Wehner Reports: Beach Access At Indian Creek (VIDEO)

Indian Creek

The tranquil Indian Creek Beach, a favourite location for locals to picnic and enjoy the use of the sea, is now taken over by the investors of The Veranda and Hammock Cove Resorts in addition to the tens of acres of lands they acquired in the National Parks overlooking Fannys Cove and Tonnies Cove.

How many miles of beach within the state of Antigua and Barbuda have the Gaston Browne administration allowed to be alienated from the use and enjoyment of locals and handed over for the exclusive use of investors and their guests? How much longer will we allow this to continue? I am George Wehner …holding their feet to the fire …keeping them honest.

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  1. This is what happens when you have a greedy, lawless government. Why doesn’t Southwell do his damn job? What he can only mow down poor people sudden?
    All the more reason to remove Gaston Browne from office.

  2. Soon all the beaches will be non accessible by local… that’s what happens when both major parties are the same in principle…it creates a weak nation and coward people…

  3. This administration needs to go!
    They selling off our beaches.
    Greedy politicians!!
    Father in heaven deliver us from evil🙏🏽
    Thine will be done. Amen!

  4. It’s so sad that some of you are easily manipulated and fooled. Honestly, you all are so ignorant and incredibly stupid with your foolish political nonsense.

  5. You are all a bunch of nutters. Locals go to beaches and just leave their trash at least the hoteliers are cleaning them up

  6. This is totally unacceptable. Antiguans need to get radical. It’s time to fight steel with steel! It must be total war on these interlopers.

  7. We need to get our facts straight before we say chupitniss! Find out for yourselves. We are too gullible!

  8. @ Dexter Pelle

    Typical minion , trying to justify the injustice of this government by saying basically ‘both major parties are the same in principle’.


  9. @ Colombo

    Just SHUT THE HELL UP- ABLP has given away lots of local access to the countries beaches – to expatriates. Gaston/Robin/ Chet et al really preparing for life in retirement.

  10. And this is what hurt me, whenner is instigating militancy in civics, and the party is centrist, you listen both party and they are right wing centrist because they have the same handlers, that is white investors, so the party leaders depends on the public to voice this militancy, while they tip toe around their handlers who are the monied class of white, Chinese and syrian extraction, I know the upp will have better integrity in office but the nature of politics and politicians in the Westminster system they automatically become merchant politicians, where they become concerned about their longevity on office because of the largesse , which intensifies transactional politics with businesses and global corporation, none of these political party will stand up against white monopoly capital domination, after all we are children of a lesser god, we leave our gods and accept from our slave master a colonized god that alienate us by assuming superior ethnic extraction, this drives self hate of our black color, so we give all good things to the white people , if you get a new you leader and start all over again, the same thing would be done again, selling of beach front and all things nice to the white people, unless we develop some kind of ideology, let me not be angry because if the upp comes to office all that injustice will remain, have you ever heard upp talk of expropriation of land without compensation? No ! No! Because all politicians in Antigua centrist, after all they want to be like by the large white hegemony like the USA, and UK.

  11. At this point I really don’t care cause nothing gonna change. As long as I can work and earn my living they can do whatever they feel is justified.#going with the flow

  12. Whener is just a useless wash out, they kick him out of Defense Force for stealing and UPP throw him out because he useless. Now he run around Antigua pretending to care! We are not fools all you care about is yourself! Go back in your hole!

  13. It’s a shame that you’re calling yourself a born Antiguan. Until the people get radical and stand up for something things will never change. Another dunce element just said she or he just go with the flow. The time this government is finished this country will be slavery. Selling out everything and nothing will be there for the next generation. Until people take their head out of their a$$ they will be living in a communist country. No beaches should be private in this country the beaches are public. The hotel shouldn’t be allowed to privatize any beach get a pool on their property and leave out dam beach for us

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