Vigil Held For Ajay Johnson

Mother speaks at candle light vigil

Scores of residences from Hatton and surrounding communities held a vigil on Saturday to celebrate the life of 4-year-old Tamaya Thompson aka Ajay Johnson who lost her life recently.


The child lost her life in a freak accident after allegedly jumping from a moving bus only to be caught under its wheel.


The mother of the victim expressed thanks for the support received during the difficult time.

“I want to thank everyone who came out and support me, during my time. It’s not easy. I want to let each and every one of you all know I love you.”

“I had four kids but she was the special one. I know what I been through while giving birth to her. It was painful bringing her into this world and it was more painful losing her.”

Tributes came from grandparents, friends and other villagers.


No date has been set for Ajay’s funeral.

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  1. This is absolutely sad- i hope God will give the parents the strength to go on and also to free themselves from guilt.. Now may not be the time to express certain sentiments,but i will and hope it reaches some other parents so there will never be a recurrence of such tragic event.. Parents/guardians ,Children ought not to play in the street,especially on a main road. This isn’t the 70’s& 80’s,there are just too many Vehicles on the road these times..Children ought not to be allowed to fondle with keys and mechanics of a MOTOR VEHICLE,whether an adult is in it or not.Just like Gun’s should always be out of their reach,so should be the Keys to any vehicle. We can make silly mistakes and move on,but we can never redo life,such mistakes should be avoided at all cost…

  2. This is just heartbreaking. I do not know the family, but my heart goes out to them. I imagine they will forever ask “Why?” and replay that scene many times over and over and over again. The saddest part of the story is what the mother said: “…It was painful bringing her into this world and it was more painful losing her”

    My goodness. I cannot even begin to imagine what it feels like to lose your precious baby. My hope and prayer for the family and community is STRENGTH and HEALING.

  3. I’ve seen alot of child tragedies over the year but this one really affected me. I felt this pain. Not sure why but it was tough to even see the news report. My prayers are with you and you family. I also hope the father doesnt blame himself. It could have happen to anyone.

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