What Every Driver Needs to Know and No One Tells You at Driving School


Everything that a person learns in driving school would be good enough to get them a driver’s license. However, it won’t be enough to prepare you for the real-life experience of driving. Starting to drive all alone is the real deal. Many people tend to freak out during such moments when it’s time to hit the road. If you ever feel this way, know that there is nothing to worry about since this is completely normal. Read on to know more about all the things they didn’t tell you in driving school. 

Your Parents May Be Good Drivers, But They’re Not Good Teachers

Being able to do something really well does not necessarily mean that you can teach it. Growing up with parents who are skilled drivers with clean records may be inspiring and give them the confidence to decide to let their parents teach them how to drive. This moment would be when a person realizes that their parents can be so skilled at driving, but are not able to explain how they do it. You will realize how your parents would be more focused on teaching you how to stay safe rather than how to drive safely. Ironically, this is not something that anyone at driving school would be telling you, especially with your parent’s skilled and clean driving record. 

No One Teaches You to Drive in Bad Weather

What are the odds of hitting the road during a bad weather day during your driving lesson? Probably none, if you don’t cancel your session during that day. Unfortunately, this cannot be in your favor by any means as it’s imperative to prep for when things get real. Driving on a bad-weather day can be very irritating, especially if you have never done it before or have no idea about the dos and don’ts. Usually, what people do when they start freaking out is to figure out how to close the windows, turn on the AC, figure out how the windshield wiper works, and so on. By that time, the people behind you would start angrily hooting their horns. 


The best thing to do when driving in such bad weather is to try to stay as calm as possible to get to your destination safe and sound. It’s important to learn about how the wheels handle asphalt that is either too hot or cold, different kinds of terrain, and what you need to do to have control of the vehicle in each of these circumstances.  

Multitasking Does Not Make You a Skilled Driver

A multitasking driver is one of the common misconceptions of being a skilled driver. However, it absolutely is not. Most car accidents happen because of a distracted driver. Unfortunately, multitasking is one of the bad habits that many drivers must put an end to. The accidents that occur because of this issue can cost the lives of many people, not just the driver. Nothing would happen if you pull over for a few moments and reply to a text, have a bite, finish your drink, or do anything else that you were going to distract yourself while driving windshield replacement

The History of Your Car

Unfortunately, no one tells you anything about the car that you are about to drive. You will find yourself getting all the knowledge that you wanted about your car after taking it for several rides. Apart from the car’s mechanism and specs, you need to know some history about your car. The experts at Carhistory.online explain that you can easily find out everything about the history of your car by gathering relevant data and uploading it online, and voila, there’s your report. These reports include all the records and information that you need to know about your car. Whether your car is old or new, you need to have sufficient information about it to be able to avoid any upcoming obstacles. 

Adjusting Your Rearview Mirror at Night

Many people up to this day do not know about the rearview mirror hack that can save your life. Thanks to technology, the rearview mirror comes with a nighttime mode. The next thing that you would probably do right now is to check your rearview mirror to see what you’ve been missing out on all along. If you do so, you might want to give it a try and go on a ride. You will realize how gentle it is on your eyes when the car behind you is hitting its high beam, not to mention that it provides you with a clearer sight of the vehicles behind you in the dark. 

How to Give Your Ride a Sparkly Shine

At the driving school, they teach you how to drive, but they most certainly won’t teach you how to give your car a nice wash. Having a dusty car can tell a lot about a driver, that is why you have to learn how to give your car a sparkly shine like a pro in no time. Most importantly, never doubt your skills in getting it done. Since this is one of the things that no one will tell you about in driving school, you might need to start building up your knowledge on that. 

When to Turn Off Your High Beam

If you are heading to a well-lit road, you need to keep your car lights down. Turning on your high beam would not be the best thing to do on such a road. After all, why would you want to keep a high beam on when there are lights everywhere around; keeping them on can cause harm to other drivers around. That is why you have to be responsible for taking care of your safety and the safety of other drivers and motorbikes. 


Graduating from driving school and earning your driver’s license can be a monumental event in your life. The real journey begins when you go on your first ride and start improving your driving skills. There would be many things out there that may not have learned back then when you were still learning. However, there is no need to panic at all. All you have to do at such moments is to stay calm and get to your destination safely. The more of these situations you get on your rides, the more experienced you become as a driver.

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