Walker says late-hour transfers to Barbuda’s voting list are suspect, since claims and objections process was not observed


Trevor Walker, the Barbuda People’s Movement (BPM) Candidate, said that his Party has not seen a voter’s list with the names of the persons who requested a transfer from Antigua to Barbuda.

On Tuesday, January 10, Walker reported that – in a Carnival-like atmosphere – dozens of Antiguan residents had flocked to the registration unit on the sister-island, attempting to get onto that constituency’s list for the January 18 General Election.

Walker asserts that no one should be allowed onto the list at this stage, but he understands that these persons had requested transfers to the Barbuda register – although he does not know how long ago.

He says the BPM’s issue with these transfers is rooted in the Representation of the People Act, which requires any person wishing to get onto any voter’s list to go through a process that includes claims and objections.

Walker says the more-than 40 people seeking transfers hail from the St. John’s City West constituency – where Antigua Labour Party candidate Gaston Browne is the incumbent – as well as St. Mary’s North and South.

The BPM Political Leader says those names must also be published in a timely manner, so that members of the public can scrutinize them and then file claims and objections, if necessary.

To his knowledge, the names of these persons have not been published.  Therefore the BPM has not had an opportunity to contest them, Walker says – in spite of a representative of the Antigua and Barbuda Electoral Commission (ABEC) claiming otherwise.

He adds that there appears to be an attempt to pad the voters list in Barbuda in favour of the Antigua Labour Party candidate.

Walker says there is continuous registration in Barbuda, as in the case on Antigua; so he cannot understand why someone from the Electoral Commission had to travel to the sister-island to oversee the transfer process.

This move is suspect, in his opinion, he says.

Walker states that this many people should not be seeking to get onto the Barbuda list at this “eleventh hour” before the January 18 elections.

Meanwhile, the BPM Candidate says the law is specific about where the Elections Registers should be published; and if ABEC is using only its website as a medium for publication, this goes against the law.

In the meantime, the BPM is gearing up for a legal challenge to this situation, an Walker says that any plans to steal the elections will not be allowed.

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  1. Walker need to take a seat , find out how many of his supporters got onto the list at this eleventh hr, before he run his mouth and shoot himself in the foot.

    Just saying.

    • @ White Rabbit/ Just saying

      Why Walker should take a seat you wicked and EVIL ABLP……..EVERY ELECTION YOU ALL TRY SOME TRICKERY TO WIN THE ELECTION, now as Colin James informed, you are actually paying people to transfer from constituency to constituency to enable those marginal seats with a chance of taking the seats……ABLP TOO TIEF……THEY CAN NEVER WIN AN ELECTION ON MERIT , ONLY WITH HANDOUTS, like paying for gas for the participants in the motor case and paying people $200 to transfer from one constituency to the other.


  2. Me want to why the Alp so desperate by doing all them foolishness.
    Buying out people.taking them ID from them
    A you really want fu win jack.
    Because jail a hang over a you head
    Whole ton a witchcraft a go on.
    A other 5 years with this party.
    A we go burry because a we done dead.
    Lord have mercy on us.
    Only you a lone can help.
    But I know you stronger than witchcraft.
    So wat ever u alow to happen you are in control.

  3. Walker is a joker. They missed claims and objections by a day. Jan 9 but showed on the 10th. Sloppy planning. They didn’t expect that Knacyntar would have been so fiery and sound.
    He is challenging a list of new electors when he, himself lives in Antigua for many years
    They’re in for a rude awakening.

    • @Dave Ray….. that is what is killing Trevor. He never expected Miss Nedd to roar as loudly as she did!

  4. Mr Walker is correct to be concerned about these late developments. Look how Gaston ‘Devious’ Browne has everyone watching him closely. It’s not only the citizens of Antigua & Barbuda, but his political opponents and former colleagues as well.

    Every which way you turn with this duplicitous Prime Minister, there’s somebody always wanting to know the way he conducts himself or how he governs.

    Don’t worry yourself my fellow citizens, the 18th soon come … 🗳

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