It is now mandatory for persons to wear face masks in public or whenever they leave their homes.
The Ministry of Health Wellness and the Environment, in consultation with partners in the fight against the Covid-19 community spread, has been authorized to alert the Antigua and Barbuda public that all persons venturing into public spaces outside of their homes including to gas stations, supermarkets, pharmacies, banks, doctors’ offices, bakeries and all other essential services will be required to wear masks that cover their nostrils and their mouths.
The Ministry of Health and Wellness has taken into account developments in other countries and the views of experts suggesting that the wearing of masks appear to reduce the level of infections, in conjunction with social distancing, the washing of hands, practicing proper cough etiquette and the other hygienic practices at home and elsewhere.
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Cover nose and mouth….. eyes still expose…..
I am at home I have no mask how do I get a mask to go to the pharmacy?
Please explain will mask come to house?
It did not say to cover face and mouth with whatever material you have it said mask….. please help
Make one there are millions of videos on youtube of diy mask that need no sewing machine. An old t-shirt two rubber band or hair ties and a needle and thread.
Exactly! So many DIY mask on YouTube and on all platforms. Now is not the time to be difficult. Wear shades or goggles if you wish. It’s for your safety as well as mine.
Thats the stupid question i have heard in along time,i dont have a mask but for my own safety i will be using a piece of cloth
My friend this is a source of annoyance I can tell you. I don’t mean to sound flippant or nonchalant, but…
You hear:
1) Don’t wear masks unless you have the virus as it is of no use to anyone who doesn’t have the virus or symptoms
2) Then you hear only N95 masks are effective
3) Now you hear any material can be used and we all have to wear masks.
I give up. Soon they will have us all wearing cloths masks and goggles as if we are going to rob banks.
What’s next? Stick q-tips in your ears to prevent the virus from going into your ears?
Soon from now we will all be patting our heads while rubbing our tummies and hopping on one foot.
The mask (non medical) is to protect others from you, not you from them. The feeling now is since we know there has been community spread and persons can have covid without showing symptoms, best to assume you have it hence wear the mask. Wearubf the mask is also helps to prevent you from touching your face. Yes N95 would be better, but due to high demand by health workers, it can’t be given
I understand the wearing of the mask in any public place but the decision also said once you are in a motor vehicle. If I am driving by myself, I dont see the need really?
Also, we are not to put our fingers in our eyes because we can catch it that way. So if we cover our mouth and nose, doesn’t the air go into our eyes?
Since the N95 mask is not available, I think there should be some recommendations on the mask, like a could layer cotton. I saw someone today using a netted material, which does not help much.
I thought it was against the law to wear masks (disguises) in public in Antigua?????
I can’t hear my woman clearly when I drive with the mask and she can’t hear me either. Government needs to relax the cell phone no usage law so we can both text each other as we drive.
You complain too DAMN much . I guess you would like the Government to bring a MASK to your house. You are behaving worst than Children . In this crisis each Person should try helping Themselves. Get your own mask and stop being a SPOILT BRAT .Shame on You Melchisedec.
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