WATCH: Acting Chief Medical Officer Dr Teri-Ann Joseph gives details on active COVID-19 cases


Acting Chief Medical Officer Dr Teri-Ann Joseph says of 185 active cases, 86 are males and 99 are females and they range from ages 11 months to 82.

Seventeen of them are aged 0 to 11; 11 are between the age of 12 to 17; two of whom are from the 50 new cases.

Of the 50 new cases, 22 are males, 28 are females and includes 17 people who are between the age of seven and 11.

Of the 185 cases, 12 are imported and 123 are local transmissions.

Fifty-three (53) are unvaccinated, five are partially vaccinated, 21 are fully vaccinated, while 17 people are under the age to be vaccinated. One hundred and one (101) cases are unknown.

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  1. The government needs to lock down now and provide all workers and business with an allowance. Tax the multimillion dollar companies here 1% to pay for it. Everyone needs to get vaccinated, but the virus is already out there and it is the delta variant. The numbers of cases will very shortly become unmanageable. It’s no good talking about a magic bullet vaccine as a way of avoiding lockdown. You need both right now

    • Boss man gwan to live in ya basement and live out ya la la land fantasy. lockdown na frigging work all it does is cause more blasted hardships for ppl!!!!

  2. I just hate these caged, coriagraphed typed interviews with these puppets. They are just not learning anything about what they need to be doing. All of them are more concerned about maintaining their social status rather than truly engaging the public. The government has betrayed us and these party doctors are doing the same., just coming to say what the politicians want them to say. They should listen that clip going around with the PM of Barbados and hear what real leadership is. Im not interested in any dolled up doctors preaching for the government. Go out and engage the public. Hear all sides of the argument and sell your points with humility and facts. Distance yourselves from the government because the public does not trust them. You’ll never win this fight with force and taking sides. Everyone must be heard and treated with respect. We are tired of your political agenda doctors.

      • That person you referred to as stupid, has an opinion. What is your opinion on the subject matter? I would like to hear it.

      • It was quite chilling to hear the CMO as she elequently out line this grim information on covid figures among the youths it is evident my question to you why does the information was not reveal to the public before if we have all those children affected would the contact chasing among the children be more difficult the public should have been informed.i find the information quite strange sometimes I wish that we were in countries that are real when people could be hang

  3. Getting the FACTS supported by actual DATA was really good. Facts DO NOT NEED DISCLAIMERS !!!


  4. It was a brilliant presentation made by the acting CMO…. Mr. Belford there is no one at the moment here in Antigua & moreso at ABS can walk in your shoe….. I was on on the fence wondering whether or not I should be vaccinated. After last evening presentation I had no other choice but to throw in my towel and get vaccinated…….So Doc count me among those who are vaccinated…. It is definitely the wisest & best choice to make.

  5. How come as soon as the Pfizer vaccine arrived in Antigua we have seventeen children with covid. Hope this is not a strategy to scare parents into vaccinating their children. I need some of the parents with covid positive children to come forward.
    The other observation is that Pfizer has so many vaccines available now when quite recently they said none would be available to certain countries until next year.
    Read today that the Pfizer vaccine approved in the states this week is not the current one but a new one they are manufacturing as the current one is not protecting the vaccinated from the virus.
    If you believe in God start praying as we have no protection from this virus.

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