The Police have issued a Wanted Bulletin for the immediate arrest of Conroy “Connie” Jones, who is alleged to have armed himself with a cutlass and viciously wounded the 27 year old mother of his children on September 16.
The incident took place at Bird Road Ottos. The woman was rushed to Mount St Johns Medical Center with multiple chop wounds about her body and was said to be in critical condition and had to undergo surgery.
Jones, a Jamaican national, is believed to be armed and is considered very dangerous. Police are appealing for him to immediately surrender himself at any police station, accompanied by his attorney or a family member.
“The general public is WARNED NOT to make any attempts to engage this person if seen, but instead contact the Rapid Response Unit at 764-2310\464-3938, or call the Criminal Investigations Department at 462-3913 or 462-3914 without delay,” a police statement read.
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Is Jamaica the exporter of criminals or what?
What benefit are these people to our society?
There needs to be some kind of vetting of individuals we let in to Antigua.
Arrest, convict, jail him, but take your hatred of Jamaicans out of your mouth. Are there no Antiguans in any jail anywhere?
They all seems like bad bunches nowadays! Send them home.
I – I cannot better than agree with you and I’ve being saying so for the past 17 years.
Hope they deport him. Time to weed them out.
CSME says we have to let them in criminals and all. When the tourists stop coming at least they have somewhere to go back to.
You don’t here how some of them get in.
Why so ignorant? Read up on the CSME before making such claims. As for losely saying Jamaicans in general I beg to differ. I however agree that justice must be served swiftly, let’s lock him up and deport him quickly. He means himself, the baby mother, Antiguans and residents or other law abiding Jamaicans any good.
most are criminals
That isnt necessary.
THESE ppl come to antigua think and say “ANTIGUA soft dem police are soft”….idk the welcoming sign n mat needs to be taken back ….this is why the American government said THEY dnt want idiots coming to their country they want intelligent n resourceful immigrants…..
Every other day a JAMAICAN is in the news …negatively
I hope the new chief immigration officer is paying attention a meeting with cabinet police commissioner to comsider stronger vetting procedures…look what the last one did ( NOTHING”) jus wipe she foot on antigua then moved to greener grasses …
We have to do better…
Maybe you need a new Chief Immigration Officer from Jamaica who can know who the bad ones are to prevent entry.
Jamaica crime rate has gone up to 1400 people murdered so far for the year. I love Jamaicans but something is wrong with you people. Always so quick fight and kill
Hey guy, stick to this fellow. Nothing is wrong with us.
So this is what a PUNK ASS COWARD BIOTCH looks like??? Oh Ok. What a flipping COWARD with a toilet paper brain.
@ANR – Please, please refrain from using such a derogatory and degrading term and in the headline at that. How about “child’s mother” “the mother of his son/daughter” instead of that awful term.
@real talk. …how is baby mother a bad term?
I agree that people who commit such offenses should be return to their homeland. One bad apple spoils the whole bunch and we’re way past one bad apple at this point.
And the term “babymother” is offensive to many many woman @Davenport. “The mother of his child or children” would’ve been more appropriate across the board.
What’s ALL the excitement over the slang “baby mother”…
Its,a slang used in America i think it originated from jamrock.
Y …many oman love it …im so n so bbmother LIKE being a bbbmother is an achievement dem so proud to be called bbmother ….
Not WIFE ..bbmotherrrrrr!!!! Not HUSBAND..bbdaddyyy!!!
Its up to individuals to correct persons who call them that if they feel disrespected…..
It did originate in Jamrock, Baby Madda, baby fada. Definitely not a term of endearment.
Not all Jamaicans are bad just like not all Antiguans are good. We have good and bad in every nationality. Unfortunately Jamaicans are labeled. Smh not cool, some people want to be and are not Jamaican acknowledge who you are. My kids are of Jamalcan and Antiguan parentage if they mess up its on them not what they are
One will always know a fool by their actions, their words or their attitude, please be reminded of the fact that criminality has no nationality, your sons or daughters could be the best today and tomorrow they’re harden criminals, let’s pray for one another and make the Caribbean a better place, after all we all came on the same boat who knows probably from the same tribe.
So true
Jamaicans should be seriously screened before immigration allow them here. … most of the jamaican men in Antigua should be deported.
That true because all kind of thing happening now Lord have mercy we need Jesus more than ever right now
Jesus is coming soon can’t. We see or we bind to the truth we need to pray for each other all of us have sin in. Some way and every action have a consequence yes but juge who is us to juge pray for the young man that he will turn him self in with out the police have to look for him because if the police have to look for him he will be a dead herin
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