Villa Man in Custody Following Latest Homicide
A 38 years old man of Villa is currently in police custody assisting the police with their investigations into the alleged murder of 36 years old Christopher Smithers of Friars Hill Development.
It was reported that Smithers and the alleged suspect were involved in an altercation, during which, he allegedly armed himself with a sharp object to stab the deceased.
Smithers was transported to the Sir Lester Bird Medical Center, where he succumbed to his injury.
He was pronounced dead at approximately 6:45 pm.
The police have are in the process of interviewing a number of people whom they believe can further assist them in their investigation.
The alleged incident occurred on St. Johns Street around 6:23 pm on Tuesday 1st March 2022.
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Wowwwww……. condolences to this beautiful soul family…and death to the suppose vagrant….. did the deceased hit him…did he lay hands on him 1st so this useless ornament had no choice but to defend himself…….wowwwww stabbing ANYONE multiple times shows ANGER… WHO knew yesterday was gonna be his last day upon the earth a life of substance ended so viollently and for what?????…
Mental health seems to be always the excuse been used…
Could someoneplease kill all mentally troubled persons and also used MENTAL HEALTH AS THEIR EXCUSE TOO.
if you “tummuck” is so big, then consider reducing calories, exercising or getting your “tumock” stapled like Asot Michael.
you big tumock might end up kill you if u dont ease off all the food.
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣☺️ its easier said than dine but im tryin
It is sad when u speak of the mentally ill persons like that. Let’s hope that no one who is related to you or even you become mentally ill. You will then know what a mental condition is all about……. Remember today is mine, tomorrow will be yours…… Of course I am not condoning the act that has been perpetrated, but those who are Mentally ill needs more respect
Mental health my bft:
You desire to kill people with mental illness? Where did your heart grow in a bucket of coal?
Your wishes make you sound em mentally ill.
Is it reallly mental health or just plain LAZINESS ….
Have they been evaluated to be mental or jus fukkin LAZY & ENTITTLED..KILL THEM UR SORRY SCUNT PROBLEM SOLVED.
Is it reallly mental health or just plain LAZINESS ….
Have they been evaluated to be mental or jus fukkin LAZY & ENTITTLED..KILL THEM UR AND YOUR SORRY SCUNT ….PROBLEM SOLVED.
Maybe a mental health smaddy will kill Gaston.
Let me tell you, this is just the tip of the iceberg. A police officer was killed by a mentally Ill man, then Jane finch by a mentally Ill woman and now smithy by a mentally Ill man and all in a very short time frame. Gaston what r u going to do about this? Antigua is full of mentally Ill vagrants all over the place like epicurean parking lot, woods parking lot, village walk parking lot, st Johns town, its rampant. You can’t get out of your car without being harassed by them for money, it’s got to stop. Now they r getting violent and killing. But as they say, they have rights too so you can’t trouble them too much, it needs to be addressed and done so with immediacy, they are now arming themselves with knives etc so they can hurt you when they feel like.
go back into your hole “gordon Kennedy”
Hope you are not next!
Ok move over then “really” and I will join u in there, u waste of time 😂
@Really wow
Mental decline is seemingly quite perennial
Kennedy I agree this reality is of serious concern. As for that “really” commenter are you for real? A life was taken by a “mad-p” and that is the best contribution you have. SHAME!
Yes plenty merntal case in villa. PM you were to fix this since 2014/6 You were to look out for your neighbours not just your blood.
Sir Molwyn as Health minister responsible for mental hospital & fiennes has failed the elderly and the insane aka himself ( geriatric & psychiatric) . Take back the dam knighthood and give it to the minister of helps!
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