Wehner to begin legal proceedings against PM Gaston Browne


In response to comments made by Prime Minister Gaston Browne yesterday, Friday, August 9, 2019, via social media, George Wehner has instructed attorney Charlesworth Tabor to initiate legal proceedings against Browne in his personal capacity.

Wehner categorically denies the comments made and condemns the prime minister’s action in publishing them.  He is persuaded that the prime minister knew his comments to be untrue and that they were uttered in a calculated attempt to injure the reputation of Wehner and his family.

The untruthful and mischievous comments have since been widely published.

Accordingly, in an attempt to put a stop to the spread of this malicious gossip, and to punish those perpetuating the lie, Mr. Wehner’s legal representative will take immediate action on his behalf.

Wehner says he finds it ironic – and not a little contradictory – that the prime minister, who makes laws against cyber bullying, intimidation, and other such reprehensible behaviours, would himself be the chief offender in this regard, using the medium of social media to deliberately smear citizens whose support he does not enjoy.

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  1. Is Tabor alone went to law school? Wah happen to CHAKU WAKU?? Didn’t Lovell say “ebbry baddy muss nyam”?? So is Tabor alone to get all the lawyer fees?

    • @Have Mercy:
      Look at the Government high profile cases of a late.There is only one Law Firm getting those cases.It is owned by the Speaker of the House in Antigua and Barbuda.The name of that firm is Watt,Dorsett and Associates.Where were hiding then?In a cave.

  2. Smearing someone’s good name and moreso associating it with ills when the facts cannot be proven, is an unpardon sin in my view….. However, it is really that ungratefulness is even worst than witchcraft. It is for this reason why one needs to be very careful when sorrow is being extended to a magga dog, because that very same magga dog can come back and bite you…..

  3. No one should abuse the first amendment.The right to free speech.We in Antigua and Barbuda at times do so.If in fact the Prime Minister did impugn Wehner without facts.He should should apologized to him.Or face the consequences of his behavior in a Court of Law.One cannot and should not destroy another’s character without facts to support their arguments.What you say on Pointe FM and or your Social Media Page.Could come back to bite a chunk out of your behinds like a Great White Shark.In this instance it could.Just hoping the Public Purse would not be used to pay the verdict.

    • What first amendment are you talking about? Do you recognize that we are in Antigua and Barbuda and not the USA? Our Constitution has no amendments. Stop US nomenclature when speaking of Antigua and Barbuda. Please and thanks!

      • @Wash an’ Basin:At least you got the gist of my discourse.You seems to dwell on the First Amendment instead of the entire message.Take off your darn Political blindfolds.

        • Point out where in my post I mentioned anything about politics. I simply pointed to an erroneous assertion in your post, and your twisted mind somehow linked it to politics. It is YOU who need to remove your blinders.

  4. Well well well. How our memories are very short.
    Who was that constantly malign the PM?
    Tabor saying how he thief money from CIP. $500K missing
    Then he stole money from the Treasury $25 Million using his wife charity
    Then they encourage Ivena to sing about that and the PM warn her and she got sued. But to date you have not heard anything about this sue and Ivena is missing in action. I think the PM dropped the case giving the soft heart that he has.
    Then one of them posted pictures of some ABLP member with a cross from a riffle on them as if he was going to hit them. I guess all of that was normal. And everything should be allowed in the spirit of Free Speech.
    Now to see someone allegedly cashed a check and you seem to have the wrong person is such a sin. An unforgivable sin.
    Give me an perinea. Especially since the PM has already apologized and taken down the post. Good luck in court Mr. Wehner.

  5. LoL Mr Whener has injured himself. Not sure if his lawyer did not advice him to keep his mouth shout.

    Mr Whener has repeated the injured words numerous times on live radio broadcasts. Lol, his case will be thrown out on this single point.

    The PM can sleep comfortably. Next time Mr Whener, never repeat what was said to cause the injury because you also implicate yourself.

    This is elementary stuff…….

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