses Father was a card carrying member of the Eugenics society which was rebranded Planned Parenthood of which he was a board member. It’s a win win for Kill Gates he makes lots of money while also reducing the population. There is a good article about the Gateses on TOTT NEWS
    tottnews.com : Search The Gates Family, Eugenics and Covid 19. Google censors use another engine.

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