The activist group, Freedom Fighters is holding yet another picket.
This time, they want the state of emergency to be lifted, they are also opposed to the stricter curfew and other COVID containment measures.
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You call their actions nom sense and very stupid? For sure I suspect you born from the bottom,destroying the womb for the living thing give you birth…Antigua is full of IGNORANTS as you. Let’s others express themselves and not criticism,if you not have the vagi.. or the manho.. to signalling the authorities what’s is wrong…go and living in crappy countries like china, Myanmar, Emirates etc… up there a cockroach have more rights than a dammit human being RETARDED
Place these PUNCKS behind BARS.
If these people were white Americans they would be Donald Trump supporters.
They ARE Donald Trump supporters…same spirit. It’s getting ridiculous. They certainly are NOT “Freedom Fighters”.
Jamie they are some blacks who support trump also. To support him all you need is to be just dumb and dumb dumb are everywhere
These FREE DUMB DUMB FIGHTERS. They should be Jailed for not following the PROTOCOLS.
IM so disgusted with my fellow countrymen if they are Antiguans commenting here. This (male cow) poop is ridiculous. Wha arwe fu do call in on radio and bitch about all our issuses and in addtion our freedoms which are being stripped from us ALL by the devil masons and luciferians in hg places here and world wide???!!! High ranking actually alll freemasons are the scum of the earth even the damn preachers that in fact worship Lucifer and join the lodges with their dam guard rings. They’re a secret society because they hide truth of any kind they hold all positions of control and rank on this planet, but let me remind and even educate you. NOTHING HAPPENS WITH THE CREATOR’s KNOWLEDGE AND THEY ALLL WILL BOW TO HIM AND LAUGH AT YOU IdOTS before this is over. We are in end times and if you disagree, read your bible. The false Messiah is coming and you all are primed and ready to worship him. The world f full of trans- genders, humans now especially with you all Luciferase vaccine TAGS you all dumb asses. You now carry LUCIFERS mark which cannot be reversed, you are not recognized as humans god creation anymore! You think you know but you know nothing! Only fools can be fooled. Enjoy your new servitude while you keep wearing your INTERNATIONALLY RECALLED CANCER CAUSING GRAPHINE MASKS ! ! emancipate yourselves from mental slavery>>>
You are a CLOWN.
“Ah ya me born”, are smokin’ again? You are totally irrational, and your spirit is not from above. Get some help, and stay out of the rum shop.
It never ceases to amaze me,how some of you are blinded by Politics.People have a right to express themselves within the Laws of the Land. If they demonstrated to have that State of Emergency lifted. What is so wrong with that?
They will be trump supporters I here people are saying so who will be the trump here? Don’t be a hypocrite!
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