Watts questions justification for tax increases if Antigua and Barbuda’s economy is performing better than other countries

MP Watts/ Wayne Mariette photo

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  1. Mister gentleman, this is a brilliant question.

    Let us hear his answer and those of the pundits who are sent out to pontificate the rubbish. What a country we are living in.

  2. So so true, if as Gaston Browne says that Antigua & Barbuda is an economic powerhouse, then why the need to raise taxes.


    • @ Brixtonia

      So true. HE’S A LIAR, AND A FRAUD, AND ONLY LOOKS OUT FOR THOSE WITHIN HIS CLOSE-KNIT CIRCLE!’ and not the poor and desolate.

  3. Thought you guys wasn’t ready yet, but you on radio blabbing as usual. Hope on tuesday you show up, stand up and present something meaningful instead of just making noise, this guy is just loud.

    • @ Carvaa

      As usual, people like you are ”empty vessels”. Why don’t you defend what he’s saying?

      Of course you cannot because you cannot defend the indefensible.

  4. We must conclude, considering the derelict, dirty failed state that is Antigua and Barbuda, that Gaston Browne is a bona-fide lunatic. The man is obviously delusional.
    He continues to blame Covid-19 and UPP for his failure, but we know better.
    The man is an incompetent, gutless coward, refusing to go after the rich for withholding the country’s taxes.
    But where are the geniuses in the ministry of finance? How come they sit quietly and allow this dunce to embarrass himself and them? Cowards all of them. Just reprehensible cowards, sitting quietly as the nation sinks into oblivion.

  5. Dumb dumb Watts, you still don’t understand that economic growth and government finances are two different thing. And haven’t you heard that Antigua and Barbuda has the lowest Tax to GDP ratio. According to the ECCB it should be 25% and we are at 15%. That is one of the reasons why we are cash strapped. And don’t miss quote me Brix. Not the only reason. People like Brix need to start paying their business taxes. And don’t understate their income.

    • You read and learn:

      ”Keynesian school of thought, suggests that government spending accelerates economic growth. Thus, government expenditure is regarded as an exogenous force that changes aggregate output”.
      The honourable MP is right on target. If we are such an economic powerhouse then how can the country’s finances be in such a perilous state?

    • That’s a misnomer. Without pulling numbers out of the sky, we need to know why tax increases are imminent when we are doing better than probably the world, with the exception of Guyana (because of their chance find ). Tell us why, with the revelation of some three dozen projects that should have yielded thousands of jobs and scores of billions of dollars. The lunatic has several spokespersons, and spin doctors, all of whom will give us a different perspective on the same subject. Typical liars you are.

    • And in the meantime @ Sideshow doesn’t mention the economic elephant in the room, on how INFLATION is eating away at any possible gains.

      Gas gone up; food prices gone up; and worse still overall cost of living gone up, up, up!!!

      From the Sideline hasn’t got a clue about our REAL economic issues, he deals in OBFUSCATION, BAFFLEMENT and MYSTIFICATION.

  6. Common sense really. If, and we know Gaston Browne is a liar, the country boast 8.1% growth (notice its always some dubious ECLAC figures) then why the taxes?
    Sidey, Carter, Fitzroy are just dumbasses. Useless really to try reason with them.
    Just check this idiots track record of budget speaches. They’re like photo copies of each other. Just all kinds of fictional figures that don’t compute and exorbitant projects that never come to fruition. Let’s not forget that two weeks after bragging about fastest growing economy, Antigua and Barbuda was broke in 2020 and Covid-19.
    Nothing’s changed in 10 years. Just the same scene of a madman ranting meaninglessly.

  7. Is that a practice session for your rebuttal response?
    Let’s see how you in parliament to defend the people…

  8. Another relic from England, The Budget Speech is a ceremonial event. It has nothing to do with economic reality.

    You are highly mistaken if you believe that this event is going to have anything to do with reality

    • Absolutely correct Dwaine. Why on earth are we still following the UK’S ancient proceedings and financial measures?

      We just look silly and grabby, grabby for their recognition. Why?

      The UK at present, is in a right financial mess – isn’t Gaston Browne following international news?

      Doesn’t seem so …

  9. … They’ve lost Billions in revenue and jobs since moving away from the highly profitable European Union.

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