Weaver Wants Fire Trucks That Actually Work


An inadequate number of vehicles is crippling the operations of the fire brigade Fire Chief Elvis Weaver has said.


The recent rise in the number of fires in both residential and commercial properties highlighted the need.


According to Weaver, the most significant need now for the department is firetrucks that are working.


“The only issues are the equipment especially trucks may be an issue now but the manpower is not too bad but we definitely need the equipment mostly good working firetrucks,” he said.


“As I continue to say this is a good time for the authorities to see how important it is that firefighters be firefighters and not fire police as we say in Antigua and Barbuda,” he added.


The island has seen a record number of fires during the month of April.


The government in its post-cabinet briefing says it too is concerned over the number of fires the island has seen.

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  1. I am still not clear as to what the problem is with the current firetrucks? Engine failure? Parts needed?

  2. Buying a fire truck is lovely. But what about training in the use of the same fire truck buy trucks without knowing the mechanical and technical workings defeats the objective. A fire engine is like an airplane it goes by type ratings. So please lets stop wasting government funds and putting the cart before the horse.

  3. Mr. Weaver I am so sorry that you need fire truck that is working. The fire trucks are over used the other day every where there was a motor vehicle accident fire truck is present even if it’s not needed.

    • Fire trucks don’t just put out fire they provide rescue operations as well that’s why they respond to traffic accidents.

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